

An Annotated            Catalogue of the                

Bee Species of the    

Indian Region





 Subfamily Megachilinae Latreille


[Family Megachilidae]


This subfamily is equivalent of the Megachilidae of most authors, i.e. those who have not placed the Fideliinae in the Megachilidae. It is a large subfamily, of fairly wide distribution in all continents. The subfamily has been further subdivided into five tribes, namely: Lithurgini, Megachilini, Osmiini, Anthidiini and Dioxyini. The smallest is Lithurgini and the largest is Megachilini as far as the number of genera concerned.



Tribe Lithurgini


[Family Megachilidae, Subfamily Megachilinae]





S. No.

Name of Genus with Author 

Included subgenera   and [no. of species]



Genus Lithurgus Berthold


a. Lithurgopsis Fox, 1902                   [11]


b. Lithurgus Berthold s.str. 1827          [22]

a. North America [absent in northeastern part],  Argentina, Costa Rica [absent in tropics]


b. Eurasia, Africa, Australia and intervening islands ind includes all of the Old World species




Genus Microthurge Michener, 1983 -                           [4] Buenos Aires, Argentina to Bolivia and São Paulo, Brazil
3. Genus Trichothurgus Moure, 1949 -                         [13] Deserts of Argentina, Chile and Peru













Go to Tribe Osmiini


Go to Tribe Anthidiini


Go to Tribe Dioxyini


Go to Tribe Megachilini




Dr. Rajiv K. Gupta

Department of Zoology

Jai Narain Vyas University

Jodhpur 342 005, India

Ph. +91-291-272 6666

E-mail: [email protected]



Visit "An Updating Bibliography of the Bees of the World" by the same author for the authors' linked references mentioned in this document.






Date of release 31 May, 2003                                                          Website Created and Maintained by Dr. Rajiv K. Gupta



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