

An Annotated

Catalogue of the           

Bee Species of the

Indian Region





 Subfamily Colletinae Lepeletier


[Family Colletidae]



The subfamily is of fairly wide distribution in all over the world except Arctic and antarctic. Bees of this subfamily are quite uncommon or in some areas absent in moist tropics. Except for the genus Colletes, the Colletinae are austral, being most abundant and diversified in temperate areas of Australia and South America. Genus Scrapter is exclusively found in South America. Subfamily was earlier subdivided in Colletini and Paracolletini (Michener, 1944 & 1989) later reunited (Michener, 2000). Important publications rearding phylogeny can be consulted Alexander and Michener (1995) and, with regard to nesting biology are Michener and Lange (1957), Michener (1960), Rozen and Michener (1968).


S. No.

Name of Genus with Author 

Included subgenera   and [no. of species]



Genus Brachyglossula Friese, 1929 (not Boisduval, 1829)

-                                 [4]

Bolivia and Argentina (provinces of Misiones to Catamarca). Flower record: Mainly Cactus.


Genus Callomelitta Smith, 1853

-                               [11]

Tasmania to northern Queensland, west to Western Australia. Most species are from eastern Australia.


Genus Chrysocolletes Michener, 1965

-                                 [5]

Queensland, New South Wales, Northern Territory and Western Australia


Genus Colletes Latreille, 1802

-                             [330]

Except Australia almost all parts of the World


Gennus Eulonchopria Brèthes

a. Ethalonchopria Michener,1989           [2]



b. Eulonchopria Brèthes s.str.                           [3]

a. Bolivia, Southern Brazil, Eastern Colombia [2 sp. both by Vachal, 1909]

b. Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil


Genus Glossurocolletes Michener, 1965

-                                 [2]

Western Australia


Genus Hesperocolletes Michener, 1965

-                                 [1] [Hesperocolletes douglasi Michener, 1965: based upon 1 specimen by T. Rayment]

Labelled from Rottnest Island but Michener (2000) presumes from Western Australia.


Genus Leioproctus Smith


Australian and South American Continents


Genus Lonchopria Vachal, 1905


Australian and South American Continents


Genus Lonchorhyncha Michener, 1989

-                                 [1]

[Lonchorhyncha ecuadoria (Friese, 1925 under Diphaglossa)]



Genus Mourecotelles Toro & Cabezas, 1977

a. Hemicotelles Toro & Cabezas, 1977           [2]


b. Mourecotelles Toro & Cabezas, 1977 s.str.   [8]


c. Xanthocotelles Toro & Cabezas, 1978         [11]

a. Coquimbo, Chile to Santa Cruz province, Argentina

b. Bolivia, Chile and Argentina


c. Catamarca & Mendoza provinces, Argentina, Chile


Genus Neopasiphae Perkins, 1912

-                                 [3]

Western Australia


Genus Niltonia Moure, 1964


[Niltonia virgilii Moure, 1964]

Brazil [visits flowers of Jacaranda]


Genus Paracolletes Smith, 1853

a. Anthoglossa Smith, 1853                          [8]


b. Paracolletes Smith s.str., 1853                          [8]  

a. Western Australia [1 from Victoria]


b. Southern Australia



Genus Phenacolletes Cockerell, 1905

-                                 [1]

[Phenocolletes mimus Cockerell, 1905]

Western and South Australia


Genus Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville, 1828

-                               [31]

[Eardley, 1996 revised & Friese, 1924 keyed]

South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe


Genus Trichocolletes Cockerell, 1912

a. Callocolletes Michener, 1965                           [1]

[Trichocolletes pulcherrimus Michener]


b. Trichocolletes Cockerell s.str.           [22]

a. Western australia





b. temperate Australia











































































*  - 33 subgenera of genus Leioproctus have been recognized from Australian and South American Regions. Among them subgenus Leioproctus s.str. is common to both area. Leioproctus Smith, 1853 is represented by 125 species in  Australia [113 recorded by Cardale 1993), Tasmania, New Zealand, New Guinea, Misoöl, Lord Howe Island. A single species occurs in Santa Catarina, Brazil.


