One More Try  

Me, Lee, Simon, Duncan, Antony and Lucy were out in the pub. Lucy and I went to sit down, pretty soon the lads came and sat down with us. Lee came and sat next to me he put his arm around me and said "Here's your drink babe." "Thanx Lee." He started kissing my neck. Antony and Lucy were kissing as well. "Oh get a room will ya?!" Duncan and Simon said. "Oh shut up just cos we're in love and you two are sad and cant get dates" Lee replied. "Duncan's got his eye on someone. I found a song and it's really soppy and stuff" Simon smirked. "Who is it then?" I asked. "No-one. I was just a bit lonely that's all" Duncan said quietly. "Yeah right" we all agreed. Lee moved my strap and started kissing my shoulder. "Lee you cant go any lower" I whispered. He put his hand on my leg. Later that night Antony, Simon and Lucy were really drunk but Duncan wanted another drink so I said to Lee "I'll make sure Duncan gets to his hotel alright then I'll come home I promise" "You better had. I don't want you wandering around on your own" he gave me a kiss and took the others back. Duncan said "I do fancy someone really" "Do you who?" I asked. "You" "Duncan your drunk. You don't know what your saying" "Yeah I do" "come on while I make sure you get back okay" he started kissing me I pushed him off "what are you doing you need to get some sleep so the drink will wear off I wont tell lee just lets get you home okay" "okay" he agreed I walked him up to his room and said "good night Duncan" he kissed me again and I kissed him back I walked outside I looked up Duncan blew me a kiss I smiled up at him I got to mine and lee's house I got in and there was slow soft music on low ,candles lit, petals leading a trail to our bedroom I followed the trail there was a note and a bag I read the note it said "look in the bag put it on and I'll be out in a minute" so I looked in the bag there was a playboy dress I put it on lee walked out of the en-suite in his clothes he said "hmmm you look nice" "do I really lee why did you get this I prefer! a nice romantic night cuddling up on the sofa in our pj's not wearing this can I get changed please" "yeah okay then" I got in my pyjamas lee got in his boxers we sat on the sofa and started cuddling there wasn't much on the t.v so lee turned it off he started kissing my neck and he picked me up and took me to our room "lee stop it I need to tell you something" "what's up" "lee if I tell u this u cant stress out deal" "depends" "lee promise me" "ok" "Duncan Tried it on with me when u left the pub" "u stopped him though" he asked upset " yeah but when I walked him home he tried it again and I let him" "ez how could u u've ruined everything now" "lee please-"but before I could say anything else he hit me with his hardest punch 


I woke up on the floor my face really hurt I had a flashback of what had happened there was a heavy knock on the door "who is it" "its lucy and Ant u said come round at 10 didn't ya can we come in" "yeah hold on a min" I walked to the door and unlocked it "Erin wot u done" "nothing does anybody know where lee is" "no isn't he here" "no we had an argument last night" "did he do that" "no way lee wouldn't have done that to erin I know him" "well ant u don't know him that well cos he did" "wot were u arguing over any way" "well u know last night I stayed at the pub with Duncan he came on to me and I stopped him then when we were walking to his flat he tried it again-oh I'm goin to be sick" I ran to the bathroom lucy followed me "Erin wots wrong with u u've been like that for about two weeks now come we're goin to the doctors" "no I'll be fine" "no u wont know come on" "I look like a scrubber" "well put some trackies on and a clean top u'll be right" "fine" I got changed had a w! ash we sat in the car and headed to the doctors I sent lee a text 'lee please come home I miss u loads and that thing wiv dunc was nothing I'm sorry u mean da world 2 me I luv u plz cum home I acted like a muppet I'm really sorry' we arrived in the doctors I was called in pretty soon as the doctor is my uncle he ran a few tests on me "erin can u phone lee because he needs to hear this aswell" I got my phone and pressed call on lee's number "lee" "no lee's asleep at the moment erin" "can u wake him up and ask him to come to the doctors a.s.a.p" "why wots wrong" "that's the thing the doctor wont tell me unless lee's here as he needs to know also" "he'll be there I'll make him he will forgive u trust me" "thanks mrs Ryan" I hung up "he'll be about half an hour I'll go and wait for him outside" "the doctor said lee needs to be there then he'll tell me" "my mum said I need to meet u at the doctors why what's wrong" "he'll only tell me if your with me see ya later lucy" "see you later erin" "yeah laterz" 

