Hails and thanks for accepting this interview. To commence this can you introduce yourselves?
"I'm Demogorgon (Bass/Guitar) and kreator of this project. I am Zereth (Guitar/Vocals).

Satanic Supremacy is fairly a new band, having commenced in 2006. Not much is known so can you tell us a bit about Satanic Supremacy?
D-"S.S. is a band that has been in the works for the past two years. It was my solo side project while Mork Skog was falling apart. I only wrote one song and delayed it until I quit my old band. But now this is my only band and only concern music wise."

Band members come and go, currently what is the situation in S.S? Will S.S stay a duo or do you plan on adding new members to S.S?
Z-"Yes, members have come and gone, but for now we decided to keep it as a duo, but as we speak we are working with another guitarist named Drexus (ex-member Mork Skog).
D-"Past members were a waste of time..."

I heard the Satanic Supremacy material and I must admit I am impressed. Not a lot of bands do this well on their first attempt. For all I know this is material for an upcoming split. Want to shed some light on the subject?
D-"This is our first assault to the scene. It will be a vinyl only release through Wraith Productions, along with our good friend from HRIZG from SPAIN. It should be out soon, for further info go to WRAITHPRODUCTIONS.NET"

Besides the material for the split is there more material for a full length or is that in the works?
Z-"Yes. There is material for the full length we have a total of 4 songs written, we are also writing a song for a four way split that will come out in the mid year. This will be a hellish 4 way split, keep your eyes pealed for it."

You guys are no strangers to music, both of you were previously in other bands, why did you leave? Aer you guys still in contact with those bands or is bad blood all that is left?
D-"I was previously in Mork Skog. It was a good band but all the other members were too caught up in personal shit to worship SATAN and try to push that band. They had no time for it and ended up wasting my time and riffs. No bad blood just regrets."
Z-"I have been in many bands they were more death metal, and then there came Sothis. Things got hot and there were heads bumping, so I was asked to leave, but I did not give a fuck about their decisioni it was a good thing that they let me go, and now I'm in a way better band, and Sothis was not right for me anymore."

Demogorgon what drove you to create what is now Satanic Supremacy? Zereth what made you join?
D-"The lack of music I like personally. Its not better or worse than what is out there, just what I like personally."
Z-"Well Demogorgon and I jammed a few times before, even before thinking of making Satanic Supremacy, after a long break we decided to combine ideas and ideology and the chemistry is great, our styles of writing make Satanic Supremacy."

While listening to your material, to me it was reminisvent of Shining and Satanic Warmaster. Musically where do you gather your influences from?
Z-"First of all I am a big fan of metal, thrash, death metal, classic rock and classical music, and 1st generation of BM. So I guess you can say I get it there."
D-"I am a big fan of classic rock and black metal from Spain, Australia and Finland. So I'm sure you can hear it in our music. I don't wander too far off of black metal and its roots like most industrial pussies."

The Satanic Supremacy logo has two runic S's in the background. First thing that came to mind was NSBM. Can you elaborate on this, does SS express any political views in its music?

D-"We are not an NS band. To me bands that mix political views and music are idiots. If you want to discuss politics this is not the place, first of all you can barely even understand most singers, second there is no lyrics printed so obviously they have nothing to back it up just preach. My political views are personal and son't belong in the music."

You played your first show not too long ago at the Black Castle, how did that go? You guys were supposed to play at the Black Castle with Nightbringer, what happened with that?

Z-"Our first show at The Black Castle was great, there were people there cheering for us even though they have never heard of us, it was great. As for the Nightbringer show we had to cancel our set cause we had no drummer."

Who is the mastermind behind the music or is the music written cooperatively?

Z-"Like I said above we collaborate on music and ideas."

What can we expect from Satanic Supremacy in the future?
D-"Just BM in our style...What we like...No trends..."
Z-"A full length is in the works so look out for the release."

Well that about wraps us this interview. I would like to thank Demogorgon and Zereth for taking the time to participate with Sinister Webzine.
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