The iPhone 5


The iPhone 5 comes in two distinct colors: White and Black

There were several changes with the new iPhone 5. The biggest changes were:

  • The dock connector and headphone jack are now located at the bottom of the phone.

  • Larger Screen. Dimensions for the iPhone 5 are:

  • For AT&T Customers: It has a nano sim. The Sim Cards with the iPhone 4 and 4S are not compatible with this device!
  • The iPhone 5 comes in three sizes 16GB ($199, $399, $599); 32GB ($299, $499, $699); 64gb ($399, $599, $799). The first price is the 2 year contract price, the second price is the early upgrade price and the last price is the no contract purchase price.


For more information and technical specs you can view this site

Updated 11/12/12