Due 3-19-2009

Please be sure to check off only one response.

Student's Name

1.) In agricultural societies the basis of wealth is

A peasantry

B land

C food

D trade

2.) During the Roman Republic, all adult male citizens had the right to vote

A and so Rome was a democracy

B and so there was equal representation

C but the votes were weighted so that the votes of the wealthy counted for more

D but the votes of the poor men were not counted

3.) The length of the term for Roman senators was

A one year

B two years

C seven years

D life

4.) In a legal sense, Roman women

A never ceased being children

B were nearly equal to men

C were equal to poor men

D were superior to men

5.) Why did the people of the Late Roman Empire revert to a barter economy?

A The Kingdoms they were trading with did not use money.

B The emperors were cutting back on the precious metals in the coins, thereby causing them to be devalued.

C It was more efficient for illiterate people.

D Rome never reverted to barter.

6.) Why did the majority of the Chinese population, during the Han Dynasty, live in eastern China?

A They wanted access to the sea.

B The best farmlands were centered in the east of China.

C They were more isolated from invasion from nomadic peoples.

D The best Buddhist centers were in the east of China.

7.) The Qin Dynasty abolished slavery because

A it thought that making people work for the state for free was immoral

B slavery was against Confucian thought

C slavery was against Buddhist tenets

D slaves did not pay taxes, but free people did

8.) When the Han took over, they

A completely reinstated the Zhou system

B completely eradicated all aspects of Qin rule

C retained the Qin system with minor changes

D retained the entire Qin system

9.) China's most valuable commodity was

A silk

B tea

C porcelain

D opium

10.) Roads were originally built in Rome and China to

A facilitate trade

B move troops

C confuse enemies

D encourage migration

11.) In the image, the Roman army seems

A defeated

B victorious

C repressed

D unmanly

12.) According to Virgil, Rome's destiny was

A to have no limits

B to fall in to barbarians

C to never fall

D both a and c

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