Author's Note: Cali-chan here. *beams* Genki? OK, it's wierd that my first lemon fic turned out to be an orgy... O.o But shows what a strange world my mind is. :3 I know the violinists name is spelled You, but I used Yuo here cuz it's kinda confusing if I use it that way. ^_^ Go easy on this fic, it needs to be edited until I stop wincing every time I re-read it. ^.^* I wrote this for a friend of mine, Nina-chan. But she hasn't even seen it yet cuz I'll never hear the end of it. ^_^* Anyway, ejoy! CC's to! *huggles* ~*Mixing Music*~ "Oi. Gackt.", Masa gazed down at him, chin propped on his left hand. They were lazing about in the field outside the recording studio taking a break from filming of the new video to be released. Gackt's soulful almond eyes moved from the flower in his hand to his lover's face, "Hmmmm?" "I think Yuo knows." Gackt's heart beat faster at that but he played calm. No use expecting the worse, "Knows what?" "That we're... you know... together." Gackt rarely cursed, but at the moment he the sudden urge to let out an array of them, "How?" Masa shrugged and Gackt couldn't help but admire his grace. The raven haired boy often reminded him of a cat, as beautiful, liquid... and also as lazy as any feline, "We _have_ been pretty obvious lately... I can't belive you pulled through with the stradling in the concert thing!" "You liked it.", Gackt hand traced Masa's lower lip as he smiled. "Ofcourse I like it! But no use shocking the crowd." The singer laughed, "You played along if I remember. Waving your head left and right!" The guitarist sniffed, "Anyway, I'm almost -sure- Yuo know's. Latelly he's been avoiding us and... everytime he see's us together he blushes and looks away. He panicks when he's alone with us, not like before. Not to mention-", Masa's voice turned dry, "The expression on his face at the concert." Gackt fell silent as he pondered this. Yuo _had_ been aloof lately. The three of them used to do everything together... but after Masa and he had gotten drunk and their relationship had made an abrupt swerve from platonic... he seemed skittish. "I have a plan." "..." Gackt didn't like the smug expression on Masa's face. ~*~*~*~*~* "Oi! Yuo!", Masa noted how the blue haired boy's shoulder's stiffened and the wary look that appeared on the younger youths eyes. "Yeah?", Yuo started to fidget as he and Gackt moved closer, "Whaddaya want?" "Are you busy tonight?", Gackt asked. Masa hid a small smile and pretended to cough as Yuo blinked in surpise. He and Gackt knew well enough that he wasn't busy but they needed his permission. If all went well everything that occured would be with Yuo's consent. Thetall youth looked torn, "I- ... I don't know. I might have to tune my .. uh... violin." Time to pull out the amunition and play with Yuo's greatest weakness. He and Gackt put on hurt faces, the latter's low voice husky with emotion, "Yuo-kun... are you angry at us? You've been avoiding me and Masa lately." "N-no! Not at all!", Yuo looked extremely uncomfortable now. Gackt bowed his head while Masa looked up at him with his greatest asset, doe like brown eyes. Yuo, as expected, was steadily losing, "I-I guess I could go later. But I have to leave early... to tune my violin you know." "Arigatou Yuo-kun!", He and Gackt hugged him. Then before their hands started to act on their own, pulled away and sauntered off, "Be at Gackt's apartment at 7!" Out of Yuo's hearing distance, both men laughed. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~* , Yuo mentally berated himself as he eyed the doorbell of his friends house nervously, He had been shocked to his toes when Ren had revealed to him that he was certain Gackt and Masa were a couple. He had been so stunned that he couldn't speak. They were both boys! His grandmother used to tell him horror stories of big ugly men who would snatch helpless boys to keep him from walking alone. ... but Gackt and Masa were hardly big and ugly. And that frightened him the most. Everytime he would see them together his heart would do acrobatics even if he commanded it to stay put. Did that mean that he, Yuo, was gay too? What would grandmother say! He didn't even know which one of them he loved! He felt the same warm feeling for both of them... You can't be in love with two people can you? They were so happy together. Yuo couldn't help but understand his feelings for them were not needed. After all, they had each other. It was a hopeless cause. So Yuo had avioded them, hoping that it would dull the heart jumpy thing. Instead it grew stronger. And that Gackt over Masa thing at the concert was the last straw. His groin had acted up so bad he could barely stand! Ohgodohgodohgod... What _was_ he doing here?! He moved to leave but the door suddenly opened, Masa's head popping out, "Yuo? You were here the whole time?", a pale white arm grabbed him, 'Come in!" Shimatta... ~*~*~*~*~*~* Gackt smiled as Masa reapeared, a stiff catious Yuo in tow. Now that his two closest friends, and hopefully soon to be both his lover's, were together he couldn't help but compare them. Masa had always been elegant, long black hair tumbling unto pale skin, and slim almost fragile features. He was quick with his tongue and intelligent, unafraid and never one to back down. He spoke carefully, thinking first before acting. But he had a certain wild streak that often caused him to do whatever he had the urge to do. He had spent time in New York, causing him to be extremly liberal minded. And Masa loved sex. Yuo meanwhile was, is Masa's words, a budding youth. He was the youngest, gangly, lean, and almost unbearably thin although he ate enough for all three of them. He looked akward next to the feline Masa, but that in itself was endearing. Dispite his acting the punk, wild blue hair in disarray, Yuo was an innocent. His rich grandmother had raised him with all the pejudices she could think off and sheltered him from even encountering them. That's why he and Masa had kept their relationship from him. Not for long though. It was about time they acted up on what both of them had been feeling. "Ano... Gackt-kun, Masa-kun, thanks for inviting me here.", he sounded so reluctant Gackt nearly decided to give up. But a 'look' from Masa made him flinch and do as they planned, "You-kun, we're glad you made it. Me and Masa prepared dinner for you." Yuo looked startled, "You guys cooked?!" Masa's lips lifted slowly, "Yeah. Don't worry, we cooked all your favorite foods." "Wh-why?", Yuo looked like a deer before headlights. Gackt flashed his best smile, "Can't we cook for our friend?" They slowly lead him to the table and pushed him into his usual seat. As they started eating, Gackt was pleased to see the way Yuo's eyes lit up as he bit into the food. The real way to Yuo's heart was good food. Masa meanwhile didn't even touch his plate, his eyes moved continously from Yuo's lips to catch Gackt's eyes. Then finally the raven haired boy winked. That was the signal. "Yuo-kun?" Yuo glanced up, mouth full, "Mmpphh?" "Is that cake good?" Yuo nodded, eyes bright. "Saa... well I baked it. Masa? Does it taste alright?" "I haven't tasted it yet. I forgot to defrost the rest of the cake.", He stood and smiled down at Yuo, "Can I taste some Yuo-kun?", he very nearly purred. Yuo nodded and scooped up a piece with his fork, offering it to his friend. But Masa pushed the hand away, instead grabbing a handful of the younger boys blue hair and tilted his head. Then as Yuo's eyes widened the pale youth leaned forward, covering icing smeared lips with his own. Gackt watched this, nibbling his finger as he watched Masa's other arm snake around Yuo's waist to pull him up. The other boy was still unresponsive, his eyes betraying surprise, helplessness, and what Gackt hoped was acceptance. Masa held the thin body tight against his own, lips working over Yuo's. He started to flick his tongue over Yuo's bottom lip as he sucked it free of the icing. But Yuo still was rigid, lips tightly closed. A wicked smile lighted Masa's features. He slipped his knee between Yuo's legs and _nudged_, then as the violinist's mouth fell open, sealed the half open lips once more and plundered the boys mouth. Yuo tasted so sweet and warm, and instead of pushing him away Yuo's hands clutched his shoulder, his legs weakening. They parted, both of their lips bruised and gasping for breath. Masa stepped back and smiled then placed two fingers on top of Yuo's bottom lip, abruptly pushing him backward. The blue haired boy stumbled into Gackt's waiting arms. The singer turned him around and cupped Yuo's face in both hands and gazed deep into the younger boy's eyes. Yuo's mind at the moment was into overdrive. Masa had kissed him! And Gackt was now holding him with obvious intent to do something other than watching. Did this mean they wanted him too? Both of them?! Gran- Forget about grandmother! He would do what felt right to him. And if his friends wanted to fuck him, who was he to complain? The acceptance was clear to Gackt's eyes now. Yuo was their's and he would waste no time in claiming him. He lowered his face slowly, watching Yuo's eyes flutter closed as their lips met. It was a soft kiss, lips covering lips. As Yuo placed full attention and clumsily tried to respond, Gackt slowly led the youth into the nearby bedroom. As they entered, Gackt felt warm arms encircle his waist as Masa reached around