Other subgenera alongwith their distribution and number of known species [in parenthesis] are listed as :     


South American subgenera-  Cephalocolletes Michener, 1989 [1] from Tucuman to Mendoza, Argentina; Chilicolletes Michener, 1989 [2] from Chile; Glossopasiphae Michener, 1989 [1] from Brazil; Halictanthrena Ducke, 1907 [1] from Brazil; Hexantheda Ogloblin, 1948 [1] from Paraná, Brazil and Misiones, Formosa in Argentina; Holmbergeria Jörgensen, 1912 [2] from Mendoza and Santiago del Estero, Argentina to Paraguay;  Kylopasiphae Michener, 1989 [1] from Tucumán to Neuquén in Argentina; Nomiocolletes Brèthes, 1909 [5] from Rio Negro province, Argentina and Bolivia to Ceará in northeastern Brazil (xeric area); Perditomorpha Ashmead, 1899 [45], quite abundant in temperate South America on both sides of the Andes; Protodiscelis Brèthes, 1909 [5+] from Paraíba to Paraná in Brazil & Paraguay, Melo (1995) further reported this subgenus from Argentina & Bolivia; Pygopasiphae Michener, 1989 [2] from Argentina; Reedapis Michener, 1989 [3] from Chile; Sarocolletes Michener, 1989 [9] from Argentina; Spinolapis Moure, 1851 [3] from Atacama, Chile and Neuquen province, Argentina; Tetraglossula Ogloblin, 1948 [5] from Buenos Aires, Argentina; Torocolletes Michener, 1989 [2] from Central Chile.


Australian subgenera- Andrenopsis Cockerell, 1905 [4] from W. Australia to Victoria & southern Queensland; Baeocolletes Michener, 1965 [3] from W. Australia to New South Wales; Ceratocolletes Michener, 1965 [2] from Western Australia, Queensland and New South Wales; Cladocerapis Cockerell, 1904 [9] from Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia to southern Queensland and disjunct area in southwestern Australia; Colletellus Michener, 1965 [1] from Western Australia; Colletopsis Michener, 1965 [1] from Western Australia; Euryglossidia Cockerell, 1910 [22] from south of latitude of southern Queensland; Exocolletes Michener, 1965 [1] from New South Wales and Western Australia; Filiglossa Rayment, 1959 [4] eastern Australia from Victoria to southern Queensland; Goniocolletes Cockerell, 1907 [21] from temperate Australia (not in Tasmania); Hoplocolletes Michener, 1965 [1] from Sydney, Australia; Lamprocolletes Smith, 1853 [18] from Queensland to Tasmania (described under Nodocolletes by Michener 1965 & Cardale (1993); Nesocolletes Michener, 1965, [5] from New Zealand; Odontocolletes Maynard, 1997 [8] from Western Australia (northern territory) and east in Queensland; Protomorpha Rayment, 1959 [5+] from dry areas of north to central Queensland; Urocolletes Michener, 1965 [1] from Western Australia.


*1 - A total of five subgenera are grouped under genus Lonchopria Vachal. They are namely, Biglossa Friese, 1906 [9] from Western Argentina, Bolivia, Peru to Colombia; Ctenosibyne Moure, 1956 [1] Paraná in Brazilian Plateau; Lonchoprella Michener, 1989 [1] from Santiago del Estero and Catamarca, Argentina; Lonchopria Vachal, 1905 s.str. [3+] from Atacama to Los Lagos, Chile; Porterapis Michener, 1989 [1] from north to Coquimbo, Central Chile.



Colletes Latreille is the lone genus known so far from our specified "Indian Region". Click on the name of the genus to open the concerned webpage.



Dr. Rajiv K. Gupta

Department of Zoology

Jai Narain Vyas University

Jodhpur 342 005, India

Ph. +91-291-272 6666

E-mail: [email protected]



Visit "An Updating Bibliography of the Bees of the World" by the same author for the authors' linked references mentioned in this document.







Date of release 31 May, 2003                                                          Website Created and Maintained by Dr. Rajiv K. Gupta



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