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By Penny Proctor

Trends in Trek fanfic this year? There are two that leap out. The first spate of stories from the new series, including the two excellent ones that you already have posted at your site.

In addition to those, Djinn wrote an absolutely dead-on parody: Gee Whiz. It's a story that captures the weaknesses in the characters and in the fanfic they've inspired with pinpoint accuracy and tongue firmly in cheek, without ever denegrating either source.

The second trend has been stories that react to Voyager's finale. Based on what I've seen, it looks like I am not alone in my disappointment with Voyager's finale. There have been a number of excellent stories that either address that disappointment or try to overcome it with epilogues that "fix" the problems. Djinn's "Another Bad Night" is already at the BoT site, but I also recommend two by Monkee:

"A Place in the Universe" manages to set aside the ridiculous C/7 that was hurled gracelessly into the final episode and simply and elegantly set things back on the track every J/C proponent hoped to see.

"With Every Mistake" accepts Endgame for what it was, and makes that ridiculous C/7 believeable without belittling the J/C so many of us hoped to see.

Rocky wrote her "Payment Due" series before the finale aired, and it is a laugh-out-loud take on an issue awaiting Chakotay in the Alpha Quadrant. The URL for the first story in the series is

But the story that affected me most in the past year is a DS9 story (All Things) by Seema that she posted recently. This story captures the reality of grief more eloquently and honestly than anything I've read in a long time. It is a lovely, heart-tugging story that deserves recognition for one of the best of the year.


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