~Of Sky and Earth~ Author: Cali-chan! Self-proclaimed Queen of Misspelled Words! ^.~ E-mail: silver_elf@edsamail.com.ph. If I don't answer from there in a week use my crimson_jaded@yahoo.com addy. ;3 Pairings: GojyoxHakkai, SanzoxGoku, KojixIsanagi Disclaimer: I don't own Gensomaden Saiyuki... as much as I -want- to do don't. But I do own the original character Koji and Isanagi. Don't sue me... all you'll get is my pocket lint collection. ^-^ ~*~Chapter 1~*~ It was late afternoon. The sun, now a large red slowly sinking ball in the horizon, was a silent warning for the 4 travelers to hurry and find shelter. "Sanzo...", Goku's wide shimmering golden eyes peered up at the monk as the boy trotted at his heels, "There's a village nearby! We can stop and spend the night there can't we?" "We damn better stop! I'm tired of getting ants in my fucking boxers and sleeping on rocks!", Gojyo mumbled irrately, running a hand through his hair. Hakkai smiled at the grumbling pair as he absently stroked Jeep. Those two always amused him. Sanzo had a different reaction. "With the both of you shut up!", purple eyes flashed in annoyance as Goku ignored him and wrapped spindley little arms around the monk's waist. "Hidoii!!! C'mon! You want a bed too don't you? A nice warm soft-" "Shut up you stupid monkey!" The sudden darkening of clouds decided for them. Gojyo held up a hand to shade his eyes, "Shit... that rain's gonna come down hard..." "We better get to that village quick then. I don't want my scrolls wet..." "Waa~Aaaah!", Goku grinned, "We'll stay at at inn and get food and beds! And it was supposed to be Goyjo's turn to cook too! What luck!" "What the fuck do you mean by that brat?! Get back here you goddamn monkey!!", clouds of dust were airborn as Gokou raced towards the distant lights of Shukyo village, Gojyo in hot pursuit. Hakkai smiled brightly as he walked past a twitching in annoyance Sanzo, "We better hurry before the rain catches us Sanzo-san." "... stupid monkey." ~*~*~* Meanwhile, a short distance behind them, two weary, cloaked travelers slowly plodded through the dusty road. The smaller of the two lagged behind, tiny feet taking uneven steps in his weariness, "Koji-san... I'm tired." "Shukyo's just a little way ahead chibi. You can make it that far, can't you?" "Ha-hai..." Soft brown eyes peered from behind unkept black bangs as Koji peered down at the small boy, "Oi. Nagi-chan. What would you do first when we get to the inn? A bath or food?" Nagi's brilliant cerulean eyes brightened as he pondered the question, "Food... the bath can wait.", he ran a hand through his soft silken silver hair which spilled down his shoulders, "I'm starving. But my hair needs washing too..." Koji laughed, "Well, we won't get there by just talking! Let's go." Nagi smiled and moved to breach the gap between them. ~*~*~*~* "Nothing hits the spot like a mug of cold beer!", Gojyo rubbed the cold glass against his cheek, "My love! Find your true destiny in life in my lips!" "Damn youkai. Drunk already.", Sanzo muttered as he ran his finger down the side of his mug to collect the moisture. Goku's eyes were questioning as he peered up at his companion beside him, "Ne, Hakkai? Why can't I have a glass of beer?" "Your too young Goku." "I'm 18!!" "Your too stupid then." "I wasn't asking you Sanzo!!!" Gojyo burst into laughter before launching himself on Hakkai's lap, a feral grin fixed on his face, "Ha~chan! We finally have a ~real~ bed to play in!" Crimson spread on the youkai's cheeks, "Shhh, Gojyo! Your drunk!" "You want me to shut up?", the half-youkai leaned forward until Hakkai could feel the his breath on his lips, "Make me shut up..." "Eh? Sanzo? What are they talking about?" The monk eyes were currently moving about the room in a vain attempt to ignore the flirting half-youkai, "Nothing a monkey would understand." Hakkai stood abruptly, a leering Gojyo latched onto his waist, "Excuse us!" Goku tugged on Sanzo's sleeve once the pair had dissapeared, "Ne? What games do you play when you're on beds? Ne? Ne?" "Shut up..." Innocent golden eyes sparkled, "Ne? Will you play with me bed games too?" Sanzo's face turned red, but not from anger, "Absolutely not!", the very idea of that Goku's young, muscular and willing body beneath his made a sudden heat rise in his groin. The boy's attention was mercifully averted from the monk as the doorway of the inn opened, two cloaked stranger's entering. The smaller of the two pulled off his cloak. He was young, about 15 years of age. Long silvery hair spilled down from his shoulders till his waist, long bangs falling over wide cerulean eyes which had no iris'. His clothing was decorated in intricate weavings of the sky and looked expensive despite their travel worn state. His only piece of jewelry was a braided silver bandana with a golden sun at it's center. His companion didn't take off his cloak till they had taken a seat, his attire causing Goku to sit up exitedly, "Sanzo!" "What now stupid monkey..." "Look at that guys clothes! They're just like yours!" "What...?!", the monk stood up abruptly, "It can't be!" Goku blinked as Sanzo stormed away from their table and confronted the stranger, violet eyes stormy, "Koji?!" The young man's chocolate brown eyes blinked in stunned surprise, "Sanzo-san?!" "Nii-sama...?", Goku suddenly felt thin fragile arms wrap around his waist, "I've finally found you..." The young silver haired boy gazed up at him with soulful blue eyes, "I've... been looking for you for so long..." Sanzo glowered down at the boy who had just spoken, "What the hell is that kid jabbering about?" Koji placed a hand of the boy's soft silver head, "This 'kid' is Isanagi. And do I have a hell of a long story to tell you." "I've got the whole night to hear it." ~*~*~*~* Author's note: It's a miracle I manage to finish a chapter of a fic on Saiyuki. Why? I know absolutely -nothing- about it. Well... not actually. I've watched the first episode which hooked me to this wonderful series immidietly. Especially Goku-chan. *_* Thus I spouted a fic. Now, if anyone could refresh my memory on those three people who gave Sanzo his mission in episode one, I can get the next chapter finished. ... I don't even know who the bad guys are in this anime... *sighs*