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Cumberland County River Enhancement Association
Minutes March 25, 2001 meeting
The monthly meeting of C.C.R.E.A was held at our office on March 25,2001.
Members in attendance were Pres. Jack Ripley, Sec./treas David Ripley, Philip Bouiduk,
Carl Guilderson, Robert Anderson, Michael Ripley, and Project Manager Danny Ripley.
Regrets Misty Baxter and Doreen Ripley, who were absent selling tickets at the flea market
on our Spring Draw. Thanks ladies for this effort.
Moved by Danny Ripley, seconded by Robert Anderson that the minutes of the February
meeting be approved as read . Motion carried.
Treasurers Report, ( see attached )
Moved by Michael Ripley, seconded by Carl Guilderson that the Treasurers Report and
the monthly top up of petty cash be accepted as read. Motion Carried.
Letters and Bills.
A letter was read from Andi Rierden a writer for Gulf of Maine Times, she wanted
to do an article on the Atlantic Salmon and had approached Danny for some input after
this initial interview and subjects covered she decided to do another article in the Fall issue
in which the work of CCREA will be featured she will tour our projects this summer, Danny
will look after this interview and tour on behalf of our association. Letter Filed.
A letter from Oxford Frozen Foods was read thanking us for agreeing to participate in their Environmental Awareness Conference to be held March 20 and 21, 2001. Agenda attached
An E-Mail newsletter was received from the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Coalition on
Sustain ability, the Coordinator for SGSLCS is Marie- Josee Maillet
Our Sec./Treas will contact her and advise of our interest. Michael  can check  re: possible link.
Project Managers Report
Danny Ripley gave members a report on the Adopt a Stream Dinner held in Halifax in
early March, a plaque was presented to our group at that dinner, acknowledging the
commitment and leadership by C.C.R.E.A. in the Adopt A Stream Program.
Danny also participated in the Oxford Frozen Foods Environmental Conference held in
in Truro N.S. at the Agricultural College, March 21 and 22, he gave us an overview of the
Conference and his presentation, Danny reports he was well received and made many
positive contacts as a result.
A ticket selling weekend was held at the Center Mall, March 22, 23 and 24,Danny reports
the session a success with quite brisk ticket sales and a chance to talk to people about the
work we do.  Many thanks to those who participated for the three days. Members involved
were Danny Ripley, Carl Guilderson, Philip Boiduck, David Ripley, Misty Baxter, Michael
Ripley, Jack Ripley and Doreen Ripley
Regular Business
Michael gave an update on the website, he suggested that we put additional information
on the site i.e. water temps., what fish are running and where, water levels, fly of the month, etc
Michael also informed the group the site may require the infusion of some money as we proceed
to keep it the best it can be.  Michael was advised by the group to proceed. Good Job Michael
Letters to current Adopt-A-Pool sponsors to be sent out as soon as possible.  Matter was passed
on to the Sec./Treas. for action
Check on dates of the Spring Fish Derby for possible information session, ticket sales, etc...;
Passed on to Sec./Treas. for action
The seminar, &quot;An Introduction to Fly Fishing&quot; was discussed.  This was an idea brought up at
our previous meeting by Rob Anderson.  Danny and Rob are going to work to bring this to
reality and will bring some new ideas to the next meeting, Dan is going to check with Steven
Thompson re: utilization of his fish ponds.
At the close of our meeting Project Manager Dan Ripley presented the slide show which was
presented to the Oxford Food Group Environmental Awareness Conference.
Do not forget if you are out and about the rivers and streams, take some time and cut some
willow branches (small please 3/8" at butt) bundle and drop of to Doreen at Amherst Office.
We will cut these and plant in trays for future use.  Please do not cut after May 10, 2001.
Moved by Carl Guilderson, Seconded by Rob Anderson that the monthly meeting of
CCREA be Adjourned.  Motion Carried.
The next meeting of CCREA will be held on April 29, 2001
Time: 1:30 P.M.
Place: Amherst Office
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