"She won't cry for you"
by Kamui Ikari
[email protected]

Hello everyone!!! This is my second story of CCS and contrary to the first one it's sad and depressive T_T. It's focused on Tomoyo and a spirit, I hope you like it, so please e-mail me, send anything: C&C, flames, etc. I'll see you at the end of the story.

Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura belongs to CLAMP, Kodansha, and other companies as well. This story was only made for amusement, please don't sue me.

Sonomi walked the corridors of the hospital. She was looking for the doctor, her secretary was to her side. Finally she found him. When he saw Sonomi the doctor approached and they spoke for some time. Finally she goes to a room. There is a name written on the door:

"Room 317: Tomoyo Daidouji"

Sonomi enters the room and she goes where Tomoyo is. She is on the bed, with cables in her body; she's linked to the machine that indicates her vital signs. The doctor also enters and he stands behind Sonomi.

"I can't do anything for her," the doctor says with impotence.

Sonomi doesn't respond.

"It's unavoidable. You must accept it," the doctor said again.

"I know it" Sonomi says.

Sonomi comes closer to her daughter and her hand caresses her cheek. Tomoyo, feeling this, opened her eyes and turned to see her mother.

"Mom," Tomoyo says weakly.

"Shh. It's okay, don't say anything," Sonomi says quietly.

"I'll leave you alone" the doctor says and he retires.

Sonomi begins to cry and Tomoyo looks at her.

"Don't cry mom," Tomoyo said, smiling weakly.

"I can't help it," Sonomi says.

"I know what's happening to me, that I will sleep forever, that I will die," Tomoyo said, still smiling.

"Tomoyo," Sonomi says.

"How is everything?" Tomoyo asked.

"Fine," Sonomi says.

"How is your relationship with him?"

"He's giving me strength to continue, but..." Sonomi said sadly

"It's the same thing that you still feel for Nadeshiko, isn't it?" Tomoyo concluded.

"Yes, it is," Sonomi says.

"Mom, can you promise me that you will go on, and bring to the world the brother or sister that I will never know?" Tomoyo asked hopefully.

"I promise, I swear you" Sonomi says.

"I love you, mom," Tomoyo said with tears.

"Me too," Sonomi also said with tears.

Sonomi's secretary enters the room.

"Excuse me, Miss, but there is a phone call and it's urgent."

Sonomi looked at Tomoyo, Tomoyo nodded and Sonomi leaves the room.

Tomoyo turned and looked to the window, she saw sakura petals that floated in the air. She sighs sadly with tears in her eyes.

"Sakura-chan," Tomoyo said sadly.

Somebody appears in the room. Tomoyo looks and sees the spirit of a woman dressing a beautiful dress, she comes closer to Tomoyo, her face doesn't show any feeling.

"Who are you?" asks the spirit.

"Tomoyo Daidouji, Miss."

"How old are you?"

"Fifteen years old."

"You said 'Sakura-chan', didn't you?"


"Who is Sakura?" asked the spirit.

"Sakura is...the one person I love," Tomoyo says with sadness.

"And does she love you?" asks the spirit.

Tomoyo didn't respond and she looked away; a tear ran for her cheek.

"I see.

"She means everything to you," says the spirit.

"Yes," Tomoyo says.

"But, you're nothing for her," says the spirit.


"You did many things for her, costumes, videos, and other things."

"Yes, it is true," says Tomoyo.

"But she never thanked you."


"If you were important for her, she would have found out about your feelings."

Tomoyo doesn't respond.

"She thinks that you're weird, a crazy one," says the spirit.

"She only cares about him, no one else," says the spirit.

Tomoyo looks to the spirit with sadness.

"Since he left, she waited for the day of his return, you gave her support, you even told her that you were in love with her, but she never understood. She waited for that day and finally the day arrived," says the spirit.

"Since that day had passed five years, they finally met," says the spirit.

"If you were important, she would be here at your side, but she isn’t. She is with him in Hong Kong, enjoying their love. She knows that you are dying, but she never came to see you, she never even asked her brother who always comes to see you 'How is she?'" says the spirit.

Tomoyo doesn't say anything, still looking at her with sadness.

"She won't leave a flower at your grave, she won’t come for there, she won't remember the moments that you two spend together, she thinks only of him," says the spirit

The spirit goes away from Tomoyo's bed and begins to disappear.

"She won't cry for you," said the spirit and disappears.

Tomoyo looked to the window, the sakura's petals still floating in the air, she knows that the moment come, the few strengths that she have begin to disappear, the machine begins to emit continuous sounds.

The tears starts to fall for her cheeks...they will be the last ones.


"My beloved Sakura-chan..." Tomoyo says with her torn heart.

"Ai...shi...te...ru" she says before her voice is silenced...forever.

The machine emits a permanent sound, a sound that nobody would want to hear. The spirit observes that the doctor enters with one nurse, behind of them Sonomi, her secretary, Rika, Yamazaki, Chiharu, Naoko, Fujitaka Kinomoto, Touya Kinomoto, Yukito Tsukishiro but somebody is not among them.

Sonomi comes closer to her daughter and she begins to cry disconsolately. Fujitaka tries to comfort her. Yamazaki consoles Chiharu, Naoko and Rika cry without consolation. Touya and Yukito look the scene with tears in their eyes. But someone was absent...

Sakura wasn't among them.

"She didn't come. She will never come. She will never cry for her. The love of Tomoyo for Sakura was true and pure. The true loves are blessed and they bring happiness. But there are also true loves that are not blessed and they bring suffering, pain, loneliness, tears. She met the true love, but she also met the cruel side of the true love. She was young and with a path that would take her to the suffering and this end. There are people that overcome it but others will not. Sonomi could make it but not her daughter. Tomoyo was born fated to follow the same path that her mother, losing her true love and die without her feelings being returned; they didn't give her the opportunity to be happy with her. Life is this way; it's not a fairy tale where all are happy forever, but if Sakura had found it...things would change. But it's already late now...too late," says the spirit.

"Rest in peace, Tomoyo," says the spirit before disappearing.

OWARI (The end)

Index of Japanese terms

Aishiteru: It means "I Love You"

Author’s notes:

1. If CCS had a tragic character as in the other works of Clamp that character would be Tomoyo, since it seems that she is the only character that won't be happy, I have a feeling about the end of the manga and something will happen with her.

2. If there is something that I don't understand, it is Sakura. I cannot believe that she doesn't find about Tomoyo's feelings; Sakura is very naive.

3. I think that Tomoyo is one of the best characters that Clamp made it, but in the fanfics that I read they make her appear like a maniac but is a sample of the love that she manifests for Sakura, I think that she is better than Syaoran.

The story is depressive but I made it in a moment of depression. T_T

I want to know your opinion, if you liked it, if you didn't, C&C, anything so e-mail me to: [email protected], I wait your messages.

Dedicated to: Tomoyo’s fans.
Tomoyo x Sakura fans.

Until the next one!!!

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