"Tomoyo's Farewell Letter"
by Kamui Ikari
[email protected]

Hi! I'm back with a new story of CCS for you, I hope you like it. I will see you at the end of the story.

Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura belongs to Clamp, Kodansha and other companies. This was made for fun. Don't sue me.

"Tomoyo's Farewell Letter"


It's the first time that I've written a letter to you... and it will be the last time.

Yes, it's the first and last time.

I remember the day that I met you for the first time: you were beautiful, you came to me, and you gave me an eraser, it was in school.

From that day, things changed.

We became good friends, we did many things together and I was happy at your side, but I knew that someday these things won't happen.

Finally that day came.

It was a five years ago, when you find the Clow Book and became The Card Captor, the one who must capture the cards before a disaster would come. I was excited to have a friend who controls magic and must save the world. It was the reason that I started to made you battle costumes and recorded you on video.

And he came too.

He was your rival first and later became your friend and finally...your beloved.

I'm happy for you, you'd found your happiness and he returned for you, you two will be forever.

Your brother found his happiness too with him, everyone is happy.

Do you remember when I told you something that I will explain when you're older?

I will explain to you.

I care for you, as you care for me, you said that you love me, but I don't love you...in that way.

At the beginning yes, but not now.

You care me as a friend but I don't care for you in that way now.

The truth is:

I'm in love with you, I love you as I never loved someone before, it's the true reason of my demeanor towards you.

But, I'm happy for you, for finding your "special person", for finding your true happiness.

And me?

I don't know.

I will go to some place, I don't which one, but I must do it. It's painful to be with you and not having you as I wanted.

I plead you: After you read this, don't look for me, don't try to find me, don't waste your time in looking someone like me, I don't deserve it.

I won't see you again....

I'll never see you again.

Farewell...my love....

Signed: Tomoyo Daidouji

P.S: I will love you until the end of my life because you are my "special person".

Sakura returned to her home after her date with Syaoran and found a letter in the floor, it has no name, she tooked it and entered her home, and readed it and finally found the reason of why she was so special to Tomoyo...

OWARI (The End)

Author's Notes:

1. I'm not good at writing a farewell letter, but at least I tried.

2. I could make a lot of stories about Tomoyo and her possible destiny. She is my favourite character of CCS. I tried to make her letter shorter but still contain her feelings about Sakura.

Okay, that's all for now.

If you like it, you don't, please e-mail me at: [email protected]

Until the next one!!!

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