Note: These are not my original characters, and this is my version of how Sakura became a Card Captor, and met Yue, Li, and Keroberos. Therefore, it does not follow the traditional CC Storyline. This is also not part of the other CC fan fiction I wrote. It’s more of a what-if fic. Sorry, but I am using English names.


Warning: This fic contains shounen ai. If you don’t like it, don’t read it.


In the Beginning…

Part 1


By: A.J. Matthews


Sakura tossed and turned in her sleep. She was having a nightmare, the same one she’d been having for almost a full week. Each time, the dream was the same. Sakura’s screams ran through the house.


Sakura was outside skating, when a dark shadow enveloped her. There was no light anywhere.


“Hello? Is anyone there? Madison?” Sakura called. She was really scared.


Then, a glowing book appeared in front of her. It had Clow written on it. The book was the only thing that shed any light in this shadowy place.


Sakura reached out to touch the book. When she did, Cards suddenly flew out of the Clow Book. They whipped around her and faded. Her light brown hair was blown wildly. Sakura was all alone again.


An image of an angel, with long silvery hair, wings, and eyes appeared. He wore a mostly white outfit. An image of the moon was behind him; a beautiful full moon.


Another image appeared, this one of tiny golden bear-like animal, with wings and a long golden tail. Then the animal changed into what looked like a giant golden tiger.


A third image appeared; this one of a tall man, with long dark hair. A magic circle with a star inside it surrounded him. All three figures looked at Sakura.


“Sakura… your destiny is at hand…” the man said.


“You are the chosen one, Sakura,” the golden tiger said.


“Sakura, you must be strong.” The angel knelt down before her and touched her shoulders. “To save us, and the world, you must fight. If you want to fulfill your destiny, you must…”


That’s when the scary part happened. Sakura suddenly fell. The angel and the tiger cried out.


A even blacker darkness surrounded Sakura.


“You are not strong enough,” a voice taunted.


A young boy, a little older than Sakura, struck at her with a sword. He wore green robes, with a matching green hat.


Sakura screamed…


“Wake up, squirt,” Tori said, shaking her not-too-gently.


“Ow! What’s the big idea?” Sakura said angrily, as she woke up. Then she remembered the dream. “Huh.”


“You tell me what the big idea is, squirt. You’re screaming loud enough to wake the dead!” Tori retorted, rolling his eyes. “Now, hurry up, or Julian and I will leave without you.”


“Wait for me!” Sakura called. She climbed out of bed, and quickly changed into her school uniform. She grabbed her bag and skates and ran down the stairs.


After snapping her skates and gear in place, she grabbed a piece of toast to eat on the way.


“Bye, dad!” she called, as she skated after Tori furiously. “Tori, would it kill you to wait up?” she yelled.


Tori pretended to think about it, which made Sakura really annoyed.


“Hmph…” she muttered. “Hi, Julian,” she said, in a brighter voice.


“Hey, Sakura. Is Tori still picking on you?” Julian asked.


Sakura had a flashback all of a sudden. For some reason, when she looked at Julian, she saw the figure of the angel overlapping him.


As a result, she nearly ran into Tori.


“Watch where you’re going, squirt.” Tori moved his bike and frowned at her. “Here’s your turn off, kiddo.”


“You ok, Sakura?” Julian asked. Sakura seemed to be deep in thought.


“I’m fine, Julian. See you later,” she said, as she turned towards school.


Tori frowned slightly and looked at Julian as Sakura went out of ear-shot.


“She had the dream again, Julian. Or should I say Yue?” Tori asked.


“Yue,” the boy standing next to him said. It wasn’t Julian any longer. Julian had changed into Yue, his angel form. The wind plucked at his soft, feathery silver hair.


“Are you certain my sister is the destined Master of the Clow Cards?” Tori asked. “She’s just a kid. It’ll be really tough on her.”


“Yes, unfortunately. She is the Chosen One, chosen by Master Clow before he died.” Yue looked at Tori. “I hope she is strong enough to face this daunting task.” He looked at the departing Sakura with compassion and changed back into Julian when he saw her turning to look back.


“She’d better be,” Tori said grimly. “The world is at stake.”


“Don’t forget, she has to defeat me first,” Julian reminded Tori. “But I’ll take it easy on her, if I don’t think she’s strong enough.”


