~Of Sky and Earth~ Author: Cali-chan! Who is dying from lack of Gravitation stuff. T-T E-mail: silver_elf@edsamail.com.ph. If I don't answer from there in a week use my crimson_jaded@yahoo.com addy. ;3 Pairings: GojyoxHakkai, SanzoxGoku, KojixIsanagi Disclaimer: I don't own Gensomaden Saiyuki... as much as I -want- to I don't. But I do own the original characters Koji and Isanagi. Don't sue me... all you'll get is my pocket lint collection. And since my uncle's a lawyer you might not even get that. ^-^ WARNINGS: As obvious by the pairings above, this is a shonen ai fic. No graphic sex or anything, just subtle hints so your innocence is safe. But still, if you don't like the idea of two gorgeous boys together this isn't the fic for you. ^.~ Chapter 2: ~*~Why can't he remember?~*~ Goku sighed contentedly as he leaned back. Sanzo was a very comfy seat. "Will you sit still?!", Sanzo barked. Goku peered at him from over his shoulder, their faces scant inches apart, "We've been driving since morning and it's almost dark! I'm tired of sitting!!" Sanzo froze as Goku's warm breath tickled his cheek and quickly regained his composure, "Stop squirming or I'll knock you out. You won't bother me then." Goku sat still. It the backseat, an very different conversation was occurring. "Are you sure you're alright?", Isanagi murmured, worry clear in his cerulean eyes. "You're light as a feather Nagi-kun.", Koji grinned as he kissed the youth's long pale neck, "And I would never mind you sitting on me." Gojyo threw them a disgusted look, "Save the PDA for the bedroom you two. I'm getting stricken with diabetes here!" Isanagi's face turned red while Koji merely chuckled, arms tightening around the boy. Sanzo who had witnessed it all grabbed Hakkai's arm, "Stop here." "But we still have a few hours of daylight." "I said to stop." Sanzo hissed. "Whatever you say." As soon as the car came to an abrupt halt the blonde monk dumped Goku unceremoniously on the ground, "Koji. I need to talk to you." "Su-sure." Isanagi stepped out of the car so Koji could get through, paling at the dark look Sanzo flashed him before focusing it on the other monk. The rest of the group watched in confusion as the two men walked towards the nearby forest. "Monks." Gojyo huffed as if that explained it all. Hakkai took out their meager belongings, the car changing back to a dragon once he was done, "We better set camp." Goku clapped his hands, "Then eat!" Hakkai patted his head, "First the fire." "Then eat?" "Ofcourse." "Yeah!" A sudden shout from the direction from where the two monks had disappeared to cut through all conversation, "YOU'RE SLEEPING WITH THE DAMN YOUKAI AREN'T YOU?!" Isanagi blushed. Hakkai, Gojyo and Goku both glanced at the only person who they could be talking about, "Youkai?" ~*~*~* "Will you lower your voice! Everyone within ten miles could hear you!" Koji growled, "And what I goes on with me and Isanagi is none of your business!" "I'm fucking surprised that you're still alive and he didn't eat you in your sleep! Trusting a youkai is bad enough, trusting a High General is suicide!" Sanzo let out in a more subdued but still furious tone, "How can you even touch him?!" Koji chocolate brown eyes were nearly black in anger, "Don't talk to me about trusting and touching! I'm not blind to not see how -comfy- you and that little brown haired youkai are!" That single accusation drained Sanzo of all his anger, his face growing pale, "There' -nothing- between me and Goku." "Don't shit with me Sanzo! Last time I saw you, which was barely two months ago I believe, you wouldn't let anyone near you! Then here you are with a cute little youkai snuggled on your lap!" The younger monk took a seat on the grass, brushing black bangs from his face, "You're no different from me." Sanzo slid down beside him and lit a cigarette, puffing it furiously, "There's -nothing- between us. Absolutely nothing..." "Yeah. Keep telling yourself that." Sanzo threw him a dark look, "Go to hell." They sat in silence for a few moments before Koji spoke, his voice sounding tired, "I kept telling myself it couldn't be a good idea. That he was a youkai. But it couldn't help it... It just happened you know." Sanzo ignored him and lit another cigarette. "It helps that the great Buddha trusts him and he's on our side. Trust me, he -is- on our side." Koji murmured, "The only difference between us is probably looks and power. Other than that we're the same." "Will you shut the fuck up. I'm not interested in your pathetic life." Sanzo stood and brushed the grass off his robes, "Once we're in Chotai temple and I see him kill one of his own, then I'll believe he's on our side." Koji grinned as he pulled himself up. "It's just two days away." "Hnn." "For what it's worth I think you two make a wonderful couple." *Click* "Watch where you aiming that gun!" ~*~*~* "You're a youkai?!" Goku poked Isanagi's side, "Why didn't you tell us!" "Koji told me not to tell anyone unless he said I could." Blue eyes were fixed on the ground, "I'm sorry." Hakkai reached out and touched the boy's bandana. "Your limiter not only hid your powers but your aura as well. And it doesn't even look like a limiter. Where did you get it?" "Buddha-sama gave it to me." Gojyo shook his head, "This is getting weirder by the second. Sanzo better explain what he got us tangled up into when he gets back." Goku grinned as he punched the boy's shoulder, "Hey! Do you fight good?" Isanagi smiled, "Pretty well." "Great! Ya gotta spar with me later. -After- we eat ofcourse." "I would like that, nii-chan." Isanagi watched the boy run off to light the fire, his blue eyes wistful. Goku really didn't remember anything. But he did. His most important memories... ~*~*~* "Nii-chan! Can I go ahead?" "No." "But I'm starvin'!" "..." Lirin folded her arms over her head, a sullen frown fixed on her lips. "This sucks... why do we have to wait in this forest anyway?!" "Gyokumen's orders." Kougaiji finished taking the supplies from the dragon's back and turned to Yaone, who had arrived