It’s kind of funny, I’d never written a lemon before last night, but now I seem to be on a roll of sorts and all these lemony ideas for fics keep popping into my head. This is my second attempt (the first was a Weiss Kreuz fic and people seemed to like it) and this just might be the strangest idea for a fan fic that I have ever had, but surprisingly, I like how it turned out. I’m warning you now: This is an unusual pairing and I honestly haven’t seen any other fics of this nature. I’d love to know if any more exist. They would be interesting to read. Unfortunately, in order for this to work, you have to ignore the existence of Houki (the empress). Sorry about that. Anyway, on to the fic. Ummm… enjoy and comments are VERY much appreciated.


Oh yeah and by the way, it’s yaoi and lemony so don’t read it if that sort of thing bothers you.





[email protected]





By samuraiheart




Discaimer: These characters do not belong to me. They are the property of their respective owners.


Warning: Lemony PWPish. Contains slight spoilers up through what happens to Mitsukake (sorry I don’t know the episode number) and it would probably be helpful for you to know more than that, but it’s not absolutely essential.




Knock. Knock.


Chichiri looked up from where he was sitting on the edge of the bed in his room at the palace. He closed his eye briefly and wiped away a tear that had graced his cheek. He had been dwelling on sad memories again and he had hoped that no one would bother him tonight. He was still getting over the loss of Mitsukake and old ghosts were haunting his thoughts as well. He took a deep breath and put his mask back on so he could face his visitor.


“Come in!” Chichiri called out.


The door swung open slowly to reveal one of the Emperor’s court attendants. “Excuse me, Chichiri-san, but his majesty requests your presence.”


Chichiri nodded solemnly and stood to gather his things. “I’ll be there shortly.”


The man nodded and closed the door as he turned to leave.


Chichiri ran a hand through his hair in an effort to straighten his unruly bangs and glanced around for his belongings. He fished his kesa out from a pile of clothing near his bed and grabbed his shakujou. The staff seemed heavy in his hands as he walked down the dimly lit corridor towards the emperor’s chambers. He was not looking forward to this tonight. His hand shook slightly as he knocked on the hard wooden surface of the door and stepped back to await a response.


Hotohori glanced in a nearby mirror and brushed a few silky strands of hair away from his face before opening the door for the blue-haired monk. He smiled brilliantly at his guest and gestured toward the bed.


“Please, Chichiri, come in. Have a seat.”


Chichiri pasted on a cheerful expression and hoped the mask could hide the pain he felt inside. “Yes, Hotohori-sama.”


Hotohori glanced at his visitor curiously and sat beside him on the bed. He turned to face the monk and felt his throat go dry as he thought about what he wanted to ask him. He knew it was ridiculous. An emperor shouldn’t be afraid to ask a simple question of one of his subjects, but this was different somehow. This was Chichiri and Hotohori wanted to ask him something that could seriously affect their relationship no matter what the answer was.


Chichiri methodically removed his kesa and placed the shimmering purple cloth on the edge of the bed. His voice took on a high-pitched air of cheerfulness as he tilted his head and turned to face the emperor. “So, Hotohori-sama, who would you like me to be for you tonight? Miaka or Nuriko?”


Hotohori stared blankly at the man before him for a moment as his heart began to beat faster. He was looking for more than meaningless sex tonight. He felt his cheeks burn slightly at the thought of what he had done to Chichiri in the past. How many times had he requested the monk’s presence in his bedroom late at night? How many times had he made love to Chichiri’s rendition of Miaka or Nuriko or some other court attendant who had caught his fancy? He was suddenly very ashamed of taking advantage of the other seishi. Of course, Chichiri had never protested, but Hotohori knew his heart wasn’t in it. He knew Chichiri didn’t want this. Tonight he hoped maybe he could change that.


Hotohori shook his head slowly as a slow smile spread across his lips. “No, Chichiri. Tonight I want you.”


The smile faded from Chichiri’s lips and the mask stared back with an empty cheerfulness that indicated its owner was anything but happy about the prospect. Chichiri leaned back slightly and opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn’t quite find the words. “I… I… what do you mean?” He asked ineloquently.


Hotohori leaned closer to the monk and ran a cautious hand over Chichiri’s jaw line as he stared deeply into his gaze. These were new sensations. It was hard for him to believe he had done this before. He had caressed Chichiri’s face and touched his body, but he had not seen the blue-haired man for who he was. It was always just a game, just to give him something he could never have in real life. “No illusions this time, Chichiri. Please take off your mask.”


Chichiri pulled away and shook his head adamantly. He glanced down at his lap and whispered. “No. I don’t want to.”


Hotohori reached out again and placed a delicate hand beneath Chichiri’s chin. He lifted the monk’s face to meet his gaze and brushed his thumb against the edge of the mask. “Please. For me.” Hotohori pleaded gently.


Chichiri swallowed thickly and let out a soft sigh. He raised his hand to his face and started to peel off the covering. “I guess I can’t refuse the Emperor.”


Hotohori grabbed the older man’s wrist and pulled his hand away from his face. He looked at the monk seriously. “Please don’t think of me as the emperor. I’m just a man. Just like you.”


Chichiri bit his lip and nodded somberly. He took of the mask in one swift motion and set it on the floor beside the bed. He lowered his gaze again and turned his head to the side. A glittering tear fell down his cheek and traced a path along his jaw line to fall onto the smooth sheets beneath him.


Hotohori reached out and brushed the tear away tenderly and let his hand linger on the smooth skin of Chichiri’s cheek. He cupped it in his hand and bent closer to place a soothing kiss on the monk’s tear-stained face.


