~Of Sky and Earth~ Author: Cali-chan! Honorable ~glomper~ of Goku-chan. ^-~ E-mail: silver_elf@edsamail.com.ph. If I don't answer from there in a week use my crimson_jaded@yahoo.com addy. ;3 Pairings: GojyoxHakkai, SanzoxGoku, KojixIsanagi Disclaimer: I don't own Gensomaden Saiyuki... as much as I -want- to I don't. But I do own the original characters Koji and Isanagi. Don't sue me... all you'll get is my pocket lint collection. And since my uncle's a lawyer you might not even get that. ^-^ Chapter 2: ~*~I wanna kill him but I can't cuz the Buddha said so~*~ Geh. That kid was staring at him again. Goku glanced pointedly away from those piercing cerulean eyes and toyed absentmindedly with his shirtsleeve. Sanzo had dumped him into one of the inn's rooms while he and the other monk had gone off to speak about adult stuff. Goku found that comment stupid. After all, he -was- 18! But whenever Goku brought it up Sanzo always said the same thing. 'I mean those who are -mentally- adult. Stupid ape...' Goku's eyebrow twitched in annoyance at the memory. Glancing about his eyes fell on the food the Koji guy had brought for Isanagi. "You gonna eat that?" The younger boy blinked, long-lashed eyes widening slightly before falling shut as he smiled, "If you want it nii-chan, it's yours." "Great!", Goku reached out and moved the plates over to his side of the table, "Cuz I'm starving!" Goku easily finished most of it before something struck him. He hadn't seen Isanagi get a bite since the other boy arrived at the inn. Goku glanced up, ignoring the fact that the silver haired youth was staring at him again, "Hey. You hungry?" The other boy shook his head, several silver strands slipping over his shoulder, "Nii-chan, if you want it it's yours." "I was asking if you were hungry!" Isanagi lowered his head before nodding slightly, "Ha-hai." "Then eat!", Goku pushed the plates over, growling slightly. "Arigatou, nii-chan." "And why are you calling me 'nii-chan'?!?!" Isanagi peered up from in-between mouthfuls, "Because you are." "And what makes you think I'm your brother anyway?!" To Goku's surprise, the boy's eyes flashed crimson. Isanagi closed his eyes abruptly and when they opened once more they were back to their brilliant blue color. "I don't know... it's just a feeling.", Isanagi smiled, head tilting to the side, "That you and I have very much in common." ~*~*~*~* "Saa! I never thought I'd meet you of all people Sanzo-san! I'd heard you were busy with some top priority job." "Cut the crap Koji and get it over with." "And you've still got that stick up your-", he cut off abruptly at Sanzo's murderous glance, "Maa maa! Just kidding!" "Start talking.", the older monk's sudden meticulous cleaning of his gun was a silent threat. "Fine. You want it short? The person I'm travelling with is a youkai." Sanzo didn't bat an eyelash, "A youkai.", he stood up swiftly, "I better kill him then." "Will you stop interrupting! If you even lay one finger on him Buddha-sama will have your head! And he has a limiter on!", Koji snapped, "Beside's, he's not any ordinary youkai. Did you even wonder about his name?!" "... Isanagi isn't it?" "Yeah. It's him." "..." "... Sanzo-san?" "Go to hell." ~*~*~*~* Hakkai sighed forlornly as he dumped Gojyo onto one of the beds. He not only suffered from having his dinner interrupted at the threat of embarrassment at his lover's amorous advances, but when he had started to get into their little love-play, the man had the -nerve- to fall asleep in drunken stupor. Yes, Hakkai swore, Gojyo would be in for an unpleasant surprise. He would find many uses for those chains his lover had on his weapon. But now, his stomach needed attending to. After getting some food, Hakkai made his way to the room Sanzo and young Goku were to share. Those two would be better company at the moment than Gojyo was. He knocked on the wooden door soundly. "Is anyone inside? Goku?" "Hakkai! C'mon in!" Hakkai slipped inside, halting slightly as he caught sight of the strange youth in the company of his friend. Pretty