Due 3-19-2009

Please be sure to check off only one response.

Student's Name

1.) The American and French revolutions helped contribute to

A the total end of slavery in the Western hemisphere by 1820

B the end of Atlantic slave trade

C the enfranchisement of women property holders in many Atlantic nations

D the end of the Ottoman empire by the 1850s

2.) The "Declaration of the Rights of Man" is associated with

A the American Revolution

B the French Revolution

C the Latin American independence movements

D the Haitian Revolution

3.) Which technological innovation greatly contributed to the Industrial Revolution between 1750 and 1850

A The internal combustion engine

B The steam engine

C The caravel

D The typewriter

4.) The invention of the cotton gin was crucial to the growth of which British industry

A pottery

B alcohol production

C brewing

D textile

5.) Which Eurasian ruler promoted a philosophy that stressed "Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Folk Nationality" in the 17th century

A Qianlong

B Tsar Nicholas I

C Selim I

D Muhannad Ali

6.) As a result of the Opium War of 1840

A China was forced to open some ports to British traders

B The Qing dynasty collapsed

C The East India Company received a royal monopoly to trade with China

D All the above

7.) Radical French revolutionaries did all of following when they took control of the nation in the 1790s except

A reform the military

B declare universal male suffrage

C execute King Louis XVI

D declare France a constitutional monarchy

8.) Which of the following developments had the greatest impact of Africa between 1750 and 1850

A The end of the Atlantic slave trade

B The Latin American wars of independence

C the Tanzimat reforms

D Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo

9.) Between 1750 and 1850 what was the most powerful political force in India

A the British

B the Mughals

C the East India Company

D the Qing

10.) In the 19th century, opium increasingly replaced which of the following as Britain's major export to China

A tea

B textiles

C silver

D clocks

11.) Napoleon's assumption of power can be described as

A theocratic

B a military dictatorship

C representative democracy

D none of the above

12.) By 1850 the East India Company

A ruled only half of India

B promoted Hindu and Muslim cultures and stopped interfering in sati

C increasingly promoted English culture

D both A and C

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