Julian polished his glasses. “Let’s go, Tori. We’ll be late for school.” They looked at each other and smiled softly. Tori looked at him with longing in his eyes. “That will have to wait until later, Tori.”


“I understand.” Tori did, too.


Tori had found out about Julian being Yue one month ago. He’d caught him changing into Yue to recharge as much of his powers as he could from the moon. After being confronted, Julian/Yue had admitted the truth. Tori knew all about Sakura’s destiny as the Master of the Clow Cards now. But he still worried about her. She was just a kid- only ten years old.


They rode off on their bikes.


Tori watched Julian carefully. Julian was looking tired again.


“Late night?” he asked.


“No…” Julian said. “I’ve just been really tired lately. It’ll get better, hopefully, when Sakura becomes the Master. Until then, my powers are limited.


Tori nodded. “Let me know if you need any help, Julian, ok? I’m always here for you,” he said earnestly. He’d been supporting Julian with his limited magical powers, but Julian didn’t want to deprive Tori of being able to see his mother. So he only took Tori’s magic when he absolutely needed it. Julian handled the side-effects as best as he could; tiredness and being hungry all the time.


They rode the rest of the way in silence.


Sakura walked into her classroom. “Hey, Madison!” she called.


“Hi, Sakura.” Madison waved as Sakura walked over and took her seat next to her. She then leaned close to Sakura. “Have you heard the rumors?”


“What rumors?” Sakura asked, yawning.


“The rumors about a new exchange student! His name’s supposed to be Li.” Madison looked at Sakura. “Pretty cool, huh?”


“I guess…” Sakura yawned again.


“Did you have that nightmare again?” Madison asked, seeing how tired Sakura was.


Sakura nodded. “For the fifth time this week. I’m so tired…”


“And it’s always the same dream, right?” Sakura nodded again. Madison frowned. “Maybe someone’s trying to tell you something, Sakura?” she questioned.


Sakura laughed as the teacher walked in and gestured for everyone to sit down.


“Sure, Madison,” Sakura said, teasingly. “I’m the Chosen One to go to sleep!”


They both broke into laughter.


The teacher cleared his throat and the girls stopped laughing.


“As I’m sure you’ve all heard by now, we have a new exchange student. His name is Li Shiroyan. Please make him feel welcome,” the teacher said.


A boy walked in, and Sakura gasped in shock. It was the boy from her dream; the one who stabbed her with a sword.


She gulped.


Madison looked at Sakura, who looked scared, as Li was told to sit behind her. Sakura was actually shaking like a leaf. She cast Sakura an inquisitive glance.


Sakura looked back and mouthed the words, “Boy…from…dream!”


Madison was stunned. Li was the boy from Sakura’s dream? That doesn’t make any sense, she thought.


Li was staring directly at Sakura, his eyes flashing in anger. “Chosen One?” he hissed in her ears. “We’ll see about that.”


Sakura nearly jumped out of her seat.


When the lunch bell rang, Sakura and Madison ran as fast as they could outside.


“That…guy…gives…me…the…creeps,” Sakura said, breathing hard. “He called me ‘Chosen One’, Madison. Just like in my dream, except he kinda stabbed me there.”


Madison eeked. “Sakura, I’m going to go buy my lunch, and I’ll meet you back here. We’ll talk about it then, ok?” she said.


Sakura nodded and Madison ran off.


Li’s voice sounded behind her. “Chosen One…” He advanced on her.


Sakura whirled around and gulped. “What do you mean?” she asked. And screamed as he drew a sword and started chasing her. “What are you doing!?!” Sakura raced as fast as she could to get away from Li. “You’re crazy!” she shouted.


Li ran after her, swinging his sword. “Come back here!” he yelled.


“Someone help me!” Sakura screamed as she ran along one side of the fence, diving the high school from the elementary school.


Li slashed at her.


Sakura screamed again. “Please, someone help!!!”


Tori suddenly heard Sakura screaming for help.


He and Julian happened to be eating outside, as well. Julian looked around.


“Where is she?”


“There!” Tori pointed.


Sakura ran along the fence, which was right next to them. A boy with a sword chased after her, running faster than she was.


