

An Annotated     Catalogue of the

Bee Species of the

Indian Region







      Genus Ancyla Lepeletier


           [Family Apidae, Subfamily Apinae, Tribe Ancylini]




  • Ancyla Lepeletier, 1841: p.294; Type species: Ancyla oraniensis Lepeletier, 1841, monobasic.

  • Plistotrichia Morawitz, 1874: p.134; Type species: Nomia flavilabris Lucas, 1846 = Ancyla oraniensis Lepeletier, 1841, monobasic.


S. No.

Name of Species with Author & Year

Distribution OR

Collection Site 

1. asiatica Friese, 1922: 66 [=Plistotrichia flavilabris Lucas, Morawitz, 1874: 135 miident.] Beirut (Syria), Kleinasien, Adana


cretensis Friese, 1902: 106 [=Ancyla acretensis kilikia Warncke, 1979: 189] Kreta (Griechenland), Tarsus (Turkei)


holtzi Friese, 1902: 105; [=Ancyla holtzi anatolica Warncke, 1979: BMCSNV 30: p.191] Süd-Morea bei Kalavryta, Ankara [Turkey], Peloponnese, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Iraq


nitida Friese, 1902: 105 [=nitida var. nigricornis Friese, 1902: 106] Griechenland, Tarsus (Turkei)
5. orientalica [Warncke, 1979:  BMCSNV 30: p. 185, 187, 190] Banias/Syria, Adana [= a specimen labelled as Ancyla lyrata Baker MS holotype male from Adana at MNHNP, Adana (According to Baker, D. B. 1998 p. 837.)]
6. stolli Friese, 1922: 66 Beirut (Syria)



























Species distribution: Mediterranean area from Spain and Morocco east through northern Africa, southeastern Europe (Greece, Bulgaria) and southwestern Asia to Iran and the Caucasus, and south to Sudan.

Go to Subfamily Apinae



Political territories have been mentioned as such (as   mentioned  by original authors): Burma [Present day Myanmar], Ceylon [Present day Sri Lanka], Bengal [Present day East Bengal  in India and the present day Bangla Desh], Punjab  [western part of the state is the present day Punjab in Pakistan].       




Dr. Rajiv K. Gupta

Department of Zoology

Jai Narain Vyas University

Jodhpur 342 005, India

Ph. +91-291-272 6666

E-mail: [email protected]



Visit "An Updating Bibliography of the Bees of the World" by the same author for the authors' linked references mentioned in this document.







Inaugural release 26 Sept., 2003                                                          Website Created and Maintained by Dr. Rajiv K. Gupta



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