Of our Holy Father, Pius IX.,
by the providence of God, Pope,
delivered in the Secret Consistory
held December 1st, 1854.

Inter graves multiplicesque angustias et aerumnas, quibus affligimur, maximam certe Nobis et universae Ecclesiae laetitiam parat clementissimus misericordiarum Pater, et Deus totius consolationis. Iam enim prope esse videtur, Venerabiles Fratres, optatissimus ille aeque ac iucundissimus dies, quo Immaculatus sanctissimae Dei Genetricis Virginis Mariae Conceptus suprema Nostra auctoritate decernatur. Nulla quidem maior laetandi causa Nobis in hac vita contingere poterat, cum eiusmodi decretum vel maxime conducat ad magis atque magis augendum fovendumque hic in terris honorem, cultum et venerationem erga gloriosissimam illam Virginem, quae exaltata super omnes Angelorum choros, Sanctorumque ordines, ac potentissima apud Eum, quem genuit, deprecatrix assidue pro universo Christiano populo intercedit in caelis.

Amidst the grievous and manifold difficulties and troubles by which we are afflicted, the most tender Father of mercies and God of all consolation is preparing an exceeding great joy for us and for the whole Church. For now, Venerable Brethren, that long desired and most happy day seems to be near, on which the Immaculate Conception of the most holy Virgin Mary, mother of God, may be defined by our supreme authority. No greater cause of joy could happen to us in this life, since that decree may greatly conduce to increase and foster, more and more, the honor, devotion and veneration towards that most glorious Virgin, who being exalted above all the choirs of angels, and orders of saints, and being a most powerful mediatrix with Him, whom she bore, intercedes in heaven for the whole Christian Church.
Optime nostis, quanta in catholico orbe erga Immaculatum Deiparae Conceptum quotidie magis extiterit pietas et cultus, et quanto studio Ecclesia ac Praedecessores Nostri hane pietatem, cultum, atque doctrinam tueri, fovere, ac promovere gloriati fuerint, et quibus iterartis enixisque precibus non solum catholici Antistites, verum etiam Summi Principes postulaverint, ut Immaculata Dei Matris Conceptio ab hac Apostolica Sede veluti catholicae fidei dogma definiretur.
You are fully aware how great piety and devotion throughout the Catholic world towards the Immaculate Conception of the mother of God has daily increased, and with what zeal the Church and our predecessors have gloried in fostering and promoting this piety and devotion, and defending this doctrine, and with what repeated and earnest prayers not only Catholic bishops, but also the most distinguished personages besought the Apostolic See to define the Immaculate Conception of the mother of God as a dogma of Catholic faith.
Cum autem huiusmodi postulationes felicis recordationis Gregorio XVI. Praedecessori Nostro ac Nobis ipsis oblatae fuerint, tum ab exordio Nostri Pontificatus curas cogitationesque in hanc rem intenstissimo studio convertimus. Sed omnem in tanti momenti negotio maturitatem adhibere volentes instituimus, veluti probe cognoscitis, peculiarem ex pluiribus amplissimi vestri Ordinis Congregationem, ac plures ex Clero saeculari et regulari viros theologicis disciplinis apprime excultos selegimus, ut hoc argumentum accuratissimo examine perpenderent, suasque sententias Nobis exponerent. Deinde encyclicam quoque Epistolam die 2 Februarii Anno millesimo octigentesimo quadragesimo nono Gaietae datam ad omnes Catholici orbis Sacrorum Antistites misimus, ut suis litteris Nobis significarent quae proprii cuiusque Cleri, populique fidelis esset erga Immaculatam Deiparae Conceptionem pietas, et quid ipsi potissimum Episcopi de hac sentirent, quidve exoptarent.
As petitions of this kind were addressed to our predecessor of happy memory, Gregory XVI., and also to ourselves, we have, from the beginning of our pontificate, bestowed our care and thoughts on this matter with the closest application. But desirous of using all deliberation in an affair of so much moment, as yon truly know, we appointed a special congregation, composed of several of our distinguished body, as well as members of the secular and regular clergy thoroughly versed in theological learning, to weigh this subject with the most studious attention, and make known their sentiments to us. Afterwards we also sent an encyclical letter, given at Gaeta, February 2, 1849, to all the prelates of the Catholic world, that they should inform us by their letters what was the belief of their own clergy and the faithful concerning the Immaculate Conception of tile mother of God, and chiefly what the bishops themselves thought of this subject, or what they desired in relation to it.
Postquam singulari certe animi Nostri gaudio tum ex commemoratae peculiaris Congregationis suffragiis, tum ex omnium fere Episcoporum responsis, atque ex eorumdem Theologorum votis intelleximus, hanc definitionem a Nobis summopere expostulari, Apostolicarum Litterarum exemplar conficiendum, Vobisque communicandum esse mandavimus. Itaque post haec omnia hodierno die de hac gravissima re, dum divini luminis opem demississime imploramus, vestras quoque sententias, servato a Praedecessoribus Nostris more, perlibenter exquirimus. Placet ne igitur Vobis, ut dogmaticum de Immaculata beatissimae Virginis Mariae Conceptione proferamus dercretum?
When to the great joy of our heart we learned, both by the testimonies of the aforesaid special congregation and the answers of almost all the bishops, as well as the desires of the same theologians, this definition was most earnestly demanded, we commanded a draft of an Apostolic letter to be made and to be communicated to you. Wherefore, after all these measures, we today, while humbly imploring the aid of divine light, desire to know most freely your sentiments also on this most important subject. Does it please you, therefore, that we should issue a dogmatic definition of the Immaculate Conception of the most blessed Virgin Mary?

Venerabilis Fratres, summa certe afficimur iucunditate, cum vestra suffragia Nostris votis respondere videamus. Itaque iam nunc diem octavum huius mensis Decembris, quo de gloriosissimae Virginis Conceptione festum ab universa Ecclesia concelebratur, indicimus pro emittendo ac vulgando hoc decreto, atque id solemni ritu et pompa in Patriarchali Nostra Vaticana Basilica peragemus. Interim vero ne intermittatis a Deo enixius semper exposcere, ut Ipso favente et inspirante, maximam hanc rem ad divini sui nominis gloriam, ad beatissimae Virginis decus et oranamentum, atque ad catholicae fidei exatlationem, et christianae religionis augmentum conficere possimus.
The votes of all having been given, the Pontiff continued:

Venerable Brethren, we are truly affected with great joy since we observe your votes correspond to our desires. We therefore name the eighth day of this month of December, on which the feast of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated by the Universal Church, for issuing and publishing this decree, and we will do it with solemn rite and ceremony in our Patriarchal Vatican Basilica. But in the mean time do not cease to beg of God that under His favor and inspiration we may happily accomplish this important affair to the glory of His divine name, to the honor and praise of the most blessed Virgin, as well as the exaltation of the Catholic faith, and the advancement of the Christian religion.


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