"do u forgive me yet lee" "yeah I mean it's not your fault your sexier than any girls he can get and you did have a drink but it was mainly him" he kissed me and grabbed hold of my hand we walked in the doctors office "erin we ran a few tests on you and it turns out your pregnant" "I'm what" "I'm going to be a dad how many months is she" "well lets have a scan erin lie here" I did as he said lee had hold of my hand the doctor put gel on my tummy and put a machine on "here are your babies" "don't you mean baby" "no your expecting triplets" "god I must be good" "lee shut up how far gone am I" "you seem to be four and a half months" the doctor wiped the gel off and I was allowed to go when we got out lee picked me up and spun me "we're going to be parents I cant believe it I need to tell everyone" "come on then lee u ring simon and your mum and jem tell to meet us at ours I'll ring dunc and ant and my mum right" "dunc its erin meet me and lee at my plac! e in half an hour" "why" "well we'll tell u then bye" "ant can u and lucy meet us at ours in half an hour" "yeah what did the doc say" "I'll tell you then bye" 'mum can u cum at weekend cos ur expecting three grandkids luv erin' I sent my mum a txt message "well is everyone meeting us at the house" "yeah" "we need to decorate a nursery and three rooms" "yeah but not yet ok wait a while" "I know I cant believe it I'm going to be a dad to three beautiful kids if they look like their mom" I blushed when he said that.

we got home I tided up a bit lee saw me he said "erin what r u doing u need to rest u cant be cleaning up u need to be careful I don't want anything to happen to u or my kids do I now" "well u wont tidy up will u" "yeah now I haven't got a choice have I" the doorbell went I got up and let everyone in "what's going on why do all of us need to be here" "chill lucy we need you all here" I said as they all sat down me and lee were stood there in front of everyone I car! ried on "well your all here because I'm going to need all the help I well we can get" "what's going on erin" "well mum your going to be grandma jem your going to be an aunt and the rest of u guys are going be uncles and aunts to three kids" lee said and the whole house was full of screams apart from Duncan who walked out "lee I'll go and speak to him" "I'm coming with you" "lee I'll be fine he wont try anything I promise I'm carrying your kids ok"" how do u know their mine" "I've only slept with u I wouldn't sleep with any one else" "okay" I walked out "what the hell is the matter with u" "u first u push me away then u let me kiss u now u expect me to be an uncle to his kids I don't want to be an uncle I want to be a dad to your kids" "Duncan u know how I feel about lee" "no I don't" "I love him with all my heart and he is the father of these kids" I said as I put my hand on my tummy "so u can either be an uncle or nothing to do with them dunc its your choice and just so u k! now I wont leave lee for all the money in the world let alone u he is my everything ok" I walked in the house "are u alright honey" "not really I'm going for a lie down I feel a bit dizzy" "go on then babe I wont be long ok" I got up to our room.

I must have fainted on the bed because when I woke up I was in hospital my mum and lee were outside the room the doctor walked in "nice to see you awake miss Campbell" "what happened to me" "you fainted if lee hadn't found you well you could have had a miscarriage" "did I" "well we're not sure but we'll do some tests just to make sure" "please can I see lee and my mum" "yeah I'll just get them u need to rest for a few days" "so that means I cant go out for my birthday that sucks" "hey babe glad to see your ok" "yeah so how are my unborn grandchildren" "the doctor says I could have lost one or all of them they have to do some tests" I was crying by this point "awwww come on babe don't cry u still have me and nothing and no-one will co! me between us now ok" "lee do u think I'll be out for my birthday" "yeah why" "invite some ppl round and we'll watch movies all night" "I cant believe ur only 18 on Friday" "yeah she acts so mature she'll be a great mom and u lee will be a great dad I'm so proud of u erin" "I hope I am a good dad and I know erin will be a great parent" later in that day Jen, Sadie, Danni and Holly came by to see me so did lucy, ant, sy even dunc came to see me Duncan apologised for being ungrateful and selfish I was allowed out of hospital everything was ok with my triplets or so every one thought and all my friends came round for my birthday even dunc and Sadie started going out with each other 4and half months later "Lee babe wake up argh argh Lee" "what whats the matter" "I think I'm going into labour that's whats the matter" lee quickly got ready and grabbed my bag I got in the car lee drove me to hospital I got in the hospital at 2 o'clock in the morning and I was in complete agony until it got worse " lee whats happening" "you've just given birth to 2 girls and a little boy" "well why is the pain still there" "there's another head" a nurse shouted "what lee whats happening" "we've got another baby" "push" the nurse shouted "I am pushing" I'd just given birth to three more boys "I am so tired now" "no wonder you've just given birth to six beautiful baby's excuse nurse how did everyone miss three other baby's" "well when we did the scans we always saw three baby's and we didn't look what they were as you both didn't want to know we are truly sorry for our mistake" "erin is falling asleep I'll get the kids off her" lee walked over to me and put all six baby's in their cots "ez go to sl! eep I'll let everyone know your all ok u need some sleep if everyone's visiting tomorrow which they will" he kissed my forehead I fell fast asleep lee rang everyone they were so excited they couldn't wait to see me and the kids.

