~Of Sky and Earth~ Author: Cali-chan! Who has been taking forever with writing. -_- E-mail: crimson_jaded@y... Pairings: GojyoxHakkai, SanzoxGoku, KojixIsanagi Disclaimer: I don't own Gensomaden Saiyuki... some other guy owns 'em. Lucky bastard. But I -do- own Koji and Isanagi. Which make me a lucky bitch. I think. WARNINGS: As obvious by the pairings above, this is a shonen ai fic. No graphic sex or anything, just subtle hints so your innocence is safe. But still, if you don't like the idea of two gorgeous boys together this isn't the fic for you. ^.~ Chapter 5: ~*~Does there have to be a reason to betray someone?~*~ "N-Nii-chan! They're so many of them!" "Ha! More bad guys means more butts to kick!" "But I still have to get the firewood!" "Then hurry up and kill them!" Isanagi nodded grimly and created his ki blades on either hand, cutting through the small army of youkai like a knife through butter. Goku shouted his approval and leaped right straight in the middle of the mass of demons. Blood ran freely on the enemies side as the two powerful youkai attacked. The others didn't even hear it. ~*~*~* "What in three hells happened to you two?!" Isanagi lowered his eyes and started to scuff the ground with his foot at Koji's exclamation. Goku merely grinned happily. "We kicked youkai ass!" "I'll bet." Goyjo said. The two looked like they had taken a shower in blood. Koji immediately walked up to Isanagi and picked a piece of youkai from his hair. "Your a mess!" "Gomen..." Suddenly Sanzo stood from his place by the fire and walked slowly up to Goku. Then without hesitating dealt him a strong blow to the head with his fan. "Ow! What was that for?!" Sanzo simply ignored him and returned to take his seat. Hakkai smiled and whispered in Goku's ear. "He was worried. He kept glancing to the forest when you didn't return at dark." Gold eyes softened at that and the young youkai couldn't help but smile. "He still didn't have to hit me that hard." Gojyo wrinkled his nose as he eyed the two youngest members of the team. "You two are disgusting. Your not sitting anywhere near me until you take a bath." "But I'm starving!" Hakkai smiled. "You're always starving." "But-" Sanzo ended the argument by aiming his gun at the blood drenched youkai. "Bath or die." O_O "Hai!" ~*~* "Where'd you get all those scars?" Isanagi looked up from where he was wading in the small river. "What?" "Those." Goku eyed the large healed gashes that were on the boys pale skin. "The scars. How'd you get them?" "Oh... these? From battles." "You know, just looking at you, I wouldn't even guess you're a fighter. You look too girly. Like one punch would send you crying." Isanagi smiled at that, blue eyes glowing softly in the moonlight. "That's what you said the first time you met me." "Huh?" Goku tried to scrub the skin on his lower back. "I don't remember that." "Would you like me to help you with your back?" Isanagi cut in, changing the subject abruptly. "Huh? Yeah, sure." Goku sighed in contentment as the other youkai's soft hands rubbed his back with soap. They were silent for a few moments, merely enjoying each others company. "You know what? I -really- think I've met you before." Isanagi's hand stopped moving. "If you don't remember it's not important." "You said that already! But I wanna know who you are already ya know." "Like I said-" "Shut up with that not important stuff! Just tell me!" As he turned to looked at Isanagi Goku noted his eyes -were- glowing in the dark. Suddenly Goku felt something tugging at the corner of his consciousness. As if something was threatening to break through. Isanagi was oblivious to what was occurring in Goku's head. He opened his mouth to speak but was suddenly and rudely interrupted by a loud grumbling sound from Goku's stomach. The silver haired youth laughed, the sound like little bells. Inwardly he was glad for the distraction. "We better go back. You seem to be hungry." Goku grinned, completely forgetting their conversation at the thought of food. "Yeah! Let's go!" "You go ahead. I'll stay a bit." "You sure?" "Yes. I'm not that hungry." "Saa. Isanagi. We're buddies right?" "Ha-hai." "So is it okay if I call you Nagi?" Isanagi's smile was brilliant. "Hai!" Once Goku left the small river Isanagi turned his face up to the skies and allowed the moonlight to wash over his pale soft skin. It was better this way, starting over from the beginning. That way Goku wouldn't remember all the horrible things he had done. He would start over. With a new life, a new love, his brother to regain and a new