~Of Sky and Earth~ Author: Cali-chan! Who has just started too much fics it'll take 4ever to finish them. -_- E-mail: silver_elf@edsamail.com.ph. If I don't answer from there in a week use my crimson_jaded@yahoo.com addy. ;3 Pairings: GojyoxHakkai, SanzoxGoku, KojixIsanagi Disclaimer: I don't own Gensomaden Saiyuki... some other guy owns 'em. Lucky bastard. But I -do- own Koji and Isanagi. Which make me a lucky bitch. I think. WARNINGS: As obvious by the pairings above, this is a shonen ai fic. No graphic sex or anything, just subtle hints so your innocence is safe. But still, if you don't like the idea of two gorgeous boys together this isn't the fic for you. ^.~ Chapter 4: ~*~It's not Good to Leave Your Back Ungaurded Ya know!!~*~ After a full day's travel Sanzo's team, plus their two new additions, finally stopped to rest. Chotai temple was only a few hours travel at most, but they didn't want to risk passing through the thick forest surrounding the place at dark. Koji and Hakkai were setting up camp while Gojyo 'supervised' them. Sanzo was off the the side of the encampment, meticulously polishing his gun as he smoked his third pack that day. Isanagi was nowhere to be seen. "Ne. Sanzo." Goku walked up to the blond man and asked, "Have you seen Isanagi? We were supposed to spar." The glance Sanzo flashed then could have struck any other person dead on the spot, but the youth had already acquired immunity to it. Seeing that Goku was unaffected Sanzo merely shifted his head slightly to the left. A silver head was seen through the undergrowth, slowly moving out of sight. Goku grinned down at the monk and grinned. "Thanks! Call me when's it's dinner 'k?" "Dumbass ape. Knowing you you'd be able to smell it." Goku grinned, tiny fangs peeking out, "Ofcourse! Dumb of me for asking for ya to call huh? Jaa Sanzo!" "hnn..." Goku laughed gaily as he ran into the forest, staff in hand. The blond monk watched him leave, violet eyes narrowing as he recalled the conversation he had with Koji the day before. << "Don't shit with me Sanzo! Last time I saw you, which was barely two months ago I believe, you wouldn't let anyone near you! Then here you are with a cute little youkai snuggled on your lap! You're no different from me." "There's -nothing- between us. Absolutely nothing..." "Yeah. Keep telling yourself that.">> "There's nothing between us." Sanzo whispered to himself furiously, hoping by denying it the strange feeling he had for the boy would dissapear. But it was still there, that emotion he had only felt once in the past, then lost to death. Lowering his head he glanced at Goku's retreating figure, mouth thinning. "Absolutely nothing..." ~*~*~* "ISANAGI!!!" The silver haired youth stumbled as Goku's shout erupted from above. He caught himself on a nearby low branch, cerulean eyes widening in disbelief as Goku dropped down from the tree beside him. Isanagi sighed tiredly as Goku dusted himself, "Nii-chan... You scared me." "Gomen gomen. Oi! You promised to spar ne?!" "Demo... Hakkai-san and Koji-san asked me to collect firewood." "Maa~a. You can always do it later!" Isanagi gazed at him, visibly torn between deciding, "De-demo..." "C'mon! You promised!" "Ha-hai.", the smaller youkai put in, albeit reluctantly. "Yeah!" Goku brandished his staff, "C'mon!" Isanagi smiled at his friends eagerness and nodded, holding his hand as a blue aura of chi covered it. Goku watched it stretch into a blade, the hilt being Isanagi's hand, trying to shake of the strange sense of familiarity that washed over him. He barely blocked the first thrust, parying with his staff. Isanagi smiled, their faces close as their weapons locked together, "Don't hold back nii-chan." "Like hell I will!", Goku threw all his weight in one push sending Isanagi flying back. He swiped with his staff but the boy sidestepped it and managed to kick Goku squarely in the chin, sending the golden eyed youth flying. Shit! How could someone that small have so much power! Goku's face broke into a grin as he wiped the blood from his face. He hadn't had this much fun in ages! He leaped forward again, their weapons clashing as they boy struck. Block. Parry. Thrust. Leap. Dodge. Slash. Then in one mindless strike they both managed to hit the other. Both boys sprawled to the ground with a loud 'whump'. "Ooo~ooow." "Itai..." *snicker* *giggle* Laughter erupted in the small glade as they rolled on the ground, clutching their sides as they struggled for breath. When they finally quieted down both youths lay side by side and watched the sky darken. Goku glanced towards his companion, "Ne. Isanagi." "Mmm?" "You seem kinda familiar. Have I met you before?" Isanagi tensed visibly. After a few moments of silence he stood, his back to Goku, "We better get back to camp nii-chan. We can pick up firewood on the way." "Oi!" Goku picked himself up crossed him arms, "You didn't answer my question!" Isanagi gaze lifted slowly, expression gaurded, "If you don't remember nii-chan, it musn't be important ne?" Goku shrugged, "I guess so." Isanagi glanced away, "We better get back before it's dark." Then without waiting for his friend to answer, walked away swiftly. "Oi! Matte! Cho-chotto!" As they walked back to the encampment, the sudden rustling from the undergrowth was their only warning of the attack. ~*~*~* Author's notes: Ok. Yeah. Short. I know. Short things have been the only stuff I've been able to post lately. Check out the others stuff I posted though, they're even shorter! Why? I just moved to San Diego so everythings hectic hectic. By Saturday I'll be dead on the internet for probably quite awhile cuz I'll be working. Yeah! Creed just turned 18 so she's legal!! ... Neway. ^.^* I'm really sorry Von-san... so busy I couldn't reply to you. And I even changed my e-mail and stuff to crimson_jaded@yahoo.com. But I /will/ give you a berserk Goku. Plus a berserk Isanagi to boot. Yeah. Rampage carnage. Just so you'll stop being mean and put up a new Saiyuki chapter. *pouts* I've checked and there's nothing new. Saa, that's all for now! Jaa mata! Comment comment ne? Huggles, Cali-chan