don't get me wrong i still love america it just seems that it should be doing better.
the u.s. should be living up to the standards that were set when the country was made.
'in order to create a more perfect union'
they created and wrote down rules so that all may benefit by them. read them so you know what the u.s. should be and why it falls so desperately short of that goal.

The Emperor Is Naked
it doesn't take much time to see throught the thin vail of misinformation and realize that you've been hoodwinked.

here are a few sites to help you do just that... see the other side of the "truths".

Counter Punch: A non-corporate news paper

Noam Chomsky: "The man" when is comes to describing the u.s. government

Palestine: when, where, how, and what, but still no why...

Occupation101: A documentary on the basic principles of U.S. foreign policy under the control of industrialized military

Greatly Over-rated Dieties: Understanding the Religous Reich

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