No Destination

By Jessica S.




“Squirt! Get the door!” I called moments after the doorbell rang.

“You get it!” my little sister called back.

“Get the door! NOW! I’m BUSY!” I was. I was sitting at the kitchen table working on a book report. My report on ‘A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich’ was due in three days, and I was only halfway through my report. 

I heard the door open and Sakura greeting Yukito. I knew it was Yukito because of the high pitched ‘hi!’ Sakura squealed. I heard Yukito talking; I didn’t know what he was saying. He’s quiet-spoken. “In the kitchen,” Sakura said.

Yukito walked all the way to the kitchen and stood in the doorway for a couple minutes before I looked up. He was studying me, watching me intently.

“What?” I asked.

He stared at me dumbly.  For a moment, then shook his head. “Oh, nothing.” He walked over and sat across the table from me. “Can we talk?” he asked quietly.

Now it was my turn to stare dumbly. Yukito never asked to talk. He just said what was on his mind.


“Somewhere private?”

“Um…how about my room?”

“I’d prefer somewhere…more private.” He motioned to the living room where Sakura was watching TV.

I glanced at the clock. It was just a bit past 4.

“We could…walk around,” I suggested.

“Alright.” He was already out of his chair and to the kitchen door before I could even out down my pencil.

“Wait a minute,” I complained as I shut my books. He paused for a moment at the kitchen door, then continued walking. I ran to catch up with him at the front door.

“I’ll be back in a little while, Squirt,” I called to Sakura.

“Where are you going?” she asked, twisting backwards on the couch to look up at me.

“Out.” I put on my coat.

“But where?” she pressed.

“Just, OUT.” I slammed the door and jogged to catch up with Yukito, who was already at the end of the driveway.

We walked all the way to the school in silence. We didn’t purposely walk there, it’s one of those subconscious things; you go to a place a lot and when you have no destination you automatically start walking.

We reached the bench we sometimes around at during lunch. “You wanna…sit down here?” I ask.

“Sure,” Yukito says as he sits down. Quickly, I note. I sit down next to him. We sit for a few minutes in silence.  He faces me, his grey hair falling over his eyes.

“Touya…” he stops speaking. I stare into his yellow eyes, silently urging him to continue. He clears his throat. “Touya. You know I would never deliberately ruin our relationship…”

Oh no. No no no. He can’t be.

“Are you…” I choke out. “Are you…you’re…breaking up with me?”

“I’m sorry,” he says quietly.

“Why?” I cry out. Still looking into his eyes, I feel mine fill with tears.

“I just…don’t love you that way anymore.” Yukito kisses me goodbye and leaves.

I sit with my head in my hands. I don’t know how long I sit there; but it gets dark and slightly cold. Wearily, I get up and start walking home. The porch light is on and the door is unlocked, I note gratefully. I slip inside quietly. Sakura’s not in the living room anymore, she’s upstairs, probably talking to Kero or one of her friends. I can hear Dad in the kitchen, probably having a cup of coffee or reading the paper.

Sakura must’ve heard me; she’s standing outside her door waiting for me. “Where did you go?” she asks.

“Nowhere. I didn’t have any destination.”

She stares at me quizzically for a moment, then her expression clears. “I’m sorry,” she says. I don’t think she understood what I said, but I think she understands the hurt in my eyes. She’s a good kid. I smile at her. “It’s ok,” I say as I reach out and ruffle her hair. “’Nite Squirt,” I say as I head to my room.  


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