Due 3-19-2009

Please be sure to check off only one response.

Student's Name
1.) The geographic location of Iran [ancient Persia]

A makes it a strong barrier between east and west

B makes it a link between west, south and central Asia

C provided many good harbors

D indicates a land that received plentiful rains

2.) Why did satrapies have more autonomy the farther they were from the central seat of government?

A communication was so slow that it was impractical to refer matters to the central government

B outlying areas were constaly beguiled by border peoples to follow their own course

C the Persian king alway placed his major rivals at a distance to prevent them from rebelling

D outlying areas were less fertile and so of less interest to the central government

3.) Which group of Persian workers received the most pay?

A men

B women

C children

D pregnant women

4.) For the Greeks and other peoples living around it, the Mediterranean was

A a barrier to trade

B a barrier to invasion

C a highway to the lands surrounding it

D irrelevant to their affairs

5.) When the Greeks developed their alphabet it

A was probably for economic reasons

B allowed them to write down their plays

C was so hard to understand only scribes could learn it

D was only used to write poetry

6.) What was the central ritual of Greek religion?

A song and dance

B sacrifice

C fasting

D the oracles

7.) What enabled Athenian battleship oarsmen to gain an equal voice in the democratic system?

A the Hoplite Revolt

B war with the Minoans

C the importance of the navy to the Athenian military

D a vote in the Athenian Assembly

8.) What motivated the theft of Alexander the Great's corpse by members of the Ptolemaic dynasty?

A they feared his ghost

B the believed his corpse would bring them good fortune

C the sought to humiliate the Greeks

D the wanted to legitimize their own power by claiming his blessing

9.) To the Persians the conflict with the Greeks

A was all-consuming

B was important for the survival of their empire

C was less important to them than it was to the Greeks

D seemed inconsequential

10.) Why is Herodotus considered the 'father of history'?

A he was the first to record history

B he sought the causes behind historical events

C he was a logographer

D he wrote narratives of Greek events

11.) According to Lycrgus

A boys were encouraged to steal food

B boys were banned from eating at noon

C boys were given a large number of outer garments

D boys were lodged in single rooms

12.) In the Arthasastra the king's happiness was

A based his relative wealth

B in the happiness of his subjects

C came about through conquest

D was undefined

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