Last update: 06/18/2001
Volume 12 << Angel's Gun >>

At the entrance of Fering Mesa Weldede, Yoh and his friends decided to fight with Haoh's henchmen. One of them is Boris, who called himself a vampire. During the fight, Lyserg got controlled by Boris. However, Ryu managed to defeat Boris.

Before Yoh can ask anything about Haoh from Boris, X'Laws, a group of five shaman with their guardian angles appear and kill Boris. Yoh was very upset with X'Laws.

Finally, with the help of Manta, Anna and others arrive at the entrance of Mesa Weldede. They found Haoh wait for them at the entrance. Haoh told Anna to be hurry, so that Yoh can be stronger and shall help him in the future.

At the end of the volume, Yoh and his friends found their way to the entrance of Patch tribe!

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