Coins are another form of evidence that historians use to understand the past. As we saw in the first week, the images and words found on money can tell us a great deal about a society. The marginal inscription of this coin reveals that the coin was minted in Damascus, a city near the western end of the Silk Road, in year 78 of the Islamic calendar (697-698 CE).

Points to Ponder:

-- Can you tell what metal this coin is made from?
-- What purpose did coins serve, as opposed to just trading goods directly?
-- Do you think that a Chinese trader in, say, Samarkand might be interested in the Arabic script that is on this coin?
-- Do you think this coin would be accepted outside of Arabic-speaking areas? Why?

Source:The Al Sabah Collection Dar Al Athar Al Islamiyyah, Kuwait National Muesum in The March of Islam (Time Life Books, 1987): 119.

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