Note: None of these are my original creations, except for Alanna. This deals with a same-sex relationship, so if it offends, please don’t read.


Test of the Heart


Part 1.


By: A.J. Matthews




Inside of Sakura’s elementary school, a light flicked on in the art room. The self-portrait sculptures that were sitting on a table were being inspected by Eli.


“Have you found Sakura’s yet?” he asked Ruby Moon.


“Yes.” She held it out to him, and watched as he infused it with magic. The statue transformed into a replica of Sakura.


On the floor next to them, the real Sakura lay in a crumpled heap. Her staff and cap lay on the ground next to her. Her eyes were closed… and yet there were no physical wounds.


“Master, are you sure we’re doing the right thing?” asked Ruby Moon. “We don’t even know if she can be woken up from the spell.”


“You worry to much, Ruby. Have more faith in me,” Eli said, his last words rather cold.


“Yes, Master.” She bowed her head in shame.


“You know what to do,” he said to the fake Sakura. He looked down at the real Sakura. “As for you, we’ll see if your Guardians are strong enough to counteract against you, for their own good. Bring her, Ruby.”


The fake Sakura nodded and vanished. Ruby Moon knelt beside the real Sakura and picked her up.


Eli sensed that Ruby Moon was still worried about Sakura and did not approve.. He looked at her. “If her magic is as strong as it should be by now, she will wake up shortly. Everything will go as I planned.” They vanished as well, returning to Eli’s house.


The next morning…


“Tori, I have something to tell you,” his father, Aiden, said to him. He looked serious.


Oh no, Tori thought. He’s found out about me and Julian! “Ok, dad,” said Tori nervously.


“I’ve been meaning to discuss this with you for some time.” His dad looked grim.


Tori looked at his father, fearing the worse.


“Son, my business requires me to move abroad for a year at least.”


Tori blinked in surprise. “What?”


“I should have told this sooner. I have to go; if I don’t, I will lose my job,” his father said earnestly. “But you have a decision to make. You are eighteen now, and a legal adult. Do you want to stay here and finish high school, or do you want to come with me?”


“Gee…” Tori didn’t know what to say. “Dad… I…” He had always wanted to grow abroad, but he couldn’t leave his friends… or Julian.


“I know it may take some time, son. Don’t worry about Sakura. If you decide to come with, Madison’s parents said they’d be happy for Sakura to stay with them while we’re gone.”


“Dad, I love you, but… I can’t. I have too many friends and memories here. I can’t just leave. Do you understand?” Tori looked at his father, beseeching him to understand.


Aiden smiled reassuringly. “It’s ok, Tori. I kind of thought you’d feel that way.” He embraced his son. “That’s why my flight plan is for tomorrow afternoon.”


“Whoa…” Tori looked surprised.


“Just take care of the house, son, ok? And watch out for your little sister.” Aiden stood up, and walked to his room, then turned back. “Don’t be late for school this morning, Tori.”


Tori looked at the clock and yelped. “I’m late!” He ran upstairs to get his bag, homework, and shoes, and then he ran out the door.


Sakura had been hiding in the hall while her father and brother had spoken. She felt hurt that Tori had said that he had too many ‘friends and memories’ to leave. What about me, part of her wanted to scream at him. I loved Julian first. But then you had to start dating him. Jealousy and anger flared in her. Master Reed’s test will fail, she muttered, as she walked out the door herself, with her own bag slung over her shoulder, as she went to meet Madison and Li. Her eyes were glowing with a strange color.


Tori raced up to the park where he was supposed to meet Julian. He was breathing hard when he arrived. Julian looked up from the park bench where he had been reading a book.


“I was beginning to worry, Tori,” he said, as he placed a bookmark inside his book and put it down. He smiled at Tori, as he stood and walked over to him.


“Sorry… Dad wanted to talk to me…” Tori panted.


“Sit down for a minute, Tori. At least long enough to put your shoes on,” Julian teased.


