Title: Twisted

Author: Silver ([email protected])




Twisted 4 - Lecturing Scott (Scott's POV)

By Silver


It's official, I've royally screwed up now. Jean's pissed at me, Remy's pissed at me, both have said in no uncertain terms that they're tired of the way I'm acting. And now, once Remy tells her what I said, Em is gonna hate me too. Maybe I should get a shirt made that says "I'm a pathetic fucked-up freak" on it. While I'm at it, the back can say "And hey, I'm a fucking one-eyed mutie too!"
"Non, cher, ya ain't eit'er of dose."
"I said that outloud didn't I?" I ask, embarrassed as I look up at Remy's sad face.
"Oui, ya did." I go to say something but Remy looks as if he's going to say something else, so I wait. "Don't got lotsa time cher, Remy very tired and wanna go ta sleep, so jus' listen, 'kay?"
"Good. Remy didn't have de right ta snap at ya like dat earlier. An' Je suis tres desole. Remy didn't mean what he said, so jus' come ta my room tomorrow and we talk, oui?" He bites his lip nervously, like I'd turn him down or something.
"Yeah. It's a deal." He smiles and turns around, walking off before I can say anything else. I sigh as once again he melts into the shadows. Like a cat, graceful and silent. A beautiful, sexy, red-eyed cat.
"Damn Summers, you've got it bad." A voice says from close by me. My hand goes up to the controls? of the visor I'm NOT wearing. "Chill out Slim, it's me." A figure drops from the trees and I sigh.
"Damn it Em, don't do that!"
"But it's so much fun." She smirks and leans against one of the supports on the porch, sliding down until she's sitting facing me. "You're a gigantic idiot, you know that?"
"I don't need this right now." I retort, pulling myself to my feet. She grabs my arm and yanks, offsetting my balance and sending me sprawling on the steps.
"Might not need it, but you're gonna get it, even if I have to hold you down and pound it into you."
"Stop glaring at me like a five year old and listen." I let out a deep breath and turn my head away from her. "Fine, be a three-year-old, I don't really give a damn. I just want to tell you the same stuff I told Remy. You've both had rough childhoods and been dealt a horrible hand in life, but it's made you stronger?if slightly bitter."
"I'm not bitter!" She just gives me a 'look'. "Ok, so maybe I am a little." I amend.
"Good, now that we agree, may I finish?"
"Rather you not." I reply truthfully.
She stands and shrugs. "Have it your way, just don't go sulking when Remy avoids you because you're too much of an ass to try to work through this."
I jump up and grab her arm, keeping her from leaving. "No, wait, I'm sorry. Really."
"All I have to say is this: Stop thinking with your head and start thinking with your heart. You've been Mr. Perfect, Cyclops, for too long, you've forgotten how to be just Scott. And Remy's forgotten how to be Remy. Stop putting up a front and start letting your shields crack. You might get burnt, but it's better to take a chance and learn it isn't to
be, than to shy away and spend your life wondering what might have been."
She's making sense, but I don't get it. "Em, I thought you loved him."
"I do."
"Then why are you doing this?"
"Because I do."
"Do what?" She's talking in damned riddles.
"Love him." She sighs exasperatedly like I should have known that one.
"I've always loved him, always will. Sometimes I love him so much it hurts."
"Then why are you trying to hook me up with him?"
"Because you have the ability to make him happier than I ever could." She replies. Then, she smiles sadly and is gone. Just disappears into thin air.

"Face it Summers, you have had way too much action and not enough sleep lately, you're starting to hallucinate." I mutter, popping the kinks out of my back and starting to head back up to the mansion. I'm almost to my room when a hand taps my shoulder and I spin around to find myself looking right at the top of a dark blonde head. I glance down and sigh. "What do you want Bobby?"
"Can we talk?"
"Now?" I snap, wondering what kind of trouble the kid has gotten himself into. He looks as if he's about to go, then raises his head defiantly.
"Yes. Now. It's important."
"Fine." I sling open my door and motion for him to follow me in. Flipping the light switch I fall back on my bed and he takes the desk chair. "Spill it Drake."
"What's wrong with you and Remy?" I was expecting him to tell me he was failing another class or didn't understand today's lesson, definitely not * that *
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that I've known there was something going on between you two for a long time." I raise my head to stare at him.
"And what makes you say that?"
"Oh come off it Scott! I've seen the looks he's thrown at you and the way you seem to follow his moves. Even through your visor I can tell. After all I know all about hormones and forbidden desires, I dealt with them
long enough before I got the guts to talk to John." He holds up a hand to stop me from interrupting. "I'm not through. I don't know all that's been going on, but I had to help Jean move her things out of here today and
then I saw Remy come in here and not even bribing him with a glass of his favorite wine could cheer him up. So I want to know what the fuck did you do to my best friend?"
"Jean moved out?" This was news to me. I look around the room and notice her things are gone. "Damn it!"
"What do you expect? If my boyfriend had been screwing someone behind my back I would have done a lot worse to him than just move out. Maybe freeze his?" He trails off and my eyes widen behind my glasses.
"Well, I'll make sure to mention that to John. I'd hate for him to lose his?equipment."
"That's not the point. I'll ask once more, what. The. Fuck. Did. You. Do. To. My. Best. Friend?"
"I fucked up ok Bobby? I'm a fucking pathetic loser who just hurt the only people who've ever cared about me. Is that enough of an answer for you? I couldn't figure out what I was feeling so I hurt the one person I care about the most, and no, I don't mean Jean either."
"Do you love him?" He asked quietly, all the venom gone from his voice.
I glanced up at him and sighed, rubbing at my face. "Honestly? I have no clue. He's not just a fuckbuddy. He never was, even when all we did was have sex and then go to our own rooms without saying anything. But love? I don't know. Em already made me think about this tonight. Said something about how I needed to figure out what I felt."
"Em? You've met Em?" He sounds shocked.
"Yeah, I know her." Intimately, I add silently to myself. "How do you know her?"
"Hardly any of the teens here don't know Em. Remy volunteers to supervise us and then turns us loose with her." His eyes widen. "Oh fuck. I didn't just say that outloud."
"It's ok Bobby, your secret's safe."
"Thanks Scott." He yawns and looks ready to fall over.
"Bobby, why don't you go to bed?"
"Ya know, that might not be such a bad idea..." He rubs his eyes and stands, moving over to look down at me. "Just don't fuck with his emotions. Figure out how you feel and tell him, because if you lead him on, you might just wake up one morning feeling very frigid."
"Calm down Popsicle. When I figure it out, he'll be one of the first to know. Now go away." He nods and has his hand on the doorknob when I say something else. "Hey Bobby?"
"Where the hell did the practical joker Bobby I know and tolerate go?"
He just kind of grins at me. "Mars. This is his evil twin, the resposible, intellectual, world-wise Robert."
"Well, Robert, could you stick around more often? But not too much, that maniac twin of yours has kinda grown on me." He's laughing now.
"I could try Scooter. But?" He pulls this ridiculous face and looks at me in mock horror. "No? no?" Then gets a mischievous glint in his eyes.. "Hi Scott! I've grown on you? He likes me, he really likes me!"
That gets a smile from me, and then I start to laugh. Trust the kid to chew me out, threaten me, then make me laugh all in the space of ten minutes. "Get outta here Drake."
"G'night Scott." Then he's out the door and shuts it quietly behind him.


TBC in Part 5

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