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Kids Craft Projects
I now have a few "resident kid crafters" for my site, so I am creating and collecting different craft projects for them to try. Listed here are my original creations OR favorites!

I am planning to post patterns and instructions whenever I have time to create them. Currently I have instructions for over a dozen craft projects. Aren't you impressed? Well, thank you for visiting my site, and I hope you find these projects useful or inspiring.

    General Craft Projects - Preschool

The following craft projects are structured, creative time for a child, where their efforts are expected to produce a specific outcome - such as a ladybug or tree. While craft projects are fun, it is also important for young children to do art projects! Art projects, like drawing or fingerpainting, are open-ended activities that do not have a predetermined outcome. A wide variety of both arts and crafts activities inspire creativity in our kids!

Fingerprint Art

Fingerprint Ladybug

Fingerprint Tree

Paper Bag Puppets:
Barnyard Animals

Paper Bag Puppet - Cow

Paper Bag Puppet - Pig


Paper Bag Puppet - Dog

Paper Bag Puppet - Rabbit

Wild Animals

Paper Bag Puppet - Lion

Paper Bag Puppet - Tiger

    Seasonal/Holiday Craft Projects


Girls' Day Paper Doll


Paper Bag Puppet - Rabbit


Boys' Day Carp Windsock


Paper Bag Pumpkin Jack O Lantern


Hands and Foot Reindeer
Christmas Ornament

Preschool craft

Paper Bag Puppet - Reindeer
Preschool craft

Finish a craft project? E-Mail me a picture or scan, and I will try to post it!

View my FREE online printable gift tags and stationery here!

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