him, lips sucking softly over his left ear. Yuo moaned into Gackt's mouth as Masa kneaded his buttocks and pressed the violinists erection firmly against Gackt's thigh. "This is taking too long.", Gackt murmered against Yuo's lips. They made a slow path towards the bed. Gackt pushed Yuo ontu the mattress as Masa came to stand beside him. The spiky haired youth gazed up at them, his lips bruised and eyes half lidded with lust. Masa crawled unto the bed and crouched over Yuo, one hand moving to catch and hold thin wrists down as the other attacked Yuo's buttons. "Too much damn clothing Yuo-kun.", Masa purred as his lips pressed against the boy's neck. Gackt knelt behind Masa, arms reaching round to undress him as well. He pinched the nipples that came into hand as he pressed soft kisses into the slender white neck. Masa arched and retaliated on Yuo, capturing a nipple in his mouth and nibbling it gently. Gackt grew impatient and squirmed. His pants were constricting! Not to mention his two lover's lower regions were hidden from view. Yes, Masa and Yuo were both his now. As he was their's. "Pants off.", Gackt muttered as he took care of his. Masa knelt back, firmly straddling Yuo's waist to keep him in place, until he was pressing against Gackt's stomach, "Impatient Gackt?", Masa trailed a long white finger over Yuo's quivering lips, "You want to undress our little virgin?" Gackt moved forward as Masa retreated, hands moving to tug Yuo's pants open. Licking his lips as the lean boy's erection was freed, Gackt stroked the tip and spread precum with his finger, Yuo's whimper's egging him on. Masa came into sight, gloriously naked as he leaned forward, lips pressed against the youngest boys' ear, "You liked that don't you?", he tilted Yuo's chin, "Gackt's finger on your cock?" The blue haired boy gave a start and glanced sharply to the raven haired man beside him. Masa then caught his lips and kissed him hungrily, devouring him as he used both hands to keep their mouths firmly sealed together. Gackt put his attention back to Yuo's weeping cock. Placing an arm over the slim waist he held Yuo down then without further warning licked the head clean. Yuo bucked but Gackt's arm held him firmly in place. Little whimper's escaped from between Masa and Yuo's sealed lips as the singer used his skilled mouth to give Yuo pleasure, sucking the sensitive member hungrily. One hand reached to cup the boys balls, squeazing gently as he bobbed his head, tongue darting along the bottom of the boys penis and pressing the member up to the roof of his mouth. Yuo nearly cried as his hands clutched the sheets. Masa was kissing him thoroughly, tongue pushing against his and devouring his mouth. Gackt milked him, his cock was encased in glorious tight wet warmth and he ached to go deeper. But that damned arm kept him in place. He couldn't stand it! Yuo moved his head to the side breaking the kiss, then Masa's long pink tongue darted out and pressed his tongue on his ear. Suddenly Gackt pulled away and Yuo's cock was exposed to the cold night air. His hands moved involuntarily to end it but Masa's arms wrapped around him, cuccooning him in warmth but also keeping him immobile, "Onegai... I need.." "Patience lover.", Masa whisered as he placed gentle kisses on his face. Yuo nuzzled Masa's neck lovingly and the arms around him tightened. Suddenly Gackt reappeared, a small bottle in hand and he whispered something in Masa's ear. The guitarist smiled, "I took yours dear one, you take his." Gackt looked doubtful, "Are you sure?" "Just hurry up or I'll change my mind." Yuo frowned when Gackt dissapeared but Masa reassured him gently, "Don't worry. It will be over soon." Yuo sniffed, "I don't want it to end..." Masa smirked at that, "You'd rather have that raging erection the whole night?" Yuo had a retort to that but he stiffened as he felt warm hand part his buttocks. When a lubricated finger started to slip inside him he whimpered at the strange feeling, his muscles immidietly trying to purge the intruder. "Love. Relax, it'll be much better for both of us if you do.", Gackt's voice was gentle. Yuo tried to calm down, Masa's soft kisses aided him. So this was how boys made love... When a second finger joined the first he hissed in pain. It hurt! Masa started to stroke his hair, murmuring reassurance as the finger's thrust inside of him. His hands raced up to pull Masa closer. When the third entered and brushed against a small lump within, Yuo stiffened at the jolt of pleasure, the pain gradually fading away. He pushed down to take the intruding digits deeper and Gackt obliged him, thrusting and stretching several times before finally pulling out. "What the- Gackt! Where