Interview with Nocturnus Horrendus of
Hails how's it going?
"Pretty stressed over here, planning a 9 date mini tour for Corpus Christii in October in Prtugal and center Europe and also answering interviews and of course promoting the album. Things are going pretty well this time for a change."

Can you introduce yourself and the band?
"Well, I'm Nocturnus Horrendus, founder of the band back in 1998 along with Ignis Nox which is no longer in the band, left some years ago. Now the band is only me and Necromorbus, which is from Sweden. That's about it I think, don't really feel like saying much more."

Corpus Christii has been confirmed to play at the Misanthropic Violence Festival, how do you feel about that? Any details on who you will be playing along side with?
"In fact I am pretty satisfied to be playing in this festival since it will have bands that I really admire such as Horna, Watain the mighty Inquisition and even Kampfar which don't have much with me ideologically but I like some of their music. I think it will turn out to be a good festival if it will happen cos from wht I've heard there is problems with the reputation cos of being called a nazi fest or something. Well, I'm not into that shit but I support whatever is extreme so if there will be extreme people there willing to kill other people they will have all my support.Let there be chaos. That is what Corpus Christii is all about, chaos, despair, pain and devotion for Master Satan."

C.C consist of Nocturnus Horrendus and Necromorbus, when doing live shows who are your session members?
"For this gig and remaining shows in October will be the two fo us and SS Molestor on bass guitar from old Death Metal band Sacred Sin and probably a french guy on the guitar but I prefer to not yet reveal the name cos nothing is sure yet. It's a question of waiting and seeing what will happen. What I can promise is that Satan will be upon us and darkness will be there."

You have your own record label, how is that coming along?
"I own Nightmare Productions which is a pretty unknown undergound label with several demos, cd's and vinyl releases, all very limited but things have been growing and all are quality releases and in fact I think people already know that what I carry is just quality stuff. I never for example trade with what I don't like. So whoever wants to know a bit more about this just check the site at:"

Why did you decide to make Nightmare Productions?
"Simple, there was only Hiberica having good underground releases and I thought they could have even more unknown stuff so i decided to have it myself so I made my own label and release stuff that I thought it would never be released. I wish I could release more stuff but money lack and there's really no costumers in Portugal willing to buy underground Black Metal. In fact i think I have more foreign clients than in Portugal even if I do very low prices, which I do. I don't do it for the money but to spread the propaganda, to make people more miserabel, to spread the seed."

How is the Black Metal scene in Portugal?
There is no scene in Portugal, there is good bands but no scene and sincerely I don't feel like talking about this."

What can we expect from Corpus Christii in the future?
"A new EP with OLD tracks still with the old line up to be released by Agaynia records around September I think, at least I hope or I'll kill that fucking faggot. After that I don't know, I'm not in a jurry anymore. I have my other projects Morte Incandescente, Coldness and Storm Legion to worry about."

Well that about wraps this. I would like to thank Nocturnus Horrendus for taking time in doing this brief interview. The last words are yours.
"Ave Satanas!"
[email protected]
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1101-001 Lisboa
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