WEEK 9: Chapter 18: An Unsettled World 1890-1914

At the turn of the 20th century Europeans and their descendants occupied a commanding position in the world. This was a �new world� in which the advancements of science and technology seemed to promise an age of progress and prosperity. And yet this was an unsettled world. In the West, social and economic dislocations were producing pronounced unrest and anxiety. Social problems abounded in urban centers were the rich and powerful lived right next door to the poor and marginalized. More and more women agitated for greater independence and more political and legal rights. The rise of �modernism� began to question fundamental concepts in religion and traditional values. Elsewhere, there was dissent and a dissatisfaction with indigenous elites or colonial rule. And everywhere, personal and national identities started to unravel. Race now became a central feature of identity and justification for inequalities. This unsettled state of affairs contributed to heightened global tension prior to World War I .

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1. Reading assignments.

2. Interpretation of Images.

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