Not Another Not Another Movie

This is getting too "meta" for words. A parody of movies that spoof other movies follows a movie studio on the skids. What this flick, due for release in late 2009 does have going for it is a cast featuring Burt and another star due for a comeback, Chevy Chase.

Official site

A Bunch of Amateurs

This one looks promising! Burt stars as an aging action hero who winds up in a small town in England starring in an amateur production of "King Lear".

Official site



In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale

Burt appears in a small part opposite The Transporter himself, Jason Statham, in this 2008 medieval adventure flick .


Poor reviews greeted this 2008 animated tale in which Burt does one of the voices.

Forget About It

Burt stars with Raquel Welch for the first time since "Hustle" in 1975. Richard Grieco, Robert Loggia, and Charles Durning also star in this comedy about retirees drawn into a mob plot.

The release was held up for a few years due to various lawsuits, but went straight to DVD in Fall 2008.

Official site

Broken Bridges

Burt has a small role in this vanity project for country singer Toby Keith. This one played for about a week in Alabama in 2006, and will hit DVD and the USA Network in early 2008.


Burt stars as a retired poker player who teaches an up and coming buck the ropes. Eventually master and protege end up across the table from eachother. This went straight to DVD in 2008.

Official site

2005 / 2006

The Longest Yard

This remake of Burt's 1970's classic hit close to $150 million at the box office. 

Now on video, DVD, PSP, etc.

Official site

Cloud Nine

Burt reteamed with "Cannonball Run" producer Albert S. Ruddy as a washed up sports coach who starts a volleyball team comprised of strippers.This went straight to cable and DVD.

This thing will be showing up at 2AM on HBO for years to come. 


This comedy, reminiscent of "Tin Men" stars Ray Romano and Kevin James as meat salesmen who will stop at nothing to get a sale. Small part for Burt as a "meat executive". This one went straight to DVD in 2006.

The Dukes Of Hazzard

Johnny Knoxville and Sean William Scott are the Duke boys, Jessica Simpson is Daisy Duke, Willie Nelson is Uncle Jessie, and Burt is Boss Hogg. Jay Chandrasekhar of Broken Lizard directs.

Opening in July 2005, this has spawned a direct to video sequel which stars none of the original cast.

End Game

Cuba Gooding Jr., James Woods, and Angie Harmon star in this thriller about a presidential assassination. Burt has a small part as a general. Brett Ratner (director of the "Rush Hour" movies, "Red Dragon", and "After The Sunset") is the executive producer. 

This went straight to DVD in early 2006



You can never count Burt out, and right now he's in the middle of 

a career renaissance- in his mid-seventies.

In 2009, he had his first great leading role in years in "A Bunch of Amateurs",

which was the recipient of a screening for the Queen herself. Burt stars

as a washed up action star who ends up in a small town

in the UK performing in a amateur performance of King Lear.

He's very good in it, as is the cast of Brit movie pros.

Between 2005 and 2008, he had no less than 

eight films out or on the way. He was seen in staring roles in the independent 

films "Cloud Nine" and "Forget About It". Two animated voice overs in 

"Delgo" and "Instant Karma". Had supporting role in the Ray Romano/ 

Kevin James comedy "Grilled" and, most importantly, high profile 

supporting roles in major summer releases "The Dukes Of Hazzard" 

and "The Longest Yard". This on the tail of his supporting role in the 

surprise summer 2004 hit "Without A Paddle", in which critics unanimously  

felt he was the strongest element.


                                            Burt and Gabrielle Reece on the set of "Cloud Nine".

Of course, it hasn't been all puppy dogs and ice cream for Burt 

in the last several years. His last big theatrical release prior to 

"Without A Paddle",  was Sylvester Stallone's "Driven" in 2001. 

Between that and "The Crew" (2000), "Mystery Alaska" (1999), 

and "Boogie Nights" (1997), came a lot of sub par B-Movies. But, 

he was nominated for an Oscar for "Boogie Nights".

That's an unfortunate story. Burt racked up an impressive series 

of awards for his role in "Boogie Nights". The best supporting 

actor award from the Golden Globes, the Chicago Film Critics 

Association, the Dallas-Fort Worth Film Critics Association, the 

Golden Sattelite Awards, the Los Angeles Film Critics Association, 

the Las Vegas Film Critics Awards, the National Society of film 

Critics Awards, the New York film Critics Circle awards Awards, 

and The Screen Actors Guild Awards. Going into the Oscars, Burt 

was considered the front runner. Then he lost to Robin Williams 

for his salt of the earth performance in "Good Will Hunting".



                                      Burt, Robert Loggia, and Charles Durning in "Forget About It".

No matter, Burt is still one of the greatest movie stars of all time. 

He was the number one box office attraction in North America between 

1977 and 1982 and, as he says, "Some of our best actors have survived 

being number one". Besides the automotive movies which were his bread 

and butter at the time, Burt always used his stardom to take risks. His 

nuanced performance as a divorcee in "Starting Over"(1980) was unjustly 

ignored by the Academy, he went musical twice in the disastrous "At 

Long Last Love" (1975) and much better received "The Best Little 

Whorehouse In Texas" (1982), and he directed and starred in "Sharkey's 

Machine" (1981), a well regarded cop flick he called "Dirty Harry Goes to 



I could go on more extensively about Burt's past glories, and his continuing 

adventures as tabloid fodder, but why bother? That information is available 

elsewhere, and in much greater quantity. The man and the legend are well 

documented.  This is a website focusing on a small part of Burt's career, 

the 'car' movies that were his greatest successes and were primarily 

responsible for vaulting him to #1 for a short period of history. But, I can 

tell you to stay tuned here for Burt's future career developments. As he 

capitalizes upon the 'icon' stage of his saga, it's only gonna get more 

and more interesting for his fans.

                                    Chris Rock and Burt in the 2005 version of "The Longest Yard".







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