Note: None of these characters belong to me, except for Alanna and Kaori. The song is called ‘Pikachu’s Goodbye’, from Pokemon, and is offset by ********************. The language in this fic is PG.


A Test of Heart

Part 2


By: A.J. Matthews


It’s been three days… God, I can’t believe. Three days without talking to Tori and being with him.


Tears run down my face as I bury it in my hands. Gods, this hurts worse than when I found out my grandparents died.


Damn it, Sakura! Tell me why you’ve done this. I’ve never have believed you capable of doing this. Even Kero can’t believe it. And I still don’t believe the weak excuse that you gave me.


“God, Tori, this is tearing me apart…” I wept. I can’t understand this. Why, Sakura? What did I do to upset you so much that you’d do this?


I can see it in Tori’s eyes. This hurts him just as much as me. Alanna has sensed something bad must’ve happened, but she doesn’t pry.



I close my eyes and I can see

The day we met

Just one moment and I knew

You’re my best friend

I’d do anything for you



I clench my fists together. I love him so much, I can barely stand it. Kero can tell that something is wrong. I refuse to speak to Sakura, unless it’s absolutely necessary. I don’t speak to Tori, either. It hurts too much to see him so sad. And I know just how he feels.


I can remember when he first find out about me. That I was really Yue, Guardian of the Moon and Sakura. He sacrificed a lot for me. Hell, he gave up being able to see his mother to save my life. And he continued to save my life, at the times when I needed more magic.  And then I broke up with him.



We’ve gone so far and done so much

And I really feel like we’ve always been together

Right by my side through thick and thin

You’re a part of my life that I’ll always remember



I choke back tears. This hurts worse than even when Kaori vanished centuries ago. I lost her then and now I’ve lost him, too. Maybe I’m just not supposed to be happy with someone.


The worse news is that the magic hasn’t been coming to me like it should be. I used to receive magic from Tori on a regular basis. I flushed slightly as I remembered how I’d received it that last day. That day when my existence seemed to lose all meaning.


So I’m facing the possibility of disappearing forever. And this time, I don’t have the right to ask for help. Hell, I’m not sure he’d help me even if I did help.


I slap myself mentally. Of course Tori would help me. He was a kind and decent person.


Maybe I should’ve defied Sakura. Every part of me shouts that what she did was wrong. But… she’s my Master. I have to obey her. Why does this seem so familiar?


Because Clow Reed did exactly the same thing to me and Kaori. He ordered us to break up and care only for him. And then he sent Kaori away. I never found out why then.


I don’t know. Maybe it was for the better. I did meet Tori and fall in love again, after so long.


At least I won’t have to watch as Tori ages before me and I remain the same. I don’t care about that anymore. Magic could keep him alive longer.


It’s ironic. The magic he used to use to save me could enable him to live longer. And now, he will live longer.


Sakura has been acting strangely lately, too. Kero has noticed that as well. She acts kind of stuck up, and has blown off her friendships with Li and Madison. I’ve vaguely felt some kind of strange power around her, but I can’t get seem to see it.


Maybe I should go back to the Book. At least then, it might not hurt so much.


“Julian?” Kero asks softly, startling me. He looks at me compassionately.


I look at him with misery on my face. “Hi, Kero.” My voice is quiet.


“Are you ok?”


“Gods, no, Kero!” I look at him. “I hurt so much… And I know Tori does too. What she did was wrong.” I don’t mention my other problem.


“I know. It’s strange. Sakura isn’t like that at all. It’s almost as if she’s a different person,” Kero says thoughtfully. “But that’s not what I meant. You’re disappearing again. You should tell Sakura or Julian. It’s because of the strain on your relationship.”


“What relationship? There is none! Because of Sakura! And I don’t have the right to ask him for help.” I can’t handle this tonight. I’m about to change forms so I can fly off when I hear a soft whisper.



The time has come

It’s for the best, I know it

Who could’ve guessed that you and I…

Somehow, someway, we’d have to say goodbye




“Julian? Is that you?”


It’s Alanna. Kero flies out of sight in the trees above me.


“Yes,” I admit.


“Can I talk to you?” She seems shy, almost hesitant.


“Sure.” I jump out of the tree where I’d been watching the moon. It was beautiful tonight.


She looks at me, her long hair flowing free in the night wind. Her question isn’t what I expect at all.