when I woke up I saw lee fast asleep with his head next to me I sat up and started playing with his hair one of the baby's were awake I got out of bed picked her up "I'm going to call u Sophie" "well wot about the others wot r we going to call them" lee said "I've got the names I want but wot do u want" "I don't mind but this other little princess has got to be chloe deal" "deal right now then how about Scott for u and James for u Daniel for u and last but not least u my little angel lee yep lee jnr he's going to be the charmer with the girls I'll tell u that now that's why he's named after his daddy" "I can't believe I'm a dad to six stunning baby's just like their mom" " no way lee jnr, Scott, James and Daniel all look like their dad yes they do" I ! said putting on a baby voice "miss Campbell u have visitors would u like to see them" the nurse asked politely "yes please" with that lee's mum , my mum and lee's sister walked in "oh erin they are beautiful wot more could a nana ask for eh" my mum chirped "bro wot r u calling them" I climbed back in bed "lee bring them over here out of their cots" "here's my first little princess Sophie" lee sed grinning "oh Sophie" his mum sed with happiness "then there's my second princess of course chloe" "how did I guess bro" "lee I want lee jnr over here I want to show how much he looks like u babe" so he passed me jnr and we passed them round to their blood family after about two hours they had to have a feed and our family had left the nurse came in with the bottles for me and lee to feed them "do you need any help" "yeah please" lee had to go so the nurse helped me feed them "I wouldn't mind having a kid with him" she said "I know and I'm glad I have" we started talking and laughing! lee walked back in "what are you two laughing at eh" "nothing I'll leave you two alone I'll come back in a few hours erin" "ok thanks for the help" and she left, lee walked over to me and said "wot were u laughing at eh" "nothing y" lee kissed me passionately "what was that for lee" "cos you've made me the happiest man"

The week after Lee came to pick me and our six babies up and take us home he got a new car and four other nurses helped us taking the babies to the car lee put the babies in the car he was going to be a great dad I know he is the kids love him already "come on babe u need to get in as well u know" lee said taking my thoughts away "oh yeah" I walked round to get in the front "we're going to ant and Lucy's that's if your up to it" "yeah course I am how is everyone" "they're fine you've forgotten what day it is haven't u?" "why wot day is it" "it's Joe's birthday" "oh god I've not got him anything" "calm down I've got everything I've got something u can change in to and I've got the cards and presents so just trust me ok" "ok who r u and where's my boyfriend" "I'm right here honey" we got out of the car lee knocked on the door whilst I was getting the car seats out lucy ,Sadie ,dunk and ant came and helped I got the prams out lee came out and got the prams of me "get three of them and I'll put these up babe" "okay" so I went to get three car seats lee was on his way to get the other three they were all asleep then I heard Sophie crying "awwww shush come on soph be good girl for daddy eh" then she stopped crying I was amazed "lee wot did u do to make her stop crying" "I just smiled and pulled a funny face then she stopped" "it's going to be hard when your in another country or away for a while cos I'll be on my own with our babies wot am I supposed to do when they all start crying" "god wouldn't have given you six babies if he didn't think you could do it erin" "oh my god sy I've not seen u for ages babe" "I know but lee told to get off that holiday of mine cos you'd given birth plus he only rang the other day" he said breaking away from the hug "it feels weird being a parent doesn't it lee" "yeah but good weird" "yeah come on lets get these babies inside lads" "yeah lets go where it's warm ant picked the right day to have a bbq didn't he eh" "yeah" Lee agreed we got in Joe came running up to lee "uncle lee" "hiya Joe happy birthday mate" "yeah happy birthday jojo" "yay auntie Erin's back are these my new cousins" "yeah they are Joe" lee said "lee can u and simon keep an eye on them while I get changed" "awwww can I not come with you" "no lee I'll be back in a minute ok" "ok" he picked up chloe "he just can't keep himself away can he" lucy said "no it's cos he's great with them they love him already can I just go and get changed luce" "yeah no probs hun go on" I headed upstairs i got changed and went down we started eating our meal and lee got on one knee and proposed...


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