Daleels* from hadeeths
1-"When fornication and ursury appear(emerge)clearly in a People,they have imposed upon themselves Allah's punishment."(Ahmad).

2-Any People in whom ursery manifests itself,they have imposed upon themselves to be taken by punishment(drought,starvation)."

3-"By the One in Who's hand is Muhammad's soul,of my People there will be those who will be sleeping after frolicking,recklessness and amusement,the morning comes upon them and they are apes and swines,because thay have regarded as lawful what Allah has forbidden,the (female) singers,their drinking of intoxicants,ursury and their wearing of silk(men)".

4-The prophet (sala Allahu alyhi wasallam) said:
"O' community iof immigrants(muhajereen):
Five ,if you have been afflicted with,I seek Allah's refuge that you don't attain:

a)Abomination(fornication)in people:
Where they publicize all they do(of sins),until they are struck with plague and
diseases ,which were never seen in their ancestors,will spread among them.

b)Cheat and fraud:
They are struck with poverty and punishment of deprivation for years(of drought),and the tyranny of their rulers.

c)Averting Zakat:
They get deprived of rain from the sky(and if it weren't for the animals they would've been completely deprived of rain).

d)Abbrogating the Covenant:
Between them and Allah and their prophet.Allah empowers their enemies over them and let's them take what is theirs.

e)Rulers(judges)did not rule with what Allah has decreed,and chose from what allah has sent:
Their torment will be from amongst them."
(Ibn Majah).

5-Abdullah ibn Abbass said:
"Embezzlement did not appear in a People until Allah throws Fear in their hearts..
-Adultery(fornication)did not appear in a People until death is much amongst them.
-Cheating in measurement and scale(weighing),until they got deprived of sustenance.
-Judging between people without Allah's decree spread between them (blood),
-Breaking the Covenant :
Allah empowers their enemies."

6-"Any People in whom spread bribery,they are overtaken by Fear."

7-The prophet (sala Allahu alayhi wasalam said:
"My Ummah is still in well-being(benefaction)unless the illigitimate children spread between them,if such children are spread,then Allah is about to strike them with punishment."

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