Tori sat down and hurriedly put his shoes on. Julian sat next to him, his smile fading a little.


“What’s wrong, Julian?” asked Tori as he looked at his lover. He placed a hand on his shoulder reassuringly.


“It’s my grandparents. I’m worried about them.” Julian looked at Tori, feeling stricken. “I have this feeling that they’re not telling me something. They whisper when I’m not around, but stop if I come down the stairs or something.”


“Oh, Julian…” Tori forgot his own worries as he embraced Julian tightly. He noticed that he seemed to be rather warm. “Whatever it is, I’ll be right there with you. I promise.”


Julian smiled his thanks at his lover. A slight flush was on his face. As they leaned towards each other, their lips had just touched when a distant bell sounded.


“Oh no…” moaned Tori quietly. “We’re late.”


“Well, if we’re already late,” said Julian seductively. He kissed Tori again, and they reveled in the magic for several moments, until they stopped to catch their breaths.


“Julian, I really hate to say this right now,” and Tori gave Julian’s hand a gentle squeeze, but if we don’t hurry, we’ll be in big trouble!”


“All right,” said Julian as he stood and gathered his books back into his backpack. He didn’t tell Tori that he was feeling unwell. Together, they walked out of the park.


As they left, a girl with dark hair and green eyes came out from behind a tree, with a smile on her face. She vanished in a flicker of light that surrounded her.


Because they were so late, Tori and Julian had to go to the office. They saw Alanna in the back of the line of those who were late.


“Are you feeling better, Alanna?” asked Julian, remembering the gang attack on her less than a week ago.


Alanna turned and greeted them both with a gentle smile. “Much better, except for these bruises.” Large purple and yellow bruises marred her face and arms, and they stood out clearly against her pale skin. “But, I never got a chance to thank you both. So, thank you.”


They looked at her in confusion.


“The doctor told me that you both saved me and brought me there, so thanks.” Alanna looked at them, an inquiring look on her face.


“You’re welcome,” said Tori. “Hey, have you heard about the Valentine’s Day party?” he asked both Julian and Alanna.


“Yes, but I’ll still look like I got hit by a car,” said Alanna, laughing merrily.


Julian was starting to feel strange. His vision hazed over before him. He struggled to keep consciousness. “Tori…” he said, right before collapsing in front of him.


“Julian!” cried Tori. He kneeled down next to his friend.


Alanna kneeled next to him, and placed her hand on his forehead. She looked at Tori worriedly. “I think he’s got a fever.” No one saw something glimmer on her hand and pass into Julian.


She stood up. “I think we’d better give him some air,” she said to the group that was gathered around Julian. They all backed up and left a circle around Julian, Tori, and one of the school nurses.


As Julian’s eyes flickered open, he saw Tori and one of the school nurses standing over him. “Tori? I feel really weird.”


“Are you ok, Mr. Star?” asked the school nurse. She touched Julian’s forehead herself. Then she looked at the students who were standing there. “You’d better go on to class, now,” she said briskly.


They nodded, and walked away. Alanna walked after the others, her long dark hair flowing around her freely. Her emerald eyes watched Julian as she walked out of sight.


“I feel kind of dizzy,” Julian said.


“Why didn’t you tell me, Julian?” asked Tori.


“I didn’t want to worry you.” Julian’s eyes met Tori’s.


One of the ladies stuck her head out of the office, and beckoned the nurse to her. After a few minutes of whispering, Julian and Tori heard a startled exclamation.


“Oh my goodness! That’s terrible.” The nurse poked her head out of the office and looked at Julian. “We must tell him immediately.”


Julian exchanged a stricken look with Tori. Deep in his heart, he knew. Yet, the knowledge did not make him feel any less pain.


Tori looked back, blinking back tears. “Oh… Julian, I’m so sorry,” he whispered. He hugged his lover tightly, knowing he couldn’t do any more than that because the nurses were watching, and being resentful for it.