are you-", Yuo started to sit up and Masa pulled away to allow him. Then Gackt came into view, lurching forward to capure his lips. As he started to lean back once more, he felt something once again press at his buttcheeks. The tip of Gackt's cock slipped in as they kissed, Gackt firmly grasping Yuo's hips. He tried to slip in slowly and carefully but Yuo broke their lips apart and whimpered in pain. Masa then grabbed Gackt's waist. "Your taking to long. He won't break and it'll hurt him more if you're too slow.", with that he pushed both his lovers together until Gackt completely was completely buried inside Yuo. Gackt was rarely ontop. Masa had always dominated him but there -had- been times when Masa would allow him to be the one to fuck. But Masa had never been as tight as this. Yuo's warm creamy suction wrapped around him, gripping him tightly. The blue haired violonists flushed face was framed by the pillows as soft moans escaped parted lips. Gackt moved inside the warmth, pulling out almost completely before once more burying himself to the hilt. Yuo soon caught Gackts pace, moving his hips up to meet the singer with every thrust, mouth a perfect O as the pleasure flooded him. He felt so full, Gackt's cock brushing against that pleasure point within him. But where was Mas- His question was answered as his neck was straddled, a cock hanging before his mouth. Yuo reacted immidietly, taking it within his mouth and sucked and licked it, trying to immitate what Gackt had done to him earlier. Masa fucked Yuo's mouth, the warm heat and Yuo's little whimpers darting out the back of his throat driving him wild. Yuo wasn't skilled but his eagerness and Gackt's fingers reaching out to toy with his nipples brought him dangerously close to coming. Yuo suddenly swallowed Masa as he came, semen shooting out and coating Gackt's lower stomach as he arched, arms reaching out to press his lover deeper inside. As his penis was swallowed Masa felt himself explode, buried to the hilt in Yuo's throat. He came silently, biting his lower lip and peering over his shoulder to watch Gackt slide in and out of Yuo's opening uttering soft guttoral moans. As he gave one final strong thrust Gackt filled the virgin hole with his seed, pressing himself deeper into Yuo's hole. Breathing heavily, he bent down and kissed Yuo's stomach. Masa pulled his now limp penis out of Yuo's mouth, moving to lay on his side, long pale fingers stroking the youth's hair. Pulling out slowly, Gackt winced at the sight of blood on his cock. But it was less that he expected from a virgin. He smiled as he watched Yuo snuggle quickly into Masa's arms, before laying down on the violinists other side and hugging his lovers to himself as well. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Gackt awoke to an empty bed. Sighing and running a hand through his hair he slowly sat up. Was it a dream? The sorry state of the sheets told him otherwise. He smiled softly to himself as he grabbed a bathrobe and walked out of the bedroom. The smell of bacon greeted him and lead him to the kitchen. When he entered he felt pleasure rise as he caught sight of them. Masa was cheerily flipping pancakes while Yuo whistled as he set the table. Noth were naked except for the apron's they wore. Masa wore his own 'Kiss the Chef' while Yuo had borrowed Gackt's 'The Food's Good but the Cook Tastes Better'. As they caught sight of him nearly identical bright smiles flashed, Masa's sensual while Yuo full of innocent brightness. "Gackt-kun! Masa wouldn't let me cook!" "I still haven't forgotten the last time you made a meal. Ah! It was terrible!" "Oi. It wasn't that bad..." -_- "Besides," Masa's tone softened as he flashed Gackt a smug look, "I'll bet you're still sore from last night." Pink stained Yuo's cheeks, "It does hurt a bit...." Masa lips turned up into a smirk as he poured generous amounts of syrup on the pancakes, "Your faring much better than Gackt did. He wouldn't leave the bed." "Really?", Yuo's eyes widened. Gackt opened his mouth to protest but Masa plowed on, "Un. That was the time we had to cancel the concert in-" "That's enough!", Gackt turned off the oven and pulled Masa close, "I shall have to silence that mouth of yours." Masa tilted his head, "By all means do." As Gackt's tongue slipped inbetween Masa's lips, both heard Yuo ask hopefully, "This time can I try being on top?" Masa chuckled softly into Gackt's mouth. And as Yuo stood and moved to lick Gackt's ear, the three of them knew this was just the beggining. After all, there was chocolate syrup nearby for human sundae's. ^_~ ~*OWARI?*~ OMG... you read the whole thing! *runs off and hides beneath her Yami no Matsuei blankets*