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Minutes from Feb. 25, 2001 meeting
The monthly meeting of CCREA was held on Feb. 25, 2001 at the home of Pres. Jack Ripley.
Members in attendance were Pres. Jack Ripley, V. Pres. Richie Allen, Sec/tres. David Ripley, Carl Guilderson, Philip Bouiduk, and Doreen Ripley, and Project manager Danny Ripley.
Moved by Richie Allen seconded by Danny Ripley that the minutes of the last meeting be accepted as read.    Motion Carried
Treasurers Report
Moved by Carl Guilderson seconded by Richie Allen that the tres. Report and the top up of petty cash to monthly level be accepted as read.   Motion Carried
Letters and Bills
Re. Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Coalition on Sustain ability, E-news, Buctouche, N.B.
Re: Highlights of the Board of Directors meeting NSSA, Dec. 2000
Re: DFO guidelines for dealing with Gov. and volunteer groups
Re: Protection of Crown lands in Cumb. Co.
Re: Response to protection of Crown lands in Cumb. Co.
Election of Officers
All positions were filled by acclamation with the incumbents with the position of Sec/Tres adding Doreen Ripley along with incumbent David Ripley to handle this position
New Business
Richie will look after River Watch training program, Jack will get in touch with Craig King to pick up the River Watch materials.
See if we can have people donate Canadian Tire Money to CCREA as a fund raiser of sorts, this money can be used to buy tools etc. for the crew and group.
Have the guys toss around a new name for the Assoc.
Possibly have some of the members assist in looking up information on land owners along the watersheds in Cumb. Co.
Fish Friends program is up and running.
Moved by Carl Guilderson seconded by Richie Allen that the monthly meeting of CCREA be adjourned.   Motion Carried
Next meeting March 25, 2001
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