Due 5-7-2009

Please be sure to check off only one response.

Student's Name

1.) The independent union that helped bring down Communism in Poland was

A Glasnost

B the Prague Spring

C Solidarity

D Charter 77

2.) After the fall of communism in Europe which area saw violent confrontations?

A Czechoslovakia

B East Germany

C Poland

D the former Yugoslavia

3.) The leader of black resistance to white rule in Rhodesia was

A Nelson Mandela

B Ian Smith

C Robert Mugabe

D Kofi Annan

4.) During the 1990s financial volatility occurred in

A East Asia

B Great Britain

C Germany

D Canada

5.) The region that saw the biggest increase in its share of world trade in the last half of the 20th century was

A Europe

B North America

C East Asia

D South Asia

6.) At the end of th 20th century which was the most valuable export in world trade

A textiles

B hi-tech products

C utomobiles

D entertainment

7.) Which of the following industrialized nations has had the relatively easiest time absorbing immigrants since the 1970s

A France

B the United States

C Japan

D Russia

8.) According to the textbook, the largest group of immigrants in the United States today [circa 2005] come from

A China

B Canada

C India

D Mexico

9.) Reggae's origins are in

A Great Britain

B the urban United States

C the Caribbean

D North Africa

10.) Which of the following is not a manifestation of new media since 1975

A cable television

B radio

C ipods

D the internet

11.) Today's world's population is roughly how many billions

A 2

B 3

C 6

D 8

12.) The nation that resorted to a "one-child family" policy to slow overall growth was

A China

B the United States

C India

D Nigeria

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