Never Had a Dream Come True
Author's notes: Well, this is the first of a three-series song fic. All three songs are from S-Club-7! ^_^ All three are also Tomoyo-Sakura pairing.
~~Tomoyo Aino~~

Tomoyo looked out of the window sadly. She wished that Sakura was here with her, but Sakura had chosen Syaoran... Don't be stupid... she thought. Just because you dated a few times doesn't mean she feels the same way... But still...

Everybody's got something
They had to leave behind
One regret from yesterday
That just seems to grow with time

Tomoyo sighed. She really didn't like the idea of loosing Sakura. It seemed that Sakura had loved her too... Until Syaoran... Tomoyo's insides squirmed at the thought. Syaoran...

There's no use looking back or wondering
How it could be now or might have been
All this I know but still I can't find ways to let you go

Tomoyo sighed. Tears spilled out from her eyes and she brushed them away. She didn't really hate Syaoran... She just didn't like the fact that he liked the one girl she's ever liked. Her first 'girlfriend' if you'd call Sakura that... But Syaoran couldn't be blamed... Nobody was to blame for this. Although Sakura had gone with Syaoran, Tomoyo knew that Sakura had loved her, even if it was once. Tomoyo had pretened she didn't mind, after all... She should be happy for her friend.

I never had a dream come true
'Till the day that I found you
Even though I pretend that I've moved on
You'll always be my baby.

Tomoyo sighed. No matter how much she wanted it, or how badly, Sakura wasn't going to come back to her. She might as well as move on... But she couldn't. Her thoughts swam with Sakura. She couldn't stop thinking about the cute, brown haired girl that had taken her heart. Her eyes swept her room and landed on a pile of tapes, the tapes of Sakura's captures...

I never found the words to say
You're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be with you

Tomoyo sighed. She kept on going over the wonderful days she had spent with Sakura. The amazing girl kept on flashing through her mind causing her heart to ache. The beautiful starry night outside made Tomoyo remember thier night-time strolls.

Somewhere in my memory
I've lost all sense of time
And tommorrow can never be
'Cause yesterday is all that fills my mind

Tomoyo got up and sat down once more. She sighed. Nothing was going to cheer her up, she fell into silence listening to her bodyguards downstairs. Her mother wasn't home yet and probably wouldn't get home until later on, she didn't feel like sharing her feelings with anybody at the moment...

There's no use looking back or wondering
How it could be now or might have been
All this I know but still I can't find ways to let you go

Her eyes turned red from crying. She sighed and lay down on her huge bed thinking to herself. She lay there crying herself asleep. "Why? Why me? Why this?"

I never had a dream come true
'Till the day that I found you
Even though I pretend that I've moved on
You'll always be my baby.

Tomoyo's eyes reopened a some time later, she lay there for a few minutes taking in what happened. Her heart aching and she was miserable, but she smiled at the thought that Sakura was happy...

I never found the words to say
You're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be with you

Tomoyo let herself off the bed. She listened into the still night, but there was no sound. The clock on her wall told her that her bodyguards had gone to sleep. A knock could be heard from downstairs.

You'll Always be the dream that fills my head
You'll alwasy be the one I know
I'll never forget

Tomoyo waited for one of her bodyguards to answer the door, perhaps her mother had forgotten her key... She didn't feel like getting out of her room. If she did, she'd be filled with memories of Sakura. She didn't want to believe that Sakura was still gone, she didn't want this to happen. Maybe... If I close my eyes... And reopen them, I'd find out all this is a dream...

It's no use looking back or wondering
Because love is a strange and funny thing
No matter how I try and try
I just can't say goodbye

After a few minutes, there was another knock. Tomoyo slid out of bed wiping her eyes and went down to open the door. Rain had started to pour when she was asleep, a person stood out the door, he/she was soaked to the bone. A flash of lightning showed Tomoyo who the person was... "Sakura?"

I never had a dream come true
'Till the day that I found you
Even though I pretend that I've moved on
You'll always be my baby

The brown haired beauty stood outside smiling sadly. "Hai Tomoyo-Chan." Tomoyo looked at Sakura and smiled. "I've missed you..."

I've never found the words to say
You're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be with you


Have You Ever

Author's Notes: I do realise that the title sounds like a title for a lemon. But it's doesn't have any lemons. ^_^ It's the second of the three-series song fic about Sakura and Tomoyo.

