Due 5-7-2009

Please be sure to check off only one response.

Student's Name

1.) In the 1890s the richest 1% of Americans owned what portion of the nation's wealth

A 10%

B 20%

C 50%

D 90%

2.) Bismarck and Cavour can best be described as

A Radicals

B Conservatives

C Socialists

D Reactionaries

3.) According to the textbook, in the 19th century the "Achilles heel" of the British empire was

A Ireland

B Egypt

C India

D Canada

4.) The so called "Second Industrial Revolution" of the nineteenth century gave rise to more economic and political power in

A South American Nations

B Western European Countries

C Eastern Asia Countries

D the Pacific Rim Nations

5.) Beside India, another Asian colony that saw the end of rule by a European merchant company was

A Indonesia

B South Africa

C Nigeria

D the Philippines

6.) By 1914, beside Liberia what other African nation remained independent of European rule

A Mali

B Ethiopia

C South Africa

D Zanzibar

7.) King Leopold of Belgium established a private fiefdom in

A the Sudan

B South Africa

C the Congo

D Ghana

8.) Following the Spanish-American War the United States started a pattern of intervention in

A South America

B East Asia

C Central American and the Caribbean

D Africa

9.) The European author who depicted Asia and Africa as exotic lands and extolled colonial exploits was

A David Livingstone

B Henry Stanley

C Rudyard Kipling

D Mark Twain

10.) During the late 19th century and early 20th century, which of the following did not become a Japanese colony

A Taiwan

B the Ryukyus

C Singapore

D Korea

11.) Of the United States or Canada which entered the 20th century with a greater sense national identity

A the United States

B Canada

C both had a strong sense

D neither had a strong sense

12.) In the 19th century which was the slowest to mobilize against the Europeans

A China

B Russia

C Japan

D Poland

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