
An Annotated

Catalogue of the

Bee Species of the

Indian Region





 Subfamily Xeromelissinae Cockerell


[Family Colletidae]


The subfamily has been further subdivided into two tribes, namely: Chilicolini & Xeromelissini. Both are restricted to Neotropical region and some of the important references towards phylogeny of the group can be consulted from Michener (1995).  Larvae of genus Chilicola were described by Eickwort (1967) and those of Chilimelissa were characterized (as Chilicola) by McGinley (1981). Nestings of some included species were described by Herbst (1922); Claude-Joseph (1926) & Eickwort (1967).


Tribe Chilicolini




S. No.

Name of Genus with Author 

Included subgenera   and [no. of species]



Genus Chilicola Spinola


a. Anoediscelis Toro & Moldenke, 1979                   [16]


b. Chilicola Spinola s.str. 1851             [4]

c. Chilioediscelis Toro & Moldenke, 1979[3]

d. Hylaeosoma Ashmead, 1898     [8]

e. Oediscelis Philippi, 1866                    [20]


f. Pseudiscelis Friese, 1906                      [2]

a. North in the Andean countries to Colombia, Malleco, Chile, Mendoza, Argentina; Costa Rica to Mexico


b. Chile



c. Santa Cruz, Argentina



d. Northeastern Brazil


e. Osorno, Chile, Argentina & Brazil (not in the Andean region north of Chile)


f. Provinces of Salta & La Rioja in Argentina


Genus Xenochilicola Toro & Moldenke, 1979 -                             [3] Tarapacá to Santiago in Chile

















Tribe Xeromelissini



S. No.

Name of Genus with Author 

Included subgenera   and [no. of species]



Genus Chilimelissa Toro & Moldenke, 1979 -                         [19] Antofagasta to Nuble, Chile and to Santa Cruz province, Argentina


Genus Xeromelissa Cockerell, 1926 -                           [1] Desert areas of southern Peru (Arquipa) and northern Chile (Tarapacá)








Dr. Rajiv K. Gupta

Department of Zoology

Jai Narain Vyas University

Jodhpur 342 005, India

Ph. +91-291-272 6666

E-mail: [email protected]



Visit "An Updating Bibliography of the Bees of the World" by the same author for the authors' linked references mentioned in this document.







Date of release 31 May, 2003                                                          Website Created and Maintained by Dr. Rajiv K. Gupta



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