Gallery Bouglaf
-- level III
This is "Tsar", responsible for the biggest man-made explosion in history with its 50 -- 58 megaton yield in October 1961.� The Kremlin had originally called for 100 megaton, but settled for "Tsar" as a quick job. At some 4000 times the power of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima, the explosion was so huge it unnerved everyone who witnessed it. Scientifically, "Tsar" was something of a triumph for the Soviets, producing little fall-out for its terrible size as a result of its high efficiency. The parachute-retarded air-detonation seriously damaged a town 50 miles away. Click the link to see top Soviet bomb-scientist Igor Kurchatov on level XVI.
This shot indicates the extent to which things got out of hand
during the secret moon testing programme in the late 1960s.
lunar atomic eco-abuse
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