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By Djinn

I feel a bit strange giving recs because I don't read as much fanfic as I should. My time is pretty limited so I find that most of it is spent reading the fanfic that is posted on my list Enterprise and Beyond . Fortuntately this is an anything goes list as far as fic goes so I've read some really great stories there. When I have a extra time, I venture over to ASC to see what is new and different. Or I go read the Voyager Virtual Season 7.5 . (Gotta give them a nod because this is a series of stories with real plots! and they hold together. I'm way behind, but I've really enjoyed what I've read so far.)

As far as trends go, my view is pretty limited, I've noticed that TOS fic is way down in the numbers this year. I started out writing Spock/Chapel and still go back to TOS a lot, so it is kind of sad to see the interest go down. Hopefully it will pick back up next year. I've seen some great stories come out for ENT--authors taking some risks with really new characters. I like that. So far we've seen mostly shorter stories. I look forward to later in the season/series when some longer pieces are being done. But short or long, I've really enjoyed the ENT fic I've seen so far.

Ok, so here are my recs. I tend to like the unusual, the different, sometimes the downright bizarre. I don't want the same old same old. But I want it to be a tale well told with a strong finish and with voices true to the characters I love. All of these stories are in that category.

Seema just wrote a fantastic DS9 story called "All Things." Touched me in many different ways.

In ENT, I love Jintian's "Enseignant l'Ensign." It's a very lyrical piece on Sato. Ilove this story.

I loved DebbieB's "Chapel to the Village." It's original, and creepy, and cool. Pity that she seems to have stopped writing.

Ventura33 did "Imperfection" (a great sequel to her TNG classic "The Relevance of Hope"). Wonderful story.

In Voyager, I'd have to single out Penny Proctor's "Seska's Lullaby." I thought this was an amazing look at a character we really didn't know all that well.


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