Hails, how's it going? Can you tell us a bit about Moonlight and what your role in the band is?
"I am the front man, guitar player, vocalist, drummer and bassist."

Moonlight began back in '99 as a band with members, but over time Moonlight turned into a one man band. Why did Moonlight part ways with these members?
"It was due to the members of the band were into another band at that time, so the members started to loose interest in the band and there was a time were we did not rehearse for almost a year. Then the first split came up and when we reformed the band in 2005 we didn't fit in with our musical direction so we split up the band and once again, and I decided to contine alone by the moment."

After 2 demos Moonlight is coming out with a new cd, a split cd titled 'Evocation' not much is known, can you shed some light on this? Such as who the split is with, who's releasing and release date?
"Well, its the first official work, the split album is with the Swedish band MORDGRIM, the label is Azermedoth Records from Mexico and the date will be some day in June. I don't have the date at the moment."

How long has 'Evocation' been in the works? Do you think your music has matured comparing this new split with the previous works?
"It took a year I think to compose and improve the music, yes it has a mature sound now absolutely. You will have the chance to check it when you get the album, some old stuff that I composed in the early days is impressive as well."

Does 'Evocation' differ in sound compared to the previous works 'The Fallen' and 'Legis Scelestus'? Did you try anything new music wise with the material, such as technicallity?
"Its in the same way of 'Legis Scelestus' a little touch of Melodic riffs only I think. 'The Fallen' is totally different from 'Evocation'."

How is the Black Metal scene in Mexico? Do you see it rapidly growing?
"There is a lot of bands here but there's no vision on them, they just play to get chicks. Personally I think it sucks!"

Well I guess that concluded this brief interview. I would like to thank Ishtar of Moonlight for participating with Sinister Fanzine. The last words are yours.
"Thank you man for your support, hope you and the readers could reach 'Evocation' and get some killer Black Metal! Hail"

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