Due 5-7-2009

Please be sure to check off only one response.

Student's Name

1.) Which of the following was part of the First World between 1940 and 1975

A India

B Nigeria

C France

D Mexico

2.) Between 1945 and 1975 China was considered

A First World

B Second World

C Third World

D None of the above

3.) During World War II the Blitzkrieg was associated with

A Japan

B the United States

C Germany

D The Soviet Union

4.) Japanese troops inflicted death and terror in 1937 on

A Honolulu

B Beijing

C Nanjing

D Singapore

5.) Atomic bombs were used during World War II on

A Germany

B the Soviet Union

C Japan

D China

6.) Between 1945 and 1975 the Soviet Union and the United States fought indirect conflicts in

A Asia

B Africa

C Latin America

D the Middle East

7.) The process of decolonization after 1945 followed all but the pattern of

A negotiated independence

B assimilation

C civil war

D incomplete decolonization

8.) "Negritude" is best associated with

A Leopold Senghor

B Malcolm X

C Julius Nyerere

D Jawaharlal Nehru

9.) The most impressive triumph of liberal modernism between 1945 and 1975 was in

A France

B Italy

C India

D Japan

10.) Which of the following leaders epitomizes Third World radicalism

A Jawaharlal Nehru

B Nelson Mandela

C Fidel Castro

D Leopold Senghor

11.) The organization that managed to shift the terms of trade in favor of oil producing nations in the 1970s was





12.) After 1945 the primary form of organizing communities in the world was through

A nation states

B corporate institutions

C empires

D confederations of villages

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