Chichiri bit his lip again and tried to hold back the sobs that threatened to take over. He couldn’t believe he was crying in front of the emperor. He felt so ashamed and helpless, but the weariness of the last few days tugged at his soul and images of the seishi who had lost their lives already danced in his vision. He opened his eye to look up at the emperor’s face expecting to see disdain or contempt, but his majesty’s eyes only held compassion and understanding.


Hotohori brought his hand down to Chichiri’s shoulder and pulled the older man closer to him. He reached out with his other hand and wrapped his arm around Chichiri’s waist as the monk leaned his head against Hotohori’s shoulder and let the tears fall freely. Small muffled sobs escaped his lips as he clung to the smooth fabric of Hotohori’s clothing. Hotohori brought one hand up to stroke the monk’s blue hair and whispered words of comfort in the heavy silence of the dimly lit room. Flickering candlelight danced across the two figures and cast strange shadows across the walls.


After several moments, Chichiri pulled away slightly and looked up at the emperor’s beautiful face. “I’m sorry, Hotohori-sama. I didn’t mean to get so upset. I just…” He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. It was difficult to get the words out without losing his delicate grip on control again. “How many more will we lose? When will it end?” His voice was deep and rough from the tears that he had cried.


Hotohori shook his head and kissed Chichiri lightly on the forehead. He didn’t know how to answer the question, but he had asked himself the same thing many times before. Nuriko’s smiling face came into view as he closed his eyes briefly and answered earnestly, “I don’t know, Chichiri.” His voice sounded uncertain and lost even to his own ears and he wished that he had more confidence in his ability, but they had lost so many so far and there were so few left. He wasn’t sure he could take the loss of another. He felt it like an emptiness in his own soul and he was sure that Chichiri must feel the same. The emperor grasped the monk’s hand in his own and squeezed it gently. “Whatever happens, we’ll face it together.” The emperor finished softly.


“But what if-”Chichiri was interrupted as Hotohori placed a graceful finger over the older man’s lips.


“Shhhh…. Together…” Hotohori repeated as he slid his fingers down to Chichiri’s shoulder and bent forward to kiss him again.


This time Chichiri leaned into the kiss and moved his lips across the emperor’s with unrestrained passion. He brought his hand up to run his fingers through Hotohori’s dark and silky hair. He marveled at the feel of it between his fingers and ran his tongue along the edge of the younger man’s lower lip. He was amazed at how much more enjoyable this could be when he was not concentrating on maintaining a false persona. This way he could focus on every detail of the experience and relish in the sensations of lips on lips and hands caressing creamy skin.


Chichiri moaned softly between kisses and slipped his hands beneath the silky cloth of Hotohori’s robes to run his hands down the emperor’s sculpted chest. The emperor leaned into the touch and pressed his lips more firmly against Chichiri’s mouth. Chichiri’s lips parted slightly and Hotohori thrust his tongue into the warmth of Chichiri’s mouth. Hotohori’s hands felt for the folds of Chichiri’s clothing and slipped off the covering with ease. He tossed the fabric to the floor and ran his hands down Chichiri’s smooth muscular back. He hurriedly removed his own clothing and then eased Chichiri over to lie down on the bed. Chichiri rested his head on the soft pillow and looked up at the emperor leaning over him breathlessly. His eyes still held compassion and glittered with emotion as his dark hair fell in long strands over his shoulders and down his back. A few stray locks fell in front of his eyes and Chichiri leaned forward to brush them away affectionately.


Hotohori smiled genuinely as he lay down beside the other man and wrapped his arms around Chichiri’s slender frame. Chichiri nestled into the embrace and traced a path of kisses down Hotohori’s neck and along his collarbone. Hotohori arched his back and whispered his lover’s name softly. “Chichiri…”


Chichiri bent closer at the sound and ran his tongue delicately over one nipple. The sensitive flesh tightened at the contact and Hotohori moaned in pleasure. Chichiri focused his attention on the small piece of flesh for a few moments flicking his tongue over the area with renewed fervor. Hotohori’s hands grasped light blue hair and he leaned into the touch. He gasped as Chichiri turned his attention to the other nipple and his hand brushed against the emperor’s erection.


“Please… Chichiri…” Hotohori closed his eyes and rocked his hips toward the monk’s hand as Chichiri stroked the younger man’s length. He ran his hands rhythmically over the aching need until Hotohori cried out in ecstasy and came into Chichiri’s hand. The warm liquid poured over his fingers and glistened on the silky sheets.


Chichiri smiled modestly and felt the tightness in his own groin intensify. He whimpered softly as Hotohori’s hands came down to rest between the monk’s legs and began to move against his length with the same passion as before. Hotohori bent closer and placed feather-light kisses on the monk’s forehead and cheeks as Chichiri shuddered at the exquisite sensations coursing through his body. He leaned forward and nestled his head against Hotohori’s chest as he found release and felt the warm liquid spill from his own body. He wrapped his arms around the emperor’s waist and laid his head firmly against his lover’s chest. “Thank you.” He whispered breathlessly and looked up to meet the other’s gaze.


Hotohori’s eyes sparkled in the darkness and he leaned over to blow out the few candles that still lit his chambers. As the room was plunged into darkness, he pulled the silky sheets and blanket over himself and Chichiri and laid his head on one soft pillow. He brushed his hand against Chichiri’s cheek and kissed him gently on the lips one more time. “Goodnight, Chichiri.”


Chichiri closed his eye and savored the warmth of the emperor’s touch on his skin. He was amazed at what had happened and he was still a little uncertain that this might all be a dream. He looked over at Hotohori one more time to be sure that it was real. The emperor stared back at him with a slight smile on his lips as his eyes closed and his eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks. Chichiri closed his eye again and drifted off to sleep beside the younger man and hoped that everything would work out somehow. Worries and despair still tugged at his thoughts, but he held on to the sensations of this evening and knew that he would never be able to forget the compassion and caring the emperor had shared with him.



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