Blue Cave Croatia

The Blue Cave, also known as Modra Špilja, is a stunning natural phenomenon located on the island of Biševo. Its mesmerizing blue light, created by sunlight reflecting off the sea floor, attracts thousands of visitors each year. Learn more about this enchanting destination on our site.

Entrance Fee & Ticket Prices

Planning a visit to the Blue Cave? Find out about the entrance fees and ticket prices. Understanding the costs ahead of time can help you budget for your trip and ensure a smooth experience.

What is the best time to visit the Blue Cave?

Timing your visit is crucial to experiencing the Blue Cave's full beauty. Discover the best times to visit and what to expect during different seasons.

Can I rent a boat to visit the Blue Cave?

Explore your options for renting a boat to visit the Blue Cave. Whether you're looking for a private tour or a shared experience, you can find all the necessary information.

Blue Cave Tour From Hvar

Experience the Blue Cave with a tour from Hvar. Learn about the various tour options, what they include, and how to book your adventure. A tour from Hvar offers a convenient and exciting way to explore this natural wonder.