goal. This time he was fighting for good. He lowered his head and fingered the jagged scars on his chest. For the first time in hundreds of years Isanagi felt peace. ~*~* From the heavens Bosatsu-sama watched Isanagi fondly. She had never meant for those two to meet. She had assumed they weren't ready due to the fact Goku did not remember his past and Nagi was painfully fragile. But apparently she had thought wrong. Already their once severed bond was being regained. Isanagi, the youkai born from the sky. Goku, the youkai born of the earth. Both extremely powerful beings. Two halves of a whole. Brothers since before birth. They were to fight together when the great battle came as the representatives of heaven. She only prayed that the growing bond would not be damaged. Isanagi had always been the weaker one when it came to emotions, completely reliant to Goku since he was the only one who cared for him in the past. Turning away from the mirror she watched them from she returned to her quarters. She could only pray Goku would be strong enough to keep the already shattered youkai child intact. ~*~* Koji watched Isanagi bathe from his vantage point behind a nearby tree. The child looked so fragile, like a silver white spirit or an image conjured up by the moonlight. He felt his heart clench. His poor love... he didn't deserve to hurt anymore. He turned and walked deeper into the forest, only stopping when he reached a small clearing. He waited nervously for a few moments until a cloaked youkai appeared from the shadows. Yaone pulled the hood from her face and handed him a small vial. "Remember. Give this to him as soon as you arrive." "Of course." Koji nodded as he slipped it inside his cloak. "... my sister and mother?" "They are safe and will be returned to you after the High General is awakened." Yaone suddenly looked sad. "Are you sure you want to do this?" "Why are you asking me as if I have a choice." Koji put in bitterly. "Either way I lose someone I love..." Yaone looked pained. "I'll take my leave." In a flurry of clothes she was gone. Koji stood in silence for a few seconds before finally turning around and walking back to the campsite. He knew what he had to do. Once again he screamed at himself for falling in love with the one he was supposed to betray. He had no choice in this matter now. He only prayed that Isanagi would forgive him once it was over. If not Koji vowed to kill himself. He wouldn't be able to live with the pain if he saw hate in the small youkai's eyes. ~*~*~* Sanzo watched Goku sleep. The young man's soft pink lips parted with each tiny breath, brown calloused hands pulling his blankets tighter around him. The monk hesitantly reached to touch the soft brown spikes of hair before catching himself and pulling his hand away. What was wrong with him tonight?! "Sanzo.." The monk jumped at Goku's whimper before realizing the youkai was dreaming. "Please... don't leave. Sanzo..." "Shhh." Sanzo brushed the hair from the youths face. "I'm here." Goku quieted and smiled softly. "Love you..." Sanzo lost his breath. He knew the monkey was fond of him. But love?! That was impossible. His argument with Koji suddenly returned to his mind. The other monk had accused him of loving Goku as he love Isanagi. Sanzo had firmly denied it then. But now that Goku had whispered such words... he found he wasn't all that sure anymore. Sanzo caught himself and scowled. He couldn't love Goku. He was a youkai and he was supposed to hate their kind. 'But you don't love him for his body. You love his soul, and his soul isn't youkai.' 'But he's a man!' 'Again a material thing. In the end such things will disappear and all that will remain is what matters. His spirit is what makes him Goku and that is what you love.' 'I do -not- love him!' 'Stop deluding yourself!' Sanzo pressed his knuckled to his forehead. Great. Now he was arguing with himself. He really -was- crazy. The monk stayed awake until morning still trying to find an answer to prove he didn't feel suck emotions for his comrade. But when the sun rose in the horizon and the others awoke, he still didn't have an answer. ~*~*~* "Nagi-chan. Here." "What is it?" "You have to drink it before you enter the temple. It will keep the wards from affecting you." "Does nii-chan have some Koji-san?" "I'm sure Sanzo has made sure of that. Make sure you drink it before you enter the temple all right?" "I will." "Good... I love you chibi, you know that don't you?" "Ye-yes." "Please remember that." Isanagi smiled softly. "I will." ~*~* Goku was in high