





Research methodologies

Social science resources

Study centers online

Indonesian research centers

Print, media resources




This site has moved as of 6 Nov. 2006 to The site has been extensively updated and links verified at from 15 November 2006 onwards. New pages (including Policy Alternatives) and downloads are proposed at From now on, no more updates will be made to the present site. Please follow this link to use the new site. Side bars will also send automatically to the new site. Thank you!





The Aceh conflict and post-tsunami recovery

The Kalimantan conflicts

Internally-displaced persons (IDPs) and forced migration


Methodologies for the study of conflict and recovery

Social science resources (by discipline)

Centers for the study of conflict, conflict recovery and peace

Indonesian universities or research centers involved in conflict issues

Print and media resources


Bibliographies [Conflict and Violence ] [ Ethnicity ] [ Madura ]

o      Conflict and violence: A working bibliography with special reference to Indonesia

o      Bibliography of Ethnicity in Southeast Asia

o      Bibliography of Madura


New Publications


click to enlarge the above images:   English    Bahasa Indonesia

Violent Internal Conflicts in Asia Pacific: Histories, Political Economies and Policies (English version); Konflik Kekerasan Internal: Tinjauan Sejarah, Ekonomi Politik, dan Kebijakan di Asia Pasifik (versi Bahasa Indonesia). Jakarta: Yayasan Obor, LIPI, LASEMA and KITLV, December 2004. Books edited by Dewi Fortuna Anwar, Hélène Bouvier, Glenn Smith and Roger Tol. [Order English edition from KITLV] [Pesan edisi Bahasa Indonesia dari Obor]

LIPI Conflict Program publications



Meetings and lectures on conflict and recovery at the LIPI

-- upcoming meetings will be announced here --

   Gatherings are usually held at the LIPI,  

   Gedung Widya Graha

   Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto, No. 10  

   Jakarta Selatan


[ Past seminars and lectures ] [ To announce an upcoming event ]


LIPI-CNRS Conflict Library: documentation on conflict, conflict recovery, terrorism, democratization, and related subjects. [ Acquisitions 2003/4 ] [ Acquisitions 2005 ] [ On order Nov. 2006]. This collection, made possible by the French Embassy in Jakarta, is open to researchers, students and civil society (PDII-LIPI, Fourth Floor, LIPI, Jakarta).




© 2001-2006.

Updated 20 November 2006. [ Contact ]

Disclaimer: Materials, opinions, and links are presented on this site for research and information purposes and do not necessarily represent the views of the PMB-LIPI, LIPI, LASEMA-CNRS, CNRS, Ambassade de France Jakarta, République Française or their respective members.


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