“What happened between you and Tori?” She bites her lower lip. “I don’t mean to pry… it’s just that it’s so obvious that something happened and you’re both miserable.”


I look at her in surprise. She’s good. No one else had noticed that Tori and I had had a very close relationship. I don’t know what to say to her.


“You still love him, don’t you?” she asks in her soft voice.


“How did you know-”


She cuts me off.


“Remember a few days ago when we were all in line to get our late slips?” At my nod, she continues. “You never asked why I was late. I was at the park that morning, and I saw you and Tori.”


I feel embarrassed. I certainly had not noticed being watched. A flush appears on my face.


“It’s ok,” she says. “I’m not here to judge. I’m just worried about both of you. He’s in as much pain as you are.”


“You’re right. I still love him, but I had to break up with him.” I clench my teeth in pain and sorrow.



You’ve helped me find the strength inside

And the courage to make my dreams come true

How will I find another friend like you

Two of a kind; that’s what we are

And it seems like we were always winning

But as our team is torn apart

I wish we could go back to the beginning



Agony runs through my body. Agony of heart and soul. And the agony of disappearing again.


“Why? If you love each other…” Alanna says. “Love is very precious. Without it, the world is a whole lot lonelier. Love can be wonderful, but sometimes it can break your heart. But without the bad times, we wouldn’t appreciate the good times.”


I look at her. “How did you get so wise, Alanna?” I’m amazed. She seems to understand what I’m going through.


She looks back at me sadly.



The time has come

It’s for the best I know it

Who could’ve guessed that you and I

Somehow, someday, we have to say goodbye

Somehow, today, we have to say goodbye



“I was in love once, but I was forced to leave him. I couldn’t tell him goodbye or anything. And when I finally found him again, he’d fallen in love with someone else,” Alanna says softly. “Believe it or not, I was truly happy for him. He’d suffered because he missed me so much, so it was hard for him to open his heart to love once more.” She looked at me. “That’s why you need to tell Tori that you still love him. I don’t want you to go through what I did. How would you feel if he started dating someone else? Fight for the one you love, Julian, before it’s too late.” Tears shine in her emerald eyes.


Suddenly, I realize, she’s right. Love is precious and I should fight for it.


I smile at her; this wise human who understands my heart better than I could. She’s helped me a lot.


“Thanks, Alanna. You’re a true friend.”


She smiles. “I’d better get home,” she says. Before leaving, she places her hand on my shoulder.


I feel a sudden jolt in magic. Alanna has a lot of magic around her for a human, and somehow some of it just got placed into me. It must be because I’m so weak without it, and my magic needs recharging.


She sways slightly.


I catch her before she falls to the ground.


“What was that?” she asks. Alanna looks tired of all of a sudden.


“You’re probably tired, Alanna,” I say gently. “I’ll walk you home.”


She nods, and we set off.


After seeing her home, I walk behind some trees. There, I change forms and fly up into the night.


I begin searching for Tori.


Somehow, I’m going to make him understand.


But before I can find him, an image appears before me.


It’s Clow Reed. He looks a lot younger than I remember. But it’s him. The magic feeling is exactly the same. Ruby Moon and Spinner are with him.


I open my mouth in shock and close it again. How can this be?


“Master?” I say, my voice trembling.


“Yue…” His emotionless eyes look at me. “I hadn’t expected interference from a human,” he says, looking down at Alanna’s house. “Or such magic talent.”


“What do you mean?” I ask, feeling a coldness inside of me. He talks as if…as if… No, it couldn’t be. He wouldn’t hurt a human.


Clow Reed looks at me. “The human girl. I wanted you to figure it out on your own,” he says. He snaps his fingers. “Sometimes, your Master may not always give you an easy task. But you must follow do it nonetheless.”


I get angry. “What is this?” I demand. I move forward to look closely at Clow Reed, when Ruby Moon stops me.


“My, my. You sound just like Kaori,” my former master says. “It was a test for you, Yue. To see your loyalty to your new Master.” He looks at me. “Obviously, it is lacking.” He sighs. “However, you can’t know that I’m alive again, Yue.” He starts a spell.


I try to back up, but Ruby Moon and Spinner block the way. I can feel the spell doing… something to me. I go unconscious and fall back to the ground below.


To be continued…

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