No Destination

By Jessica S.




Sitting across the table from Yukito, I tried to finish reading this damn novel. No good. I slam the book down in frustration. Yukito barely looks up.

“You hungry?” I ask him.

“Aren’t I always?” He’s still reading his novel. I shrug off the question and stand up, walk over to the stove. “Popcorn, ok?” I hear a faint “m hm” from Yukito and pour oil and seeds into the pot, setting the stove on high. I sit back over to the table and try again to read.

“Touya…” Yukito says.


“Did you leave the pot alone with no lid?”

“You’re not supposed to leave it alone!” he says, looking up.

I look at him.

“Get back over there. For once I’m gonna teach you how to cook.”
I walk back over to the stove, put a lid on the pot, and start shaking it back and forth. “I know how to cook popcorn,” I grumble. I stare at my reflection in the lid. I remember a time, three months ago, when Yukito thought he didn’t love me anymore. That was the worst day of life. I could have worse days, I suppose. I direct my thoughts to happier ones. About two months ago, Yukito and I found out how much fun sleepovers can really be. I smile at the memory, and don’t hear Yukito come up behind me.

“You’re doing it wrong.” His voice shoots me right back into reality, and I scream. I turn around and nearly die of a heart attack. “What are you doing? Are you trying to kill me?”

My friend smiles at me innocently. “Maybe. You can never be to sure about people.”

I turn back to the popcorn, heart still pounding. “What do you mean I’m doing it wrong?”

He wraps one arm around my waist, and the other he lays on top of my arm that I’m using to cook the popcorn. He makes a circular motion, controlling my hand. 

“Hey Touya,” he whispers in my ear. “You look good enough to eat.” I blush, and turn around to face him, both of us letting go of the pot. With his free hand, he shuts off the stove, then put his arm around my waist. I lean forward and touch my lips to his. I wrap my arms around his waist. He pulls back after a few moments and stares into my eyes. I know what he wants.

“Would you like to stay for dinner, Yuki?” I ask sweetly. “Of course,” he replies. He keeps staring into my eyes. I sigh, giving in. “Would you like to sleepover, Yuki?” “Yes please, To-ya.” “What would you like for dinner?” “You.” He replies, and kisses my neck. “Seriously.” “I am serious.” “Yuki!” “Shhh…let’s get started on our sleepover, ok?” I take his hand and head upstairs.


“I’m home!” Dad calls from downstairs, waking me up. Still half-asleep, I give Yukito, who was asleep with his head on my chest, a shove, then grab my shirt. Putting it on, I toss Yukito his, who is just barely awake. “Dad’s home!” I whisper frantically. He doesn’t know about us. I yell, “Hi Dad! We’re upstairs!” I get off my bed and lean casually against my desk as Yukito puts on his shirt. Dad’s friendly face appears in the doorway.

“Hey, Touya. Hello Yukito.”

“Hello Mr. Kinomoto,” Yukito replies.

“Hey Dad. We’re just taking a break from studying.”

“All-right. What’s for dinner?”

“Chicken. Why don’t you get washed up while we start dinner?”

“Fine. See you downstairs.”

I hear him walk down the steps. I know when he’s at the bottom; the last stair creaks.

I look at Yukito, leaning against the wall. He looks so innocent; nobody would ever guess what we had been doing for the past hour.

I hold out my hand to him. “Come on. Let’s go make dinner.”


Dad pushed back his chair and leaned back.

:”Dinner was great, guys. Excellent chicken.” He smiles at me.

“Thanks,” I say as I take one last bite.

“Where’s Sakura?”

“She’s sleeping over at Tomoyo’’s tonight.”

“Oh, right. Do you two have any homework?”

 I carry my dishes and Dad’s dishes to the sink. “We have to finish our book reports, and some math.”

I sit back down at the table. “Yukito is going to spend the night.”

“alright.” Dad stands up and pushes in his chair. “Well, I brought some work home from the office, so I’ll be in my study.” He leaves the room.

“Hurry up,” I urge Yukito.

“I’m done.” He grins up at me like the Cheshire cat as he puts his dishes on the counter, then follows me up the stairs.


“You’re sure you can’t come over?” I ask.

“Well, I could but then Grammy might get worried. I haven’t been home in thirty hours.”

I sigh, defeated. “Fine. Meet you at the park later?”




I turn and see Nakuru running towards me. “I should go. Fast.” I turn and sprint towards the elementary school.


I step inside the door and nearly shut it on Sakura, who’s right behind me.

“Why did we have to come home so fast, Touya?”

“Uh…I’m expecting a phone call,” I reply as I peer through the window by the door. She hasn’t followed me home today. Good.


“I’m home!” I hear the front door close.

Sakura runs down the steps. “Hi Dad!”

“Hey Sakura. How was school today?”

I block out their chatter as I figure out exactly what I’m going to say. ‘First things first; ask him when.’ I think. I get off my bed, walk downstairs, and into the kitchen, where Dad and Sakura are sitting at the table, telling each other about their day. I wait for a pause in the conversation. Finally, they seem to have run out of words to say.

“Uh, Dad? Can we talk?” I ask nervously.

“Hm?” He stares at me, as does Sakura. Then he smiles warmly. “Sure, Touya. But, can it wait? I’m starving.”

“Sure Dad.”


“Great dinner Touya.”

“Yeah Touya, you finally made something edible.”

“Me? It’s your cooking that isn’t edible Squirt.”

“Hey you two…”

The phone rings.

“I’ll get it. Why don’t you two start your homework, and Touya, when I’m off the phone, we’ll talk.”

Sakura and I leave. She goes upstairs, but for some reason I want to hear the conversation.

Dad picks it up in the middle of the third ring.

“Hello? Speaking…oh, hi Sam.”

Sam works at the university with Dad.

“I’ve seen him around, what’s his name?”

He must be talking about John; he’s new at the university. He’s an assistant.

 “He’s what?! Are you sure? He’s gay?”

I freeze. Maybe I shouldn’t have this talk with him after all. The tone in his voice doesn’t sound to welcoming to John.

“I don’t know…I’d feel too uncomfortable if he stayed…it’s not fair for him to be fired Sam…Sam…I know how you feel…Just ask Michael to make sure he doesn’t work around you.”

Michael is Dad’s boss.

“M hm…m hm…ok, bye Sam.”

He hangs up the phone. I go as quietly as I can up the stairs; stepping over top of the squeaky one.

“Touya?” Dad calls. I wait a moment, then call, “did you call me Dad?”

“Yes. Come on down.” I saunter slowly down the stairs and sit down in the kitchen. I eye the clock; it says 7:17. I better leave for the park soon.

“What did you want to talk to me about?”

Words flash through my mind.

He’s what?!

I’d feel too uncomfortable if he stayed

I know how you feel…

I can’t let him know. He can’t know about me. He wouldn’t accept me I know it.

“I, uh, I wanted to talk about…I was wondering…” I think quickly. “Could I get a car?”

Dad stares at me as if he expected me to say something else. He chuckles. “A car, hm? We’ll talk about this when you’re sixteen.”

I try to look disappointed. “Sure, Dad.” I look at the clock again. 7:20. “I’ve got to go. I’m meeting Yukito at the park. I’ll be back before 10.” I get up and put on my jacket and shoes. “See you later, Dad.”

“Bye Touya.”

I run to the park, to our bench. He’s not here yet. I sit down and try to catch my breath. I’m alone for only a few minutes before he comes.

“Hey To-ya.” He greets me with a kiss.

“Hey, Yuki-kun,” I whisper and kiss him back.

Even if Dad can’t, I have to accept this. Accept my forbidden destiny.


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