Julian leaned into Tori’s embrace, feeling tears running down his face. “Grandmother… Grandfather…” he wept.


The nurse walked back out, and saw the look on Julian’s face. Her expression changed to one of pity. “You heard, didn’t you?” she asked.


Julian could only nod through his tears. He clung to Tori.


“I’m sorry, Mr. Star. At least they died instantly,” the nurse said, trying to be comforting.


“How did they die?” asked Tori, on Julian’s behalf.


“Did Julian know his grandmother had discovered she had cancer a week ago?” the nurse asked.


From the look in Julian’s eyes, the answer was a definite no. “No, he didn’t,” said Julian.


“Oh, my…” She looked at Julian. “Dear, they were on their way to the hospital for her treatment when it happened.”


Julian was crying harder. Tori looked at him in concern. “Julian, it’ll be ok, I promise.” He looked at the nurse. “When what happened?”


“Dear, a speeding driver attempted to pass them and lost control of his vehicle. It spun out of control, knocking your grandparents car directly into the guardrail.” She stopped when she saw Julian was only getting more upset.


Tori looked at the nurse. “Nurse, can I have permission to take Julian home? He can’t deal with this here!”


“Of course, dear. And stay with him until he feels better.” The nurse waved them off.


“Come on, Julian.” Tori helped Julian to his feet, and led him outside of the high school. Julian cried the entire time, with his face buried in his hand.


Sakura was outside having Gym Class when she, Madison, and Li saw Tori leading Julian, who was crying like he’d never stop. She ran over to them when the teacher wasn’t looking.


“Julian, what’s wrong?” she asked, knowing it had to be very bad.


“Sakura, I’ll explain it to you later,” said Tori, as he led Julian past her. “Tonight,” he called over his shoulder. Inside, he felt a twinge of guilt. Sakura looked so forlorn and hurt standing there alone. I’m sorry, Sakura, he thought.


Sakura walked back over to her friends, biting her lower lip to keep it from trembling.


“What’s going on?” asked Madison, who knew that Julian was Yue’s human form.


“I don’t know,” Sakura said, as tears welled up in her eyes. “Julian was crying too hard to tell me anything, and Tori said he’d tell me tonight. They just walked by me like I wasn’t even there.”


Li looked at Sakura sympathetically. “I’m sure he had a good reason for acting so brusquely. He was probably worried about Julian.”


“And that’s the whole problem,” Sakura said, as she burst into tears. Madison hugged her tightly


“What do you mean?” she asked.


“Ever since they got together, Tori and Julian have both been acting different.” Sakura wept on Madison’s shoulder.


Madison and Li exchanged pitying looks. They knew that Sakura had felt this way for some time.


“I was truly happy for them… but now, it seems like they’re always pushing me away. I was Julian’s friend, too! And I am Tori’s sister!” Sakura dried her tears. Her green eyes flashed with anger. “I’m going to make them pay for ignoring me!” Madison and Li looked at her with alarm. She sounded angry, which is something almost never got.


Later that afternoon…


Tori had managed to get Julian to his house, for Julian did not want to go to his grandparents house. They lay together on Tori’s bed, with only a sheet covering them.


Julian looked over at Tori, who had his arms wound around him. “I didn’t mean to be so rough, Tori. I guess I’m still in shock.”


Tori nodded. “It’s ok, Julian.” He stroked Julian’s soft hair. “I understand.”


Julian leaned into the stroke. “I will truly miss them. Even though I was not truly their grandchild, they loved me as such. It hurts me to think about them. I cared for them almost as much as I care for you.”


Tori shared a gentle smile with Julian. “Love does that, Julian. It makes you vulnerable. But it also can make you very happy.” He laid a hand on Julian’s bare back, which was still warm with fever.


They both froze when they heard the door open downstairs. “Tori!” called his father.