spirits. That Koji guy cooked damn well! Even the fact that he was sitting on Gojyo's lap and had to hear the perverted kappa whine right by his ear didn't dampen his spirits. Sanzo had deemed the half youkai healed enough to take over his task. Isanagi seemed to be in a better mood than before, Goku noted happily. A soft smile graced the silver haired youkai's lips as he fingered a small bottle in his hands. That strange feeling of familiarity washed over him again as those blue eyes rose to meet his. Goku didn't know why, but he was -sure- he knew Nagi. How else could he explain this strange affection he had felt towards the other boy? Maybe they -were- brothers like Nagi kept saying but were separated from birth. He had seen that happen on television once! Goku sat forward to start bugging him for answers again. "Na-" The sudden halt of the jeep cut him off. "Oi!" Gojyo said. "Why'd we stop?" Hakkai turned around. "There's a drawbridge leading to the temple. We'll have to walk from here." They all piled out of the jeep and started for the bridge. Goku stopped and turned as he noted Isanagi lagging behind. "C'mon Nagi! The temple's got food!" The golden eyed youkai waited impatiently as Isanagi drank the strange blue liquid. "And when we get there you -better- answer my questions 'kay?" "Okay." Isanagi pocketed the vial and flashed a small grin. "Race you there!" "You're on!" The two youkai's laughter rang clear through the forested area as they ran up the drawbridge, ignoring Gojyo and Sanzo's threats as the bridge shook dangerously. When they reached the courtyard Goku chortled in glee when he discovered he had reached there first. "I win! ... Nagi?!" The silver haired youkai had fallen to his knee's, clutching his stomach in pain. Koji was at his side in an instant, catching the small youth before he slumped to the ground. Isanagi's eyes were closed, his breathing labored. "He's unconscious. The trip must have tired him." Goku gave a start at those words. Nagi, tired?! No way! Nagi was as tough as he was! Several of the monks that had come out to greet them now crowded over the fallen child. "We shall prepare a room for him to rest in." One of the monks stepped forward. He had an air of authority about him, introducing himself as the one who held second rank in the temple. "Unfortunately the head monk wishes to see you immediately. Not to worry, we will take care of your friend." Koji nodded and allowed them to take Isanagi away. Sanzo frowned. "You'll just leave him with them?" "We have no choice. We can't carry him around with us." One of the temple monks beckoned impatiently to them. "Hurry. The head monk has much to say before you attempt to destroy the High General. We wish this over as soon as possible." As the group walked away, four cloaked figures followed the monks that carried Isanagi's unconscious form. ~*~*~* "When will he wake up?!" Lirin grumbled, venting her frustration by kicking one of the unconscious monks that lay sprawled by the doorway. "Shhh, Lirin. He'll awaken soon enough." Yaone murmured, trying to calm the impatient girl. She got a growl and a small pout as an answer. Suddenly the small body that lay on the floor moved slightly, eyelids opening slowly. Isanagi sat up, looking immediately at the thing in Kougaji's hands. "He's awake!" Lirin squealed. Kougaji watched the boy carefully, fingering the small orb he held which would allow him to control the child. "Isanagi." "Hai." The youkai's voice was mechanical, lacking any sort of emotion. "I am your new master." "Hai." "Take off your limiter." A small white hand went and drew the small circlet from his forehead, setting several strands free to fall on his face. Lirin watched excitedly as Isanagi changed. The youkai's ears became pointed, his silver hair grew longer to puddle on the floor. His once blue eyes were now the startling shade of sunset crimson. And from his back large white wings spread as if trying to touch the ceiling. "Isanagi... the youkai of the sky." Jein murmured. "Let's go!" Lirin cheered. "We have another High General to wake up!" She turned to face her brother. "Now we'll really kick ass!" ~*~*~* Author's notes: Okay. This chapter took forever. I know. ~sighs~ But at least I got it done. ^_~ Not as good as the former four chapters but decent considering I haven't written in -months- because of school. Mataku. ^_^* Well, many thanx to those who commented in the past chapters. It made me move my lazy ass to write. ~waves~ Jaa ne! Next chapter coming soon!! ... hopefully. -_- ~huggles~ Cali-chan