Tori growled softly, and stood up. Julian stood up as well. They both took a few steps back, and ran forward. Tori managed to jump over the fence. Julian landed hard and barely made it. He was winded.


“Go on, I’ll catch up,” Julian said. “Help Sakura.”


Tori raced after Sakura.


Sakura had tripped on the pavement and gone down hard. Her right arm was bleeding and scraped. She shivered in fright as Li advanced slowly.


“Chosen One indeed,” Li snapped. “You are pathetic!”


“What are you talking about? I don’t understand!” Sakura cried.


Li froze. “What?” he asked in confusion.


Sakura’s green eyes shimmered with tears. “Why are you doing this?”


Li sweatdropped and looked at Sakura. “Don’t you know anything?” He waved his sword about.


“I know you’re chasing me, swinging that sword,” Sakura said. “What do you mean, Chosen One?”


Li sighed. “Great, the Chosen One doesn’t even know of her destiny.”


Tori flipped and landed in front of his little sister.


“Back off my sister, punk!” Tori snapped at the sword-swinger. “Next time I catch you chasing her with that thing, I’ll use it on you myself.”


Julian ran up behind Li. “Sakura, are you ok?”


“I’m all right,” Sakura said weakly. For once in her life, she clung to Tori.


Her frightened emerald-green eyes made Li blush. “Shit…” Li muttered.


Tori placed a comforting hand on Sakura’s shoulder and frowned at Li.


“Leave my sister alone, kid. Unless you want to fight me.”


“What kind of a boy are you, that you frighten girls?” Madison’s voice chimed in.


Li sweatdropped again and looked highly embarrassed. “I…uh… Gotta go!” He darted off.


Tori knelt down and looked at Sakura. She had a dirty scrape on her face, a bloody one on her left knee, and her right arm was scraped really bad.


“Are you ok, sis?” Tori asked. His voice was gentle and caring, for once. He touched the scrape on her cheek softly. “Did that kid do this?”


Sakura nodded. “I’m ok. I fell when I was running from Li.” She winced. “My arm hurts, that’s all.”


Julian inspected it. “You need some antiseptic and a big bandage, kiddo,” he said. He winced.


Tori looked at Julian and saw him wincing. He narrowed his eyes, and then looked down at Sakura. He scooped her up in his arms, and carried her to the nurses’ office.


“Ow…” Sakura protested, as the peroxide was used to clean the dirt out of her scrapes.


“We have to get back to school, squirt,” Tori said. “We’ll go home together, ok?”


“All right. Thanks, Tori. You too, Julian.” Sakura waved to them as they left.


Brown eyes watched Sakura from the shadows. Brown eyes full of guilt, as he saw Sakura wince in pain as more peroxide was used. Finally, her scrapes were bandaged and she stood up. A long bandage was wrapped around her right hand. Li stepped back, until he was surrounded by shadow. Maybe his approach had been all wrong. The Chosen One sure didn’t seem to understand him, he thought. And she was hurt because of him, all because he’d scared the hell out of her, chasing her with his sword like that. What a baka he was. He decided to use a different approach next time.


As soon as they walked out of sight, Julian sagged against Tori. Tori supported him and looked around furtively.


“Hold on, Julian,” he muttered, as he half-carried his friend outside and behind some trees. Once there, he sat Julian down and knelt next to him. He looked around again and saw no-one.


Julian’s beautiful eyes were full of pain as Tori leaned forward and kissed him softly. The kiss was full of magic; of both kinds. Magic, as in spells, and magic, as in love.


Julian responded, feeling his weariness fade away. This is what he longed for; to be like this with Tori, forever. They kissed, a sweet magical kiss for a few minutes and then reluctantly broke apart.


Tori smiled at Julian softly. “Sorry, but we can’t do anything else in front of an elementary school.” He was glad to see that Julian looked a lot better now.


Julian nodded, then frowned. “That boy was a descendant of Clow Reed. Descendant or not, he is not the Chosen One. He must have figured out that Sakura is.”


“I know. I heard him say that the ‘Chosen One didn’t even know what her destiny was’.” Tori looked and Julian. “We really do need to get back to class.”


They stood up and dusted their clothes off. They then walked back over to the high school together, hand in hand.


To be continued…

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