“Oh no! I completely forgot he was coming home early, before he left for his trip,” Tori said, looking at Julian. “Get dressed, quick.” They quickly put their clothes back on, as Aiden walked up the stairs. By the time he got to them, Tori and Julian were sitting on the bed together, with Tori’s arm draped across his shoulders.


“Tori, why weren’t you in school today?” asked Aiden sternly. “I specifically told you not to be late! Hi, Julian.”


“Dad, can we talk in the hallway?” asked Tori, looking at Julian sorrowfully when he only nodded to Tori’s father.


Aiden got the feeling that something was up when he saw how bloodshot Julian’s eyes were. He nodded slowly. “Ok, son.”


They stepped into the hallway.


“Dad, Julian just found out that his grandparents died this morning,” Tori explained. “He’s had a rough day. He passed out at school because he’s sick. While he laid there, a phone call came saying his grandparents died in a car accident.”


Aiden looked at his son quietly. “They were good people,” he said solemnly.


“I couldn’t just let him go home by himself- he’s sick and distraught. But he didn’t want to go to his grandparents’ house. So I brought him here. He’s been like that all day,” Tori said earnestly.


“I see. You did the right thing, son.” Aiden hugged Tori. “I’m proud of you.”


Julian sat in the bedroom feeling numb. Tori had managed to ease the pain in his heart partly, but he knew that it would never fully fade away. He looked out the window and saw Sakura coming up the walk. She looked upset about something, as she opened the door.


Sakura walked into the house and up the stairs slowly, with a grim set to her face. Kero flew down and looked at Sakura.


“Wow! What’s wrong with you?” he asked.


“I’m fine,” Sakura snapped angrily.


“Jeez…” Kero flew off to give Sakura a chance to cool down for a while. That girl is definitely in a temper, he thought, as he flew into Tori’s room to try to cheer up Yue, who had been down all day long.


Sakura walked up the stairs, and looked at her brother and father hugging. She made a face, but they didn’t see it.


She walked straight to Tori’s room and opened the door. She closed it behind her. As she entered, Kero, not wanting to be snapped at again, flew behind one of the cabinets and walked.


Less than a minute later, there was the sound of a window breaking. Tori and Aiden looked at each other in shock. Tori ran into his room and saw Sakura standing there, looking out the window at a departing… Yue.


Tori looked down at Sakura. “What happened?”


She shrugged innocently. “I had to tell him some unpleasant news. He took it rather bad.”


Tori ran out of his room, and down the stairs. His father watched Tori’s departing back as he ran out of the house, leaving his father and Sakura standing there in shock.


Aiden looked at Sakura. “What’s wrong with him?”


“I have no idea, father,” said Sakura as she looked up at him.


Aiden shrugged a little and walked downstairs to close the door. Tori had left it wide open.


Sakura stood by herself on the top of the stairs. An evil smile appeared on her face. Phase one is complete, she thought to herself.


Kero flew out of Tori’s room, with a stunned look on his face as he looked down at Sakura. How could she, he thought.


Yue landed in the empty park and changed back into Julian. His heart was breaking. He could do almost anything, but how could he…. He knew Tori was following him. Julian looked into the empty pool, and saw the tears running down his face. He tried to prepare himself for what he had to do next.


Tori burst into the clearing. “Julian, what’s wrong? What did Sakura say to you to make you run off like that?” He walked over to him to put an arm around him, but Julian stepped back.


He looked at Tori with pain written all over his face and eyes. Clearly, he was about to say something that was painful. “Tori… I have to break up with you…”


“What!” Tori gasped. “Why?”


Julian was in obvious misery. “I can’t tell you.” He changed back into Yue, and flew up in the air. “I’m sorry, Tori. It’s forbidden now. If it makes you feel any better, it hurts me too.” He flew off in pain.


Tori stood there in shock. Why, he wondered. Julian had said, ‘It’s forbidden now.’ And he obviously didn’t want to do it, so why?


Tori stood in the clearing for a while, then turned and walked home.


To be continued

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