
Angel of Blood

by Bob Vega

alone in the immortal
I am quiet chasm
letting me slip down
even deeper into the abyss

sent headlong
into the path
I visit myself in dreams
confronting visions
of who I really am

and in my therapy
I find you
alone in the darkest room
and come to you
under velvet covers
to steal the memory
of my visit
away from your tearful eyes

when with my leading hand
I take your hair
and pull your head back gently
to expose the perfume
the tender skin
beneath the cover

and you wake
to little surprise
embrace me as you have
a thousand times
drawing me near
your feeding vein

luscious giver
of life

precious continuum

I slip back into the night
before the break of dawn
to rest another day
that I might visit upon you
and your spring
of crimson wealth

my silent
angel of blood

Another Effortless Night

by Rhi Schrader

Darkness wraps it cloak around me-
enclosing my paleness from view.
The moon swirled bloody above me-
the choice of meat so little few.

Hunger strikes my immortal body-
eyes glowing with my need.
I pace myself a ritual tease-
searching for the one upon which i will feed.

Crimson coats my black eyes-
electricity through my fingertips.
surging strength empowering me-
and i see the one who will recieve my dark kiss.

Easily enough you come to me-
no challenge do i recieve.
In return for your foolish lust-
i will drain you, drop your bones and leave.

Once mortals fought to preserve life-
now they are Vampyre whores.
Sadly some fault lie with ignorant fledglings-
who dererves eternal annihilation more?

Slipping back into the night-
you never hold a place in my mind.
No respect for those who crave my touch-
In tomb i lie, until the next time.

Living End

by Chris Leonard

Hidden days of future past
fill this mortal coil
Faces old and ruined through
returning to the soil
Time to end the deceiver's reign
and his father's rule
Once more to feel the old gods' wrath
Their power swift and cruel
Wrapping fears in peaceful dark
Comfortable and cool
Mortal lifeblood spilling out
into a morbid pool
Prisoner in this immortal shell
for 12 score years and more
Powerful beyond compare
Enlightened to the core
Free the Beast of Ages Past
Destroy the fragile Cage
Time to start the Living End
And close the Darkened Age

Vampire's Kiss

by Heather B.

He hunts beneath the silvery eye of night.
A ravenous hunger is his only companion.
His eyes glow with an eerie light.
And you will be lost once you look into them.

For under his spell, you will find yourself~
a victim of his desire.
And no amount of cunning or stealth~
will save you from the evil vampire.

You can try to run and try to hide~
but he will find you where ever you are.
He is in no hurry, time is on his side.
And he won't let you get too far.

As you run and seek cover in the trees~
and pray that you won't be found~
your scent is carried on the breeze~
and he comes upon you without a sound.

Before you know it, you're in his embrace.
Entrapped in his will for your blood.
He savors your fear and then takes a taste~
of your life offering, which comes in a flood.

As you close your eyes, you let out a sigh.
And resign yourself to sweet bliss.
Who knew how sweet it could be to die?
To die from a vampire's kiss?

Real Vampires

History of Vampires

Vampire the Masquerade
Clan Names

The Embrace

Glossary of Vampiric Terms

Vampiric Names

Vampiric Lingo

Vampire Legends


More Vampire Information




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