Due 3-19-2009

Please be sure to check off only one response.

Student's Name

1.) The purpose of the Grand Canal was to

A facilitate trade and communication within China

B enhance China's ability to protect itself from nomadic peoples

C irrigate rice paddies in northern China

D increase immigration from Korea

2.) The way of the Samurai warrior was found in

A obedience

B warfare

C death

D prayer

3.) The Sui Empire lasted such a short time because

A its rulers were not expansionists

B it was invaded by 'barbarians'

C it was exhausted by its extraordinary pace of expansion and over-centralization

D the last emperor was evil

4.) Which of the following is a belief of Mahayana Buddhism?

A life is suffering

B Bodhisattvas have postponed nirvana to help others attain enlightenment

C only men could practice Buddhism

D all of the above

5.) How did the bubonic plague reach east Asia?

A via the Grand Canal

B from sub-Sahara Africa it spread to India and then by sea to Chang'an

C it started in Spain and traveled by sea to China and Japan

D it came along the sea route linking the Rea Sea and the Persian Gulf with Canton

6.) The Uighurs were famous as merchants and

A military governors

B warriors

C diplomats

D scribes

7.) In China, female footbinding first appeared among

A slave dancers of the Tang court

B imperial concubines

C peasant farmers

D wives of the local elite

8.) Why was rice growing well suited to Confucian ideology

A it demanded the cooperation of large kin groups

B rice was white, thus a symbol of ideological purity

C rice was easy to weigh and carry and so made taxation easier

D only women grew rice, and this increased their subordinate role

9.) Where was movable type originally developed

A Europe

B China

C Japan

D Korea

10.) Central Japan was most likely unified in the fourth or fifth century C.E. by

A the deposition of the Yorimoto clan

B the change from emperor to shogun as de facto ruler

C Korean warriors on horseback

D the Mongols

11.) Japan during the eighth century can best be described as

A a 'little' China'

B a 'little Korea'

C warlike

D a major Buddhist center, perhaps surpassing China

12.) The concept of the Mandate of Heaven was not important in Japan because

A the authority of the ruler was decentralized

B Japanese rulers always came from the same family

C the concept was never transmitted to Japan

D the Japanese did not believe in karma

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