~~Tomoyo Aino~~

Sakura sighed. She was sitting at one of the most expensive cafe with Syaoran-kun... She was probably one of the luckiest people on earth... But why wasn't she happy?

Sometimes it's wrong to walk away, though you think it's over
Knowing there's so much more to say
Suddenly the moment's gone
And all your dreams are upsie down
And your just wanna change the way the world goes round

Syaoran looked at Sakura, he knew she wasn't paying much attention to him, he could see the pain in her eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked knowing the answer.

Tell me, have you ever loved and lost somebody
Wished there was a chance to say I'm sorry
Can't you see, that's the way I feel about you an me, baby
Have you ever felt your heart was breaking
Looking down the road you should be taking
I should know, cos i loved and lost the day I let you go.

Sakura was broken from her thoughts. She looked up into Syaoran's worried eyes. "Nothing..." She answered forcing a smile. "Was just... Thinking... That's all..."

Can't help but think that this is wrong, we should be together
Back in your arms where I belong
Now I've finally realised it was forever that I've found
I'd give it all to change the way the world goes round

Syaoran didn't look convinced. "You're thinking about... Her... Aren't you?" He asked giving Sakura a smile. "Go after her... You're meant for each other..."

Tell me...

Sakura blushed. "Y-you're sure?" She asked feeling relieve that Syaoran wasn't mad or sad. She then realised that Syaoran wanted her to be happy... She hugged Syaoran tightly. "You're the best friend anybody can ever have... Hope you can find your true love..." Before she ran out, she turned and gave Syaoran a smile.

I really wanna hear you say that you know just how it feels
To have it all and let it slip away, can't you see
Even though the moment's gone, I'm still holding on somehow
Wishing I could change the way the world goes round

Sakura rounded the corner of Tomoyo's street, it started to rain, the rain drops hit her making her cold. But she knew... Knew that she would find warmth at Tomoyo's... Please... Let her take me back... Oh please...

Tell me...




Author's Notes: ^_^ Yes, the last one. I know it's VERY long but yeah... I hope it was worth it.

~~Tomoyo Aino~~

Sakura sat down with a cup of hot coco. She glanced at Tomoyo. Her eyes slid to the ground. "So uh..." She muttered trying to make conversation. "I guess you're wondering why I'm here?"

You... Are all I need to get me through
Like a falling star, I fell for you
Sweet anticipation
It's givin me the butterflies

Tomoyo looked up from where she was standing, cut in hand. "I... Guess..." She muttered feeling slightly uncomfortable acting like this. "Y-you said you missed me?" Her voice quivered.

And my heartbeat's racing
Coz lovin' you is beautiful
When you're so irresistible

Sakura looked up into Tomoyo's eyes. What do I say? She asked herself. Oh god... What do I say... Should I just come out and say that I love her? Or should I... Her thoughts were broken by a sob.

Don't stop... What you're doing baby
So good... and it drives me crazy
One touch... I'm in heaven yeah Coz lovin you's so beautiful baby coz...

Tomoyo's eyes filled with tears. Oh Sakura... Why are you here? To hurt me more? Or to tell me you love me? WHY?

You... Are all I need to get me through
Like a falling star I fell for you
You, have taught me how to love
An angel sent from high above
And now I know that all I need is you
Cause I need you and you need me and we'll always stay together

Sakura stood up and walked over to her lover. She kneeled down and glanced up at Tomoyo's tear-filled eyes. "Oh Tomyo-chan..." She stood up again hugging her friend and partner. "Oh I'm so sorry... Don't cry please... Please don't cry."

I thought I knew what love was
I always ended up in in tears
Tomoyo looked up. "Sorry for what Sakura-chan? You've never done anything wrong... Please don't say you're sorry when you're not responsible..."

Now we're inseperable, no one is acceptable but you
Out love is instructable, out bond is unbreakable that's true
Let the feeling take you

Sakura sighed looking at Tomoyo's face. She'd almost let this beautiful girl get away... Not this time though... They're were destinded to be toghter... Forever... She smiled at the girl in her arms. "I love you..."

Now that I got you baby
I'm feeling stronger

Tomoyo looked up startled. "Y-you do?" Her eyes looked into Sakura's green ones. Searching for the answer... Seeing if it was really true. Sakura's eyes were as truethful as ever and Tomoyo broke into a smile. "I love you too Sakura..."

Now that I got you baby
I'm feeling stronger...


Lol, yes, that's all ^_^ Hope you liked it.



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