Birthday Candles
by: SakuraLight
email: [email protected] Disclaimer: don't own them never will ============================================================

'Its my birthday, my 14th birthday, and she's not here.' '

Of course she's not here!'
another part of my mind cried.

'She never comes, and it's obvious that she couldn't care less about her 'best friend's' 14th birthday. Noooo instead she goes of to HONG KONG totally forgets about you in favor of her adorable Syao-chan!.'

~a moment of silence, the cake is being brought out, and everyone is holding their breath, unaware of the conflict going through the young teen's head.~

'Syao-chan! Syao-chan! It's always about herself and her undying love for her precious Syao-chan. What about Tomoyo-chan!? What about the children who had grown up together? Face it she's forgotten about you and there's nothing you can do about it. Hell, she didn't even come to you're birthday!'

'IIE!!!! Sakura-chan will always love me, even if it isn't the way I want, she'll always love me! And it doesn't matter that she has forgotten my birthday! Syaoran-san had proposed to her, so of course she'd have to be with him!'

~The cake is out, a huge confectionary, the cake was in the shape of a video camera, making all of the people who knew the dark-haired girl when she was younger (which was everyone since there were magical creatures present) laugh, then in a chorus everyone began singing.~ '

'Sure. A stupid engagment is more important than her best friend. Its obvious to everyone that she no longer cares for you. Touya has told you that she never asks about you anymore, just calls to send her love to everyone and ask about his, Yuki's, and their father's health. Never about yours. But look they're done singing..........................make a wish, Tomoyo-chan'

~Tears shining in her eyes, the young teen looked up the friends who were there for her party. Kero-chan was drooling at the side of her cake. Chiharu had a hand over Yamazaki's, and Naoko's mouths, preventing them from even starting a tall tale about birthdays or cakes. Rika and Eriol were smiling serenly at her, waiting patiently along with her mother, Touya and Yukito, for her to blow out her candles. Nakaru was holding down the hyper Spinel Sun, (I'm pretty sure I have everyone, but if I dont -_-() GOMEN NASAI!!!!!!) And then, she blew out the candles, making, as childish as it may have sounded, a wish as she cleanly blew out all of the candles in the cluster.~

'I wish................That Sakura actually cared.'

and for once the cynical voice had no come back for what she said. =============================================================
SL: damn, that came out more than just a little darker than i thought it would be -_-() oh well, don't hurt me, review, reread, review....just review

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