several minutes earlier. She stood a few feet away, studying several plants that caught her eye. "You were successful?" She nodded, "Hai, Kougaji-sama. Everything is in order. Jein has arrived at Chotai Temple and infiltration has been successful. We may move in as well since the ingredients I needed have all been found." Lirin bounded over to stand by her nii-chan's side, eyes bright. "So I really get to see Isanagi? Cool! Geez, remember the bedtime stories ya used to read me? When he kicked that big city's ass with only a hundred youkai under him? And he's only a kid!" Kougaji smiled fondly down at her, "How could I forget?" "Yeah... well. Anyway! So the Sanzou people think he's gonna help them kill the other High General guy called Kouchiro right? But he's really gonna let him out so we could all kick major butt together right?" She looked up at him with excited eyes. "Ya think I could be cool like them?" Yaone smiled as she joined the half-siblings. "You -are- cool like them Lirin." "Really?!" Kougaji eyed Yaone's bag. "Is the potion in there?" "Hai Kougaji-sama." Lirin's insatiable curiosity got the better of her. "What potion?" As they started to walk away her brother answered. "You see Lirin, Isanagi doesn't know that he's going to help us yet. Infact he's planning to the exact opposite." "Eh?!" "And this," Yaone held up a vial of clear blue liquid. "Will help him decide." ~*~*~* Goku dreamt that night. //He was lying in a field, a seemingly endless landscape of emerald grass surrounding him. He was waiting from someone. Suddenly a face blocked his view of the sky, eyes the same shade gazing down at him. 'Your late...' 'Gomen ne nii-chan. I had a hard time getting away.' The child sat beside him, an angelic smile on his face as his long silver hair spilling on the ground between them. The youth looked like a deity, if it weren't for the blood that stained the front of his clothes. Goku frowned as he sat up, 'You've been killing again!' 'Please... let's not talk about this.' His companion looked away. Golden eyes flashed. 'I don't like seeing you with blood! Don't come to see me if you have it all over you! I told you not to let them order you around!! Why do you just kill when they tell you to!' Tears fell suddenly from long lashed eyes, causing Goku to flinch in shame over his sharp words. 'I can't help it nii-chan... I can't stop what I started. The humans hate me. Even some of my people hate me. All that's left is them. Without them I'd be alone.' 'I don't hate you!' Goku smiled as his friend's blue eyes glanced up at him in surprise. 'I don't hate you.' 'Nii-chan...' 'You can stay with me! That way we can play whenever we want! And my best buddy Nataku wants to meet you too!' Goku watched the boy hesitate, as if frightened to even hope. He quickly pulled his friend into a tight hug, grinning as the smaller boy pressed closer, hungry for affection. 'Get your stuff and come back here tomorrow okay?' The smile the younger boy gave him then was the brightest he had ever seen. Goku decided he liked to make his friend smile like that. 'Hai.' 'Promise?' 'Promise!' The next day Goku waited. And waited. He waited till the sun set and till it was dark, only leaving when the sun came up again. Goku learned the next day that the High General Isanagi had been caught and sealed. And in the midst of rejoicing, a single golden eyed boy mourned.// When Goku woke up, the dream was forgotten. ~*~*~* Isanagi was up by dawn, playing a mournful tune on his flute as he watched the sun from a nearby hill. The wind played with his long silver strands, the early morning rays stroking his pale skin. "You're up early." Isanagi looked up in surprise, "Koji-san." The monk settled down beside him and wrapped an arm around the slim youth's shoulder. "What's wrong?" "What makes you think-" "I don't think. I know something's wrong." The youkai rested his head on his lover's shoulders. "He doesn't remember... but maybe it's for the better." "Nagi..." "I don't want him to remember how I was then. When I killed just because they told me to. I want him to remember me now, as his ally." Isanagi smiled sadly. "I'd always wanted to help him, be by his side. And now I have the chance to do it." "But?" Koji added gently. "It hurts... that he has forgotten. He was the only one who cared for me in the past. The only one. Did you know, when they sealed me, he was all I could think about? Those hundreds of years being confined in my mind, his memory kept me sane. Being a stranger to him now..." Koji pulled his lover's small body into his arms, kissing the top of his soft silvery head. "You have me now, even if you don't have him. And I'll never forget or leave you. I promise." Isanagi pressed his ear against Koji chest and remained silent. Then closing his eyes, he listened to the human's soft heartbeat. He hoped this promise, unlike the last, would be kept. Or he was sure he would be broken. ~*~*~* Author's notes: Gomen for the time I took to post the next chapter! Busy with Weiß fics and the real world. :3 Me happy and inspired cuz my best pal bought me the TV Animation Fanbook of Saiyuki. I'm embarrassed to have realized upon reading it that I mixed up Bosatsu and Gyokumen lookwise. It's all Bosatsu's fault. She looked evil in pics. :p Maa. And the plot thickens even more. ^.~ And maybe I shall add lemon? ... maybe. ^-^ ... and Von-san better write more or I'll sic my 'rabid hungry hasn't eaten for days pet chibi-Goku' on him.. or is it a her... or an it? o_o It is the first commandment of author-ness. 'Thou shall Write and finish good Fiction.' Yes. I have nine more but I'm an lazy ass author and I already wrote this chapter plus several other fics so my wrists are dying and they feel like their gonna fall off and it's 2:00 AM... geh. I need more DN Angel SatoshixDaisuke fics... yes I do... And Gravitation YukixShuichi fics... yes. And thus the author realizes she is rambling and flops on the floor in a pathetic attempt to make it to her nearby bed... Yawns and Huggles, Cali-chan