Due 3-19-2009

Please be sure to check off only one response.

Student's Name

1.) In India why did members of the higher castes fear contact with the lower castes?

A the feared pollution by the lower castes

B the lower castes were believed to be a bad influence on upper-caste children

C they wanted to retain racial purity

D they feared leprosy

2.) Which of the following is not among the practices of Jainism?

A strict nonviolence

B farming in order to stay close to the land

C extreme asceticism and nudity

D eating so little so as to starve to death

3.) After six years of strict asceticism, Siddhartha decided to

A commit suicide

B enter nirvana

C adhere to a 'Middle Path' of moderation

D become a Jain

4.) Which of the following is not a characteristic of Buddhism?

A denial of the usefulness of the gods

B saw the individual as 'soul-less'

C stressed the search for spiritual truth

D demanded frequent sacrifices of small animals

5.) Why was the Buddha originally represented by symbols?

A because it was more mystical

B so that his foes would not recognize his temples and deface them

C to stress his achievement of a state of nonexistence

D using his image would have made him seem godlike

6.) The incorporation of the Buddha into the Hindu pantheon

A was a blatant attempt to co-opt the rival religion's founder

B was accidental

C reflected the government's decision to patronize each religion equally

D indicated the open nature of Hinduism

7.) Sacrifice is the major form of worship in

A Brahmanism [or the Vedic tradition]

B Buddhism

C Jainism

D all the above

8.) Which of the following factors did not contribute to a tendency toward disunity in ancient India?

A the threat of outside invasion

B the complex social hierarchy

C the landscape of India

D the differing languages and social practices

9. ) What purpose did Ashoka's stone pillar serve?

A they were the first line of defense against invasion

B the marked the borders of India

C they were inscribed with his belief in nonviolence, morality, moderation and religious tolerance both in government and private life

D they were burial markers

10.) Why were several foreign kings in India more likely to convert to Buddhism than Hinduism?

A Hindu beliefs did not include reincarnation

B Hinduism does not allow for new converts

C Buddhism was more optimistic

D Hinduism had no easy system for working foreigners into existing class and caste

11.) The image of the Indian Couple portrays

A hardship

B antagonism

C despair

D romance

12.) By the "Laws of Manu" men found guilty of adultery with the wives of others

A were marked and banished

B were castrated

C had to pay recompense

D lost their caste status

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