was the only word to describe him, with his below waist-length platinum hair and long lashed cerulean eyes. His bangs were kept out of his face by a braided silver bandana with a golden sun at it's center. Hakkai stood and waited a few seconds for Goku to introduce him before remembering his companion hadn't yet assimilated common courtesy. He stepped forward, "I'm Cho Hakkai. Pleased to meet you." The youth stood and bowed till his waist, "Isanagi desu. I am honored to make you acquaintance, Cho-san." Hakkai found the boys almost extreme politeness amusing, "Please call me Hakkai, Isanagi-san." "Then you may call me Nagi." Hakkai placed his food on the table before drawing a chair. He glanced around a few moments before realizing Sanzo wasn't in the room, "Goku? Where has Sanzo gone?" "He went off with some other monk guy called Koji. Said they had adult stuff to talk about.", Goku's dark expression showed what he thought of that, "They just dumped me and Nagi in this room. Adults are so fucking weird!" Hakkai glanced at him from the corner of his eye, "Oh?" "Except you maybe. Your only -kinda- weird." "I'm flattered Goku." They sat awhile in silence before Hakkai decided to sate his curiousity about the strange youth, "So, Nagi-san. This Koji is your companion?" "Yes. We have been traveling together for quite some time now.", the boy's smile was angelic, "We are very close." "I see. Isanagi. A very strange name if I may say so." Nagi blinked, "Is it?" Hakkai frowned, "You didn't know where your namesake came from? Isanagi was one of Gyuu-Ma-Ou's high generals. He was responsible for the massacre and destruction of several villages and a major city in the past." "I-is that so.", The boy glanced down into his tea. "But he was defeated and the Buddha ordered him sealed beneath one of the temples in the east." "I remember that story... but I've always wondered," Nagi's blue eyes were distant, as he spoke, "Why didn't Buddha-sama just kill him Why did she show a killer compassion he did not deserve?" "I have no idea. The Buddha see's goodness even in the most evil. Maybe she thought he could be turned to good and help in her greater cause. I have no idea if he -had- turned to good mind you. Writings about him had ended after he was sealed.", Hakkai was thoroughly enjoying the conversation. It was awhile since he had an intellectual one. Sanzo didn't like to talk much and as entertaining a conversation with Goku was, it was anything but intellectual. Gojyo would much rather have sex than talk. Not that Hakkai minded. ^_^ Nagi nodded, a smile once more alighting his features, "I hope he doesn't fail her then, when she has need of him." "Hey! Enough with the big words and fairytales!", Goku stood and moved to flop down on his bed, "I'm beat..." Nagi stifled a yawn, "I'm afraid I need my rest as well. Will you excuse me Hakkai-san?" "Of course.", his green eyes tilted into a smile, "Sweet dreams children." "Shut up, old bag." "Oyasuminasai Hakkai-san." Hakkai blew out the candle and exited the room silently, deep in thought. Suddenly a wide almost cruel smile played on his lips. It wouldn't do to keep Gojyo waiting. ~_^ ~*~*~* "Where are you taking him Koji?" "Chotai Temple." "That is where the other High General Kouchiro is sealed..." "The great Buddha has asked that Nagi make sure Gyuu-Ma-Ou's other High General's never be revived. He has accepted the mission." "You trust him?!" "With my life." "How could you trust a goddamn youkai?!" "The Buddha did. And Nagi is smitten with her. He would do anything she asks." "... I want you to travel with us." "Sanzo-san?" "Chotai is to the west so it's along the way. And I want to keep an eye on that boy." "Sanzo-san..." "Disagree and I'll kill you." O_o "We'd be honored to travel with you Sanzo-san!" "Hn." ~*~*~* The next day: "What the hell's wrong with you?", Goku blinked curiously at the strange way Gojyo was walking. "None of your business monkey boy...", Gojyo winced as he slipped into his seat at the back of the jeep. Damn he was sore. Note: -Never- piss of Hakkai and leave your weapon where he could take advantage of it. The skins of his wrists were still sore from those damn chains. "Ohayo minna.", Hakkai murmured cheerily, ignoring Gojyo's glower as he placed his belongings at the back of his dragon-turned-jeep. Sanzo appeared from the inn, Isanagi and Koji following close behind. "Oi. Hakkai. Who are they?", Gojyo momentarily forgot his anger in his curiosity. "If you weren't dead drunk last night you would known." "Aw c'mon! We're even now!" "I guess you're right.", Hakkai beamed. He had enjoyed last night's games, "Anyway, they're Nagi-kun and Koji. They'll be traveling with us for awhile since their destination is to the west as well." "Eh? Which is which and how the hell did they get to travel with us?!" "Koji is the one dressed like Sanzo and Nagi-kun is the long silver haired one.", Goku supplied helpfully, "And they're traveling with us cuz Sanzo said so." The three of them knew it was the end of a discussion if 'Sanzo said so'. None of them wanted to eat bullets. Isanagi was nervously trying to ignore the furious glares Sanzo was throwing in his direction, hand clutching Koji's sleeve as they made their way to the jeep. Hakkai wondered what the young boy had done to be the brunt of Sanzo's annoyance. Goku leaned against the car door, "Hey! How we gonna fit?" "That -is- a problem.", Hakkai mused, "The two younger ones will have to sit on top of another then." Koji ruffled Nagi's hair fondly, causing a faint blush to rise on the boy's cheeks, "Nagi-kun will sit on me." They both slipped into the back seat beside Gojyo. Goku crossed his arms, "There's -no- way I'm sitting on Gojyo!" Sanzo drew his gun, "Sit." "No!" Hakkai shook his head, "I don't think that'll be wise. Gojyo is... injured." Sanzo turned to him, "What?" "My butt's sore! Don't ask why.", Gojyo flashed another glower at the cause of it, "And it won't heal if the monkey's sitting on me! How can I fight then?!" Sanzo glanced at Hakkai. "Hey. I can't drive with someone on me." "...", Sanzo flashed a glare at Isanagi again before taking his seat, "C'mon Goku." Goku frowned as he seated himself on the monks lap, "I might fall off!", he reached behind himself and took Sanzo's arms to wrap around his waist, "There." Sanzo tried to control the blush that threatened his cheeks. He could feel Goku's firm stomach beneath his hands. He mentally kicked himself. He had his duty to think of! It would only be three days before they reached Chotai temple. He would have to decide what he would do to the youkai Isanagi then. And the fact that the Budha gave him his protection limited his options. ~*~*~* Gyokumen Koujyu dipped one elegantly long finger into her wine and stirred it lazily, "Report." Ni bowed low before her, "Great empress. Isanagi has been successfully assimilated into the Sanzo party. They will reach the temple in two days and he will report upon his immediate arrival." "Is everything ready there?" "Kougaji and his men are already on their way." "Good.", Gyokumen's smile was cruel, "Everything is as I planned..." ~*~*~* Author's notes: And Cali has written again! The plot is now alive!! Mwafmwafmwaf. >:3 Everyone: O.O Neway, my chapters in this fic are shorter than usual. Not like my Weiß castrati story. But this fic is getting awfully fun to write. ^-^ Many thanks to SW, TJ, AngelFeathers for their comments and help. Von-san, I wrote as I promised! *beams* Now you must write again! ^O^-ohohohoho... O_O I love you all! *tackleglomps 'em* And now! *drum roll* More questions! Everyone: *face faults* How is Gyuu-Ma-Ou related to Gyokumen? That may sound like a stupid question to you but take note I've only seen -1- episode. And Sanzo only fights with a gun right? Or does he have chant-y stuff? ^.^-ooooh. Chant-y stuff. o_o Neways, next chapter will have that Kougaji dude and his gang cuz their just too cool to leave out! Unless my muse rears her ugly head and takes control again. Filiaura: Hey. I resent that. -_- =^_-_^= C ya